Article: Medical Doctors, Organizing To Restrict Your Freedom

My wife wonders why I don't go to the doctor - last time was over 11 years ago. The dentist, yes - as I can't talk when I'm there - and they ask no questions.

I can just imagine how a conversation might go:
Dr: Have been feeling depressed lately?
Dr: Have you been under a lot of stress?
GM-GUY: You betcha
Dr: Do you own firearms?
Dr: I'll be back in a moment.....(leaves room)
Dr on phone with PD: He's depressed, under stress and owns guns !!!!!
But the gubberment would NEVER try and get between a person and their doctor!!!!!


This is a predicted by-product of Obamacare. Once the .gov is paying the bills who's gonna say no when they ask to access information.
Just remember ,they went to collage and stuff.
A medical degree makes you an expert on any subject.
Geesh ,get with it guys and bow to those smarter than you. [rolleyes]
My boss just told me his wife switched doctors over the weekend. Give her paperwork to fill out. One question was do you have firearms and do you store your ammo and firearms separately?

My wife wonders why I don't go to the doctor - last time was over 11 years ago. The dentist, yes - as I can't talk when I'm there - and they ask no questions.

I can just imagine how a conversation might go:
Dr: Have been feeling depressed lately?
Dr: Have you been under a lot of stress?
GM-GUY: You betcha
Dr: Do you own firearms?
Dr: I'll be back in a moment.....(leaves room)
Dr on phone with PD: He's depressed, under stress and owns guns !!!!!
I’ve had the depression screening twice in recent weeks. Given my current medical issues, it is not surprising that I’m depressed. On neither occasion did they ask about firearms.

The operative questions are along the lines of:

- Do you think you would be better off dead.
- Have you thought about hurting yourself

No doctor is going to call the police if you tell them that you are not thinking about hurting yourself or anyone else. They deal with depressed patients multiple times per day.

You folks need to stop shitting your pants about this.
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