Beretta 92FS accuracy

Aug 10, 2005
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Beretta offers a steel recoil rod from their performance center. The 92 FS comes with a plastic recoil rod. My 92 is not very accurate. I’ve heard that out of the box, from a Ransom rest, they fire an 8 1/2-inch group at fifty yards. I would like to improve on that, at the lowest cost possible.

Has anyone tried the steel rod? Does it improve accuracy or only function (can’t see how, over 2,000 rounds through mine with no jams)? Any suggestions?
I don't know if the Steel rod makes a difference in accuracy. But I have shot a 92fs with a steel rod and can shoot 4" groups at 25 meters.
I doubt that the steel recoil rod would do anything for the accuracy. Best to contact a gunsmith experienced with 92s.
I think a lot of it is the fact that people who are used to seeing a metal rod in there get annoyed at finding plastic, and the company can sell the metal rod as a replacement. Doubt it does anything to improve accuracy as it's the barrel/slide lockup that makes the difference there.

Be aware that mods like replacing the guide rod CAN violate some game rules. For example, heavy guide rods are illegal in IDPA.
My 92 Vertec is a tack driver. Derek shoots it alot better than I do but I also got a test target with a 4" 50 yard group on it. An 8 in group at 50 yards sounds like shitty ammo, bad trigger pull or maybe a barrel with 5000 + rds? I get a group the size of a trash can lid at 50 yards but that's not the gun's fault!
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