August 4, 2019 - 9 dead, 16 injured in a shooting in Dayton, Ohio.

When you do the math in accordance with the post, it is 0.00004495692, which is the same thing. 14,611/325000000 = 0.00004495692. To get the percent, you can slide the decimal or multiply by 100. 0.00004495692x100 = 0.0045%.

Ohio gunman described himself as pro-Satan ‘leftist’ who supported Elizabeth Warren

The Ohio gunman described himself on social media as a pro-Satan “leftist” who wanted Joe Biden’s generation to die off, hated President Trump and law enforcement, and hoped to vote for Sen. Elizabeth Warren for president.

In the early hours of Sunday morning, rifle-wielding Connor Betts rampaged through a Dayton entertainment district, killing his sister and eight other people and leaving dozens of others wounded before police killed him.

“I want socialism, and i’ll not wait for the idiots to finally come round to understanding,” he wrote in one tweet, according to

The breaking-news outlet said it had found Betts‘ Twitter page (handle @iamthespookster) and verified that the account belonged to the gunman “through multiple verification factors, including a matching tattoo on both a page selfie and prominent news outlets’ pictures of Connor Betts; several family linkages to the page; similar photos, including of him and the family dog, on the page and family members’ verified accounts; and references to college and growing up in Ohio and Dayton.”

The Twitter account painted a picture of a left-wing anarchist and discontent, very far from the anti-immigration manifesto posted by Saturday’s El Paso gunman.

“Vote blue for gods sake,” he wrote last Nov. 2. On the day of the senator’s death, Betts wrote “F—k John McCain.”

Betts also was a fan of gun control and blamed Republicans for school shootings.

“This is America: Guns on every corner, guns in every house, no freedom but that to kill,” he wrote in December, and on the day of the Parkland, Florida, school shooting, he tweeted at Sen. Rob Portman: “hey rob. How much did they pay you to look the other way? 17 kids are dead. If not now, when?”

In reference to the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, he wrote “you can’t kill 50+ people and injure 600(!) In 10 minutes with cigarettes my dude.”

Betts was on the far left. His pinned Top Tweet was a retweet of someone else’s claim that “Millennials have a message for the Joe Biden generation: hurry up and die.”

When another Twitter user posted a picture of Ms. Warren and 2020 Democratic presidential rival Kamala Harris and asked “co-Presidents?” Betts poured scorn.

“Nahh, but only cuz Harris is a cop - Warren I’d happily vote for,” he replied.

When noting that alt-right demonstrators were marching in Charlottesville, a rally that later ended in the death of Heather Heyer, he exhorted his followers: “Kill every fascist.”

According to Heavy, Betts also shared posts about “concentration camps” at the border and wrote, “Cut the fences down. Slice ICE tires. Throw bolt cutters over the fences.”

His profile specified his preferred pronouns as “he/him.”

As of Sunday, Dayton police said they had no proof of Betts‘ motive.
Neil deGrasse Tyson is getting blasted for sending out the tweet below that puts things in perspective.

73.4K people are talking about this

Bill Gates has also received undo criticism when he mentioned something similar. He said why worry about guns when heart disease will kill many more.
You need to apply Bayes' law:

P(murdered by gun | being in a shithole city) = P(being in a shithole city | being murdered by gun) P(bring murdered by gun) / P(being in a shithole city)

Essentially, who cares about the overall percentage. A huge portion of those murders occur in a tiny portion of a small number of cities. Avoid those areas (and their associated crimes) and the chance of being murdered with a gun is orders of magnitude smaller.
I hope this is not a Political Hit job, if so interesting time may you live in..

Checks calander, nope its not 1933's Germany is it..

I love the calls for more gun control as they open up our Boarders to every shit bag on the planet to enter and cause Mayham...Hmm almost seems planned....Na thats tinish..

The halarity here is the Dems keep claiming to protect people through Gun laws yet ONCE AGAIN we keep seeing the opposite effect as well as the failure..Dems and their God complex..its sicking really.
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Watch and see this story disappear and go poof. But I would still love to be a fly on the wall at the Warren camp when she realized that she was liked by a mass murderer.

She wouldn't and doesn't care. The incidents the crazies perpetrate just further fuel her agenda, which is to appease the emotions of her weak minded followers by allowing her to pontificate about gun control. She actually embraces being adored by long as they throw a vote her way.
She wouldn't and doesn't care. The incidents the crazies perpetrate just further fuel her agenda, which is to appease the emotions of her weak minded followers by allowing her to pontificate about gun control. She actually embraces being adored by long as they throw a vote her way.

I'd love to see a some non-liberal news source sand bag her with the question though. She's such a nice lady she should answer it.
The Muller hearing goes down the toilet
so now we have multiple mass shootings?
HMMM? That’s very convenient for the Dem’s.
Seems funny how things always seem to work
out perfectly for them. Just like the Cavanagh
hearing, if it wasn’t one thing it was another.

Thats the way they lie after another, endlessly.

Truth to them is like holy water is to a vampire.
These attacks are planned. Law enforcement and the media and politicians will not admit to that. But this is the democrat agenda. My guess is that there is big money behind these attacks to push the gun control issue into the election cycle.

Every time its something new. This time it was the 100 round drum......Body armor to boot, they were thinking this guy was going to get the new record high. [tinfoil][tinfoil][tinfoil]
Sweet baby Jesus this guy should have been institutionalized a long time ago and of course wasn't.


THIS is 100% the problem. All the tinfoil in here can likely be better served getting wrapped around some meat in the barbecue thread.

Kids are seriously losing it. Where the hell are we as a society that no one is taking these kids seriously when they say crazy shit like this? I hated my sister in high school, but I never thought about killing her...I would never even be able to THINK about skinning someone alive. Who/what in the f*** is putting this shit into the heads of children?

And if I ever felt heart break for a victims mother or family (victim being the daughter)'s now. What a nightmare for anyone involved here, but especially the immediate family of the deceased. The shooter got the easy way out, but everyone that's left alive will be living with the idea that they should have 'done something' until the day they die. I wouldn't be surprised if this causes a trend of suicide in the family, from the guilt they must be feeling.
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This weekend, how many died by cars? How many cell phone related? Alcohol or drug related related? I went through 300 rounds today and didn't hurt a soul.

Hospital deaths usually top daily charts. By a substantial percentage.

Number of people in hospitals vs number of incidents is also a substantial percentage. Like more than 100/100,000 bad.
Kaisich was making the media rounds today being a good little narcissistic quisling pushing gun control. John needs to be confronted about why as governor he allowed school districts to ignore time bombs like this freak and not get them into proper psychiatric care.
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