Anybody been in Zenks in Northbridge? Is it worth visiting?


NES Member
Jun 22, 2005
South Central Mass
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While driving through Northbridge last weekend I went past a road sign that said that Zenks Firearms was now open again for business. I didn't have time to stop right then, but it's not far from where I live. Has anyone been in the store since it reopened? Is it worth checking out? I've never been in that store and didn't realized it was there to begin with.
I was there a few weeks ago - nice little shop on the second floor of a professional building. Shag, the owner, has some Milsurps, an assortment of shotguns and rifles, and a few handguns. Small selection of ammo and accessories. Definitely worth a stop in you're in the area. Prices did not seem unreasonable.

Thumbs up.
I've been going by that place for 5 years now... It's right down the street from my in-laws...

But it's never open when I'm out there...but I've been wanting to check it out.

Give him a call. I went up there from New Bedford and was a little late due to torential rain and traffic. He stayed open for me and caught hell from his wife because they were having a get together that day. [laugh]
Hey all,

Just visited Zenk's yesterday. Shag, the owner is a great guy, and more than willing to take the time to help out as needed. Unlike some of the other gun shops in that particular area, Shag was considerate and polite (which we all know goes a long way), and I will most definitely return.

As far as the store goes, good selection of pistols and long guns, with a few nice milsurps to be had that I hadn't seen elsewhere recently. Prices were fair, and Shag's also got a "clearance table" in the middle of the store with some good deals on ammo and accessories.

Stop by and check it out!
Shag is usually at all the gun shows with his Wife. They are very nice people to talk with. I wouldn't hesitate to do business with him.
I just went to Zenks yesterday and purchased a pretty nice little smith & wesson that my fiance will be shooting after her safety class is over and she gets her LTC. Good prices, though apparently the owner is willing to haggle a little. I had just had a pretty souring experience at the Gun Room and was so happy to be in such a nice, friendly shop that I didn't even bother trying to haggle.

The owner is very nice, knowledgable, and happy to sell you whatever you want. He has a pretty good selection and will get you whatever you want if you don't see it there.

I will go back soon. Oh, one thing I noticed and liked when I was there, he's a one customer at a time kind of guy. No rushing, just good service. Definately worth stopping by.

He even gave me a couple of little freebies. How many shops do that anymore?
I am pretty sure he has powder or can order for you.....

He has a stainless steel ruger mark II with a looooong bull barrel (10 inch barrel) - listed at around $400....
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I stopped by yesterday,

It was such a nice day and I got out of work early so I fired up the Electra Glide and went for a ride. I got there at around four twenty and the place was closed. [sad]

Oh well, another day.....
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Shag is a good guy. He doesn't like to be rushed, but he gives really good service. He advertises in the shotgun news almost every issue.
Stopped by to see if anything new on the "table" and Shag showed me a 1911 that looked great:

- Colt Mark IV stainless steel or nickel - could not tell(Series 80 I think...)
- Barrel with compensator
- extended mag release
- flared mag well
- 2-3 mags
- extra barrel and other parts in bag

I may got back and get some pics so you can judge for yourself....

Also had a bunch or .308 surplus ammo....

Call him if you are interested 508-234-1299
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Old thread but wanted to pass some praises along. My girlfriend ( awaiting ltc ) stopped in there today. Owner made her feel very welcome and took plenty of time offering suggestions and answering questions. We will definitely be customers.
I have bought 2 guns there and made out very well, but you have to bargin. Shagg, loves to bargin.
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