Anti gun initiative proposed in California...

This will probably pass given California's track record.... I love this section - "Felons must relinquish weapons: California courts would set up a clear process to relinquish weapons. The authors say that more than 17,000 Californians who are prohibited from owning firearms currently have guns." I'm sure that those pesky felons really, deep down, want to be law abiding citizens and will line up to turn in the guns that they are not supposed to have. [laugh]
If we all gather at the Arizona border with big saws can we cut them loose from conus?
California should be divided into 2 states like the Dakotas and the Carolinas. Most of the stupid ideas seem to come from the south
California should be divided into 2 states like the Dakotas and the Carolinas. Most of the stupid ideas seem to come from the south

The suck of CA is the coast. Go 25 miles from the pacific and cut that coast section off and it would be a pretty good state. 80% of the commies are on the coast.
The suck of CA is the coast. Go 25 miles from the pacific and cut that coast section off and it would be a pretty good state. 80% of the commies are on the coast.

Seems like anywhere you go, its the cities that are the problem. The more people, the more moon-batty.
As bad as Mass is, I can't say I would wish to live in Cali.
Warm weather, nice beaches, hot chicks, shitty laws.
Suppose something this as un-American as this were proposed in MA. Could we reasonably defeat such a measure? I cringe at the thought.

Cali can stay in Cali. This shit doesn't need to come this way.
There is a liberal wackjob behind every bush. This one is particularly deluded. Gun control to usher in a period of civility and peace? Oh yeah, just like in Vietnam and 1930s Germany. Yikes!
Suppose something this as un-American as this were proposed in MA. Could we reasonably defeat such a measure? I cringe at the thought.

Cali can stay in Cali. This shit doesn't need to come this way.

Th liberals in Ca are probably the worst anywhere because they are so activist. The ones on MA, etc are not nearly as active as creating new taxes, spending and other ways to f things up.
Suppose something this as un-American as this were proposed in MA. Could we reasonably defeat such a measure? I cringe at the thought.

Cali can stay in Cali. This shit doesn't need to come this way.

I could easily see MA trying to require background checks on ammo sales and limited quantities for each transaction.
Is this not the definition of "Go Time"? When the will of the majority to employ the government to oppress the Rights of the Minority?

"A poll last month by the Public Policy Institute of California found that two-thirds of adults believe California's gun control laws should be stricter than they are now. It found that 57 percent of adults said controlling gun ownership is more important than protecting the right of Americans to own guns, while 40 percent said protecting gun ownership is more important."
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