AR-15 NY ---> MA Scenario question from a new and somewhat confused person.

Apr 13, 2006
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Say my brother bought two AR-15's and wanted to give me one, he lives in NY state. Would I have to have it shipped to a dealer and fill out the transfer paper? Is it even possible to do this (does it depend on date?)? -Or is there some other, more complicated way that I would need to pursue. I've read a lot in a short time and I'm a little confused. Thanks.
To be legal your brother would have to ship it to an FFL for transfer to you. I would suggest calling around to find one that would do the transfer for you.

You could also meet him some place ½ way and do the transfer at a FFL in any state as long as the rifle in question is MA compliant, i.e. not banned under the “aw” ban.
It would have to FFL (NY) to FFL (MA)


You could visit him, and do the transfer at a local FFL for him, and just fill out and send in an FA-10 when you get home.

Did I miss anything guys?
Scrivener said:
Not required under Federal OR Massachusetts law. Only a Mass. FFL must be involved.

So, I would need to have it shipped to an FFL here, or have him drive it here, and I would have to check the date for magazine capacity.


Is there a guide I can reference for magazine capacity? We only covereed the basic +/- 10 for semi-autos in the BFS course.

I need to read a little more about the AWB to determine if it's banned or not.
The transfer aspects have already been covered.

With regards to the firearm itself...

I wouldn't worry about it too much... if it's NY legal, it's MA legal... both states have equally restrictive AWBs.

If it's pre Sept, 13 1994, it can have as many as you want of the following...

Pistol grip
Flash suppressor or threaded barrel.
Bayonet lug.
Folding or collapsible stock.
Grenade launcher.

(Note: the ability to accept a "large capacity feeding device", is not one of the countable features. Not saying you, but for some reason some people seem to think that it is).

If the rifle was manufactured any time after that date, you're only allowed one of those features. Since it's an AR, it's a given that the pistol grip is your one allowable feature.

There are little acceptable nuances like having a muzzle brake permanently attached to cover any barrel threads, or having a collapsible stock permanently fixed so that it doesn't move, but that's for another thread.

What will really determine the legal status of your AR as a pre-ban/post-ban is the serial number. The BATFE knows (as well as the MA AG), which ones qualify.

In order to pass muster, it must have been assembled as an AW prior to that date.

It's not that uncommon to find a post-ban rifle in pre-ban configuration.

Here's a listing of some serial numbers

(however, it isn't complete as Rock River Arms isn't listed and all RRA rifles are post-ban).

Call the manufacturer if in doubt!

For the most part, AR-15/M-16 mags are either 20 round or 30 round capacity
There are 5 and 10 round mags, but those aren't that common and aren't an issue anyways as they're legal regardless of date of manufacture (even 20 rounders aren't as common anymore).

If the mags are date stamped, or stamped "For Law Enforcement Only", they are illegal for civilian possession in MA.

Everything you need to know about AR-15/M-16 Mags...
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