Barak Obama on Gun Control - with references

I guess we'll just have to start open carrying if he gets his way.
The more I think about it, the more I think it's a better idea in MA. I'm probably crazy.

Some sort of messed up form of civil disobediance because it's not really illegal.
Q: You said recently, "I have no intention of taking away folks' guns." But you support the D.C. handgun ban, and you've said that it's constitutional. How do you reconcile those two positions?

A: Because I think we have two conflicting traditions in this country. I think it's important for us to recognize that we've got a tradition of handgun ownership and gun ownership generally. And a lot of law-abiding citizens use it for hunting, for sportsmanship, and for protecting their families. We also have a violence on the streets that is the result of illegal handgun usage. And so I think there is nothing wrong with a community saying we are going to take those illegal handguns off the streets. And cracking down on the various loopholes that exist in terms of background checks for children, the mentally ill. We can have reasonable, thoughtful gun control measure that I think respect the Second Amendment and people's traditions.

By making the law abiding citizen's handgun ownership illegal... They're going to get the already illegal guns off the street? [rolleyes]

When are they going to learn that a blanket ban on certain items will not remove the criminal ownership of said items.
By making the law abiding citizen's handgun ownership illegal... They're going to get the already illegal guns off the street? [rolleyes]

When are they going to learn that a blanket ban on certain items will not remove the criminal ownership of said items.

They know this and they don't care. They know that by using fear tatcis and 'statistics' they can work on the weak and feeble minded to believe that no guns = no crime. When the goverment gets their way of a total ban then they have total power over the citizens because we'll be unable to stop the tyranny.
its like saying that if we keep drugs banned no one will have them or can manufacture them.... hellooo Prohibition does not work we learned this in the 1920's!!!!. these people have a sheep like mind set thats why we cant understand them because they make no sense except to other sheep.
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