Anti-gun Liberal with a gun

remind me why she brought a glock to starbucks without any sort of knowledge on guns? what a genius.
Don't bother. They censor comments like mad.

However, I'm sure her town police chief would be interested in hearing that the woman he cleared to carry a firearm is now carrying it in public without having a clue even how to clear it - and reporting panic attacks when she does.
Tony told me a Glock doesn’t have an external safety feature, so when I got home and opened the box and saw the magazine in the gun I freaked. I was too scared to try and eject it as thoughts flooded my mind of me accidentally shooting the gun and a bullet hitting my son in the house or rupturing the gas tank of my car, followed by an earth-shaking explosion. This was the first time my hands shook from the adrenaline surge and the first time I questioned the wisdom of this 30-day experiment
OMG, that was hi-fuggin-larious
What a complete ******* moron. This article is pointless and just further demonstrates that anti gun people know absolutely nothing about guns.
Who gets a permit, buys a gun and then carries it with zero training and never even having fired a gun? Is that really what this lady thinks people do? I mean I guess there may be some that do that but they are just as dumb as her!

Too bad the officer couldn't arrest her for being dumb [rolleyes]
... I'm less concerned with her winning the Darwin than plugging some poor bystander because of her stupid stunt.
She might as well throw gasoline all over strangers in the grocery store to "prove how easy it is."

Woman's emotionally unbalanced.
Tony told me a Glock doesn’t have an external safety feature, so when I got home and opened the box and saw the magazine in the gun I freaked. I was too scared to try and eject it as thoughts flooded my mind of me accidentally shooting the gun and a bullet hitting my son in the house or rupturing the gas tank of my car, followed by an earth-shaking explosion. This was the first time my hands shook from the adrenaline surge and the first time I questioned the wisdom of this 30-day experiment.

I needed help. I drove to where a police officer had pulled over another driver. Now, writing this, I realize that rolling up on an on-duty cop with a handgun in tow might not have been fully thought through.
I told him I just bought a gun, had no clue how to use it. I asked him to make sure there were no bullets in the magazine or chamber. He took the magazine out and cleared the chamber. He assured me it was empty and showed me how to look. Then he told me how great the gun was and how he had one just like it.

The cop thought I was an idiot and suggested I take a class. But up to that point I’d done nothing wrong, nothing illegal.

What an F'en moron this woman is.

"Officer, I bought this killy looking plastic thing and I have no idea what the F I'm doing can you check it for me because, like, I'm an idiot moonbat who protests Starbucks and didn't pay attention to the guy at the gun store on how this thingy works and I'm scared to death that it will will jump out the box and start killing innocent people and puppies."

Retard, complete retard. I hope she shoots herself in the ass.
If she didn't know how to clear it she probably also didn't know how to load it. I'd bet a venti latte that it's unloaded.
Remember, just because it's your right to bear arms doesn't mean you have to bear arms. lol

BTW, I think she is totally making this all up.

Why? Following the Newtown massacre in December, the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre, told the country, “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.”

Sorry lady, you made the mistake of thinking you were one of the good guys.
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I really wish she had brandished the thing a little more while approaching the officer at a traffic stop. What a freaking moron.
Well, she got one thing right, or at least admitted one thing... and Kudos to the LEO for saying it...

The cop thought I was an idiot and suggested I take a class. But up to that point I’d done nothing wrong, nothing illegal.
I wouldn't be surprised if this story was a complete fabrication, thinking about it for more than 10 seconds. I bet she has no gun, at all.

This part is rich...

I was too scared to try and eject it as thoughts flooded my mind of me accidentally shooting the gun and a bullet hitting my son in the house or rupturing the gas tank of my car, followed by an earth-shaking explosion

This folks, is what we call too stupid to live. [rofl]

This woman lives in Washington state. With Starbucks being Hq'd there, the lib's are in a tizzy over the company's policy to follow the law. So the whole experiment is to show how easy it is to get a gun and how you can be a complete idiot and walk into Starbucks with one. She is demonstrating the idiot part perfectly. I'm a bit surprised she was so candid documenting what a moron she was day to day.

At the end of the month, she will have no shot anyone or discharged negligently, etc. So she will show how benign a gun is without the ill will of a person. Moron.
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