Ammo storage flying solution

Some airlines require original ammo box, so save those during your class. Ammo can fly in the same case as the firearm, but not loaded in magazines - or you can put ammo boxes in a separate locked Pelican case.
would a trick of shipping to an UPS store not work universally?
Don't overthink this. Pick up the ammo box above or something similar and put it in your checked bag. Let us know how it worked out. Where are you flying out of on your return flight??
Houston George Bush Intercontinental I think it’s called?
1. It’s 11 pounds, 300 rounds of 124 grain 9mm is about 8.5-9 pounds. Looking for something compact and light enough to stay under the 11 pound limit.
2. Website doesn’t say anything about loose rounds
3. No mention of locking requirements for ammo specifically.
A loose round was found in my checked luggage in TF Green RI, but they missed several loose rounds in the luggage of the person I was traveling with. I had a bunch of fotay in plastic ammo cases but a loose round of 38 super in the baggage.

Resolution involved a TSA agent, TSA supervisor, airport cop and airline rep. The end result was the airline agent wanting to know if he should dispose of the single round of ammo for me or put it in storage for me to claim when I arrived on my return flight.

TF Green is also where, on another flight, the baggage screener called the supervisor to be told "It's ok, the gun case has the tag, but it's an SVI, I do my builds on Caspian frames".
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I’d stop at harbor freight and pick up the cheap ammo can. Print up your own “original manufacturer” label and take it with you and then slap it on the ammo box. There are lots and lots of ammo manufacturers that sell in ammo cans originally
Just ship it home via ups ground orm-d make things easier.....
Shipping agents like "UPS Stores" (which are not actually UPS except in the licensed name) are likely to refuse shipment given the mandated ORM-D label required on the package.
Thanks for the link. Unfortunately I don’t really have a choice, I bought 1000 rounds in bulk and the supplier I buy from doesn’t package the rounds in smaller individual boxes. They pack them in 4 different plastic bags of 250 rounds and stuff those into one big cardboard box. I don’t suppose anyone has any spare ammo boxes laying around?
Dude, this is easily solved:

Why not just mag dump the ammo before you fly back?
at that point, why not just throw it straight into the trash? I mean I love a good mag dump as much as the next guy every now and then, but times are tough and ammo is expensive nowadays. I’d rather not waste the ammo if I can help it.
at that point, why not just throw it straight into the trash? I mean I love a good mag dump as much as the next guy every now and then, but times are tough and ammo is expensive nowadays. I’d rather not waste the ammo if I can help it.
Just buy more!
Just wanted to provide an update: I actually ended up with way more ammo left over than I thought I would, like way more than would be allowed to fly with. Luckily, my returning flight actually got delayed so I had time to stop by UPS and have it shipped back home. So, it all worked out in the end.
Just wanted to provide an update: I actually ended up with way more ammo left over than I thought I would, like way more than would be allowed to fly with. Luckily, my returning flight actually got delayed so I had time to stop by UPS and have it shipped back home. So, it all worked out in the end.
Glad that worked out.

I want to add ... I don't know about JB, but Delta did not try to weight my ammo in the rifle case. One TSA agent did pick up a box on the way back, but I think that was to look under it, make sure there wasn't anything loose. The dude was looking behind every piece of foam.

I am sure I could have had 17lbs of ammo, they would not have noticed.
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:rolleyes: What was Barney Fife looking for?
I don't know. He kept pressing on the foam, looking all around the case...

At one point he said "do you have a tag" ... I wasn't paying attention and said "NO". He reached behind the foam and pulled my air tag.

Anyway, I don't know what he was looking for, I didn't ask him.

Maybe he though I was hiding drugs?

TSA Boston didn't give a sh*t, they didn't come out to look at my case, it was sent to them and they called to say I didn't have to open it.

Also, no one looked in the chambers (facing down) to see if the rifle was really unloaded.

But the dude found my air tag. LOL #TSAwinning
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