"Bernadinoscare 2015" megathread... post tales of woe here


NES Member
Mar 21, 2006
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Already getting field reports of runs on ammo and other miscellanous bullshit like that. We might as well have a dumpster for this because its only a matter of time before they start pouring in, looks like people going full retard already. I hope it dies off in a week or so.

Hit Walmart last night: shelves were full of everything except .22. Bought 60 rounds .223. Browsed psa at work today. Everything in stock pretty much. Not worried at all.
I think there's a lot of anmo out there, especially from all the other instances of panic buying, hopefully it won't be too bad. In the long run, more people buying more guns and ammo is a good thing.
Do we get to choose who we sodomize and what we sodomize them with?

alex jones said that the obama administration was not only going to legalize all forms of sodomy but that it was to be legally required.
Local news is peddling more BS and wrong info again....God 22news... You ****ing suck


There are certain places in Massachusetts where you cannot lawfully carry a firearm. These areas are called “gun-free zones.” They include all federal buildings, hospitals, school grounds, post offices and churches.


Former Governor Deval Patrick signed a sweeping overhaul of the state’s gun laws last year. Licensed gun dealers are now required to run real-time background checks during private gun sales. Police chiefs can now go to court to deny someone a firearm identification card for shotguns and rifles.

Already getting field reports of runs on ammo and other miscellanous bullshit like that. We might as well have a dumpster for this because its only a matter of time before they start pouring in, looks like people going full retard already. I hope it dies off in a week or so.


Had 3 people call me wanting to know how to get Gunzzzzz. These were people I invited to go to the range and they showed absolutely no interest in firearms or going to the range as my guest. They were always "Meh". They're scared. All I could do is explain the process and their reaction was "That's a load of crap! Why do I have to do all that? I just want a gun to protect myself." HELLO! I've been telling you about this for years....
I bought 500,000 rounds of 22 at $1 per round, so we can the price gouge train rolling.

But seriously, it seemed normal at Riley's and shooters today, except for the couple wearing surgical masks.
Legalize upper deckers

Just remember this time, it's not "fear-of-bans induced panic kind of buying" causing shortages.

We need to drive the narrative that it's "Spite the President and keep an eye on your dirty Middle-Eastern neighbor, stocking up & loading mags kind of buying" causing shortages.

Also - OP please add an 'r' to the subject city name. My inner grammar nazi thanks you.
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Barry is issuing a gag order on all firearms talk. Damn. This forum was a great place......


There was a time that I would have considered the threat of such a flagrant violation of freedom of speech to be foil hat nonsense. That time has passed. If the NRA-ILA is concerned about it, it's probably worth fighting. Obama is desperate to control the conversation because he knows there are just too many of us. I suspect the ITAR overhaul is, among other things, specifically meant to target the 3D printing genie that is quickly and inevitably escaping from the bottle. This jab at free speech, like so many other things he has done, are textbook dictator moves.
If you're worried about your blood pressure going through the roof do not click on this link or read the comments.


Yeah. I probably shouldn't have read the few that I did. In the 10 or so comments I read, I was hoping for at least one voice of reason. I found not one...time to double my Lisinopril dose
FFL I talked to earlier in the day has said some of his distributors stock of AR-15s are getting wonky. The channel isn't dry yet but people are buying shit.

Hit Walmart last night: shelves were full of everything except .22. Bought 60 rounds .223. Browsed psa at work today. Everything in stock pretty much. Not worried at all.

My gut feeling is most of this is going to burn off in a week or two because the fact that they are muslims got out and now its a tamping effect on the entire thing. No toddlers limits the memetic distance this can get dragged. The antis are disappointed because they can't sing a rousing chorus of save the orphans/children/etc. Toddler corpses get them the most mileage and there are none.

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