Authorities Respond to Report of ’20 Victim Shooting’ Incident in San Bernardino

That attorney looks and sounds like he sniffs glue. "she weight 90 pounds and could not carry a rifle" BS

This lovely specimen is just north of 90 pounds foward him this with a 20% off coupon for model glue.


My daughter weighs about 90 pounds and can shoot the hair off a gnats ass at 100 yards from a standing position, iron sights.
First pic of the female gunmen. I think she looked better as a black silhouette.

Evidentially she fell out of the ugly tree...

... and hit every branch on the way down.
Absolutely. Given this,

and the money quote from the article,
The other noted that Malik was very soft-spoken and conservative -- so much that Farook's brothers never saw her face, due to the full burqa she always wore in public.
I'd question whether she was actually a she and not a jihad buddy brought over from Saudi, were it not for the baby.
Journalists storm San Bernardino shooters' apartment after landlord pries open door

Journalists storm San Bernardino shooters' apartment after landlord pries open door

The FBI has no interest in securing the home or the evidence.

The FBI should have at least taken all the fake ID's and SS cards into evidence.

Not me mention take all the electronics out of the residence for analysis.

They have no interest in getting more evidence on these workplace attackers.

You can bet if a Mass LTC holder was accused of a crime, they whole house would be turned upside down looking for evidence like the kind that was left behind here.

Pointless, considering the narrative has already been written.
It doesn't make any difference what they found or didn't.
Workplace violence al la Ft. Hood.
Nothing to see here move along.
In the late 90's I worked with this guy from Russia. He told me many times that in America the press is the most dangerous thing because people believe it blindy and don't question it. He said In Russia everyone knew the news was propaganda so no one really believed it...but here it is the same done under the guise of freedom of the press.

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In the late 90's I worked with this guy from Russia. He told me many times that in America the press is the most dangerous thing because people believe it blindy and don't question it. He said In Russia everyone knew the news was propaganda so no one really believed it...but here it is the same done under the guise of freedom of the press.

Funny thing. Years ago, here in town, we had a First Selectman who was certifiably barking-at-the-moon insane. Everyone knew it. (Except the electorate, of course, who elected him TWICE. Thus is the problem with a rapidly growing bedroom community: most of the new residents who don't know any of the old families from Adam rely on talking points and sound-bites.) The thing is, since everyone KNEW he was nuts, they kept an eye on him, and the more ridiculous horseshit didn't happen. (He still managed to get us sued several times - penny ante fortunately.)
Yea. Yeah, they did. And they were fighting taxation without representation if I remember correctly: NOT that the british were taking their guns away. It was a lifestyle thing- not a hobby. Are you going to revolt and change you and your children's lifestyle...for a hobby?? Please say yes, so I know what to look forward to.
Being able to defend my life and my family against those who are physically stronger than myself is not a hobby. That is why 2a exists.

Confiscation is about the removal of the force multiplier which firearms provide to the physically weaker if fewer in number.

Look at knife crime stats in the UK. Actually look at them banning glasses jn bars! No more glass. Next it will be no more solid pool cues.

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Some good to come out of this, for me at least, is my wife finally said that she would be open to learning to shoot. In the past few years she has gone from hating guns to asking to be taught how to shoot. She is taking all of the recommendations to protect yourself seriously and I think that it is great.
I just dont understand how someone living in MA can have the "from my cold dead hands"/"come and take it"/"line in the sand" cavalier attitude....If you all are so gung-ho about 2A, how can you live there? You have to DRIVE to get a PMAG?? Why cant you just buy it at Gander Mountain? You have to "secretly" order ammo online?? Cool life, bro. You probably deal with these clear violations of freedom becaues of a job or family- Which, was my original argument. If you actually believed in your convictions (knowing what I know now from being in a free state), maybe ACTIONS would follow WORDS. But they dont. Sheep are gonna sheep- luckily, they have used enough novacaine on you so words are where it ends.

So what is the name of the perfect bastion of liberty in which you sir do reside?

At least some of us fight the good fight instead of retreating to safety just to mock those in the trenches
But we are all unreasonably afraid of women and orphans!
The woman who took part in the ISIS-inspired San Bernardino massacre is linked to her native country's most notorious radical mosque, American officials believe.Sources have told Daily Mail Online that US officials handed over information to their Pakistani counterparts about links between Tashfeen Malik and the Red Mosque in Islamabad.
The mosque is infamous for its links to violence and authorities in Pakistan are now considering taking action against its preacher, Maulana Abdul Aziz, after the disclosures by US officials.

NEW: Shooting suspect Tashfeen Malik passed DHS counterterrorism screening as part of her vetting for K-1 visa, @margbrennan reports.
— CBS News (@CBSNews) December 3, 2015

Between the insecurity of the crime scene house and this, Sweet baby tap dancing Christ on a bike the Feds mucked up.
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