American POW freed from Taliban

Meh. This whole "We don't negotiate with terrorists" is a canard. The Taliban aren't terrorists. The Taliban had an army, artillery, tanks, before we took them out with our air superiority. The Taliban stood and fought against the Northern Alliance and US/NATO forces in pitched battles. It was the ruling government of Afghanistan prior to the US invasion. The Taliban should have been treated under the Geneva Convention for the rules of war instead of being rounded up for indefinite detention. We've been brainwashed by constant use of "The War on Terror", as if that will garner more fear and support from the sheep.

This was a simple prisoner exchange between armies, which has happened throughout history.
The consensus for years has been that he walked away. The .mil did a semi bullshit job trying to cover up what went on. There's a reason we don't hear about this guy to often in the news. The only times I would see him in the news is when the Taliban decided to put a video out. That was it. The support behind getting him out was not very high since the circumstances around him being caught are the result of gross incompetence at the best or desertion at the worse. The fact that he is a deserter doesn't really bother me. It's the fact that good soldiers got killed trying to find him. That gets me upset. If he wants to get drunk, high, talk shit about America, run off the post and get picked up my Mohammed Jihad and his friends, sure, that's fine with me. But when the .mil rangles up a bunch of hard dick operators to find his stupid ass and they get shredded by an IED in the process - the party stops. I don't think he should see jail time, personally. Even if he flat out says he deserted. Time served either way. The guy has to live with himself, lost 5 years of his life and is hated by the military community with a passion. The only people who seem to care about him are people who weren't in the .mil (ergo, don't understand how FOBs and operations work) and people who are very optimistic. This guys not an E5. He's a PVT for what he did and should be let off with a less than honorable discharge. Thats what I think should happen. Is it harsh? No not at all. It doesnt need to be. He has to live with himself, thats all the punishment this bozo needs. Just got done watching him with Obama, the guy has a killer beard going and was up there speaking a local Afghan language. Keep digging that hole fruit cake. I was wondering for years if he had converted to Islam and had a wife over there. Thats something straight out of the Taliban playbook. Look forward to details on his personal life in captivity if they come out.

How once again you can come to these incredible conclusions, sweeping generalizations just absolutely astounds me and once again is still another manifestation of Dench being Dench.

Actually I was in the military and I do care a bit about this guy, and I do care a bit about the guys that we left behind in Korea (documented) and the guys that we left behind in SE Asia (documented) and all the guys that found themselves in the Soviet Gulags after they were "liberated" from German stalag after WW2 by the Red Army. (considerable circumstantial evidence supported in part by some documentation).

Now you being you, when in 2016, 2017 or 2033 or 2050 or whenever the F we get out of that wretched s***hole called Afghanistan would be the first to bitch how we left one of ours behind.

People are always knocking the MSM but you are using that and the lower enlisted rumor mill (from whose ranks you come) as the basis of your supposition.

Now sometimes you do post things I agree with, and sometimes you post because it gets lonely in your mother's basement and you want attention. This, unfortunately, is one of these examples of "Dench being Dench".

If on the other hand, you are privy to intelligence that the rest of us do not have, then I have seriously misjudged you and you have become the next Edward Snowden and will be hailed by the MSM as one of the greatest heroes of this generation.

Perhaps in the end you are correct, by why the need to rush to judgement? Well Dencheroo you got your attention, you should feel good for a while, and now you can go enjoy your breakfast because I think I hear your mother calling you from the top of the stairs. [thumbsup]

Bottom line: don't presume to speak for everyone who has served pal. I'm reserving judgement. In the end Tillman, Lynch et al, the truth came out in the end.
How once again you can come to these incredible conclusions, sweeping generalizations just absolutely astounds me and once again is still another manifestation of Dench being Dench.

Actually I was in the military and I do care a bit about this guy, and I do care a bit about the guys that we left behind in Korea (documented) and the guys that we left behind in SE Asia (documented) and all the guys that found themselves in the Soviet Gulags after they were "liberated" from German stalag after WW2 by the Red Army. (considerable circumstantial evidence supported in part by some documentation).

Now you being you, when in 2016, 2017 or 2033 or 2050 or whenever the F we get out of that wretched s***hole called Afghanistan would be the first to bitch how we left one of ours behind.

People are always knocking the MSM but you are using that and the lower enlisted rumor mill (from whose ranks you come) as the basis of your supposition.

Now sometimes you do post things I agree with, and sometimes you post because it gets lonely in your mother's basement and you want attention. This, unfortunately, is one of these examples of "Dench being Dench".

If on the other hand, you are privy to intelligence that the rest of us do not have, then I have seriously misjudged you and you have become the next Edward Snowden and will be hailed by the MSM as one of the greatest heroes of this generation.

Perhaps in the end you are correct, by why the need to rush to judgement? Well Dencheroo you got your attention, you should feel good for a while, and now you can go enjoy your breakfast because I think I hear your mother calling you from the top of the stairs. [thumbsup]

Bottom line: don't presume to speak for everyone who has served pal. I'm reserving judgement. In the end Tillman, Lynch et al, the truth came out in the end.

I don't know what your deal is with me. Who are you? Why are you following my posts so closely? Dench being Dench? What? I have an opinion. I'm opinionated. Big deal.

also, i reported you. [rofl]

give me a break. like i think i speak for everyone. Where did i say that? the problem i suspect you have is you keep adding shit like that into your opinion of me - things i clearly didnt say. You're basing your dench being dench cookie cutter assumption off of things that I didnt say.

There are a lot of .mil people saying they want this guy shot for desertion. In terms of extreme ******* opinions mine has zero violence, next to zero punishment and zero praise for his actions. It's not a raw deal at all. Go take a dump on the people saying they want Bowe shot for desertion before you come shit talk me for saying he should get out as an E1 with a less than honorable. Go hit up the USAWTFM facebook page with your opinion. Mod staff wont keep you safe there.

I also would not bitch about "leaving" Bowe behind. Bowe left himself behind. Thats another assumption based off your imagination. Why ask for my opinion when you can make up the answers for me? Right?

As for the attention whore shit your saying, thats bullshit straight up. How many times have I posted this week? 7 Times? half of which are about a video game? Another thing you made up. I hardly post here anymore. I don't need attention from overweight fat white males on NES. I pay hard cash for attention from sexy, in shape men in their early 20's when I go to the cape every weekend. [rofl]
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This " we don't negotiate with terrorists" thing is a slippery slope. Prisoner exchanges in warfare have always been a standard protocol in warfare and we keep referring to the "war on terror."

It should be pointed out that we supplied the Taliban with lots of military material back when they were known as the mujahideen and they didn't and haven't used all that stuff against the Soviets. We dealt with them before to the extent of arming them...just sayin' [rolleyes]
Not if he walked away. If he walked way then **** him

Truth/evidence first, trial after. If found guilty then comes punishment and deserved ridicule. Until such time as he is found to be guilty he is a returned POW and has my support. If evidence finds him guilty he will be Americas enemy . That's how it works here in America. Smells like a lynch mob here NESr's.
Truth/evidence first, trial after. If found guilty then comes punishment and deserved ridicule. Until such time as he is found to be guilty he is a returned POW and has my support. If evidence finds him guilty he will be Americas enemy . That's how it works here in America. Smells like a lynch mob here NESr's.

If evidence surfaces that he was indeeded kidnapped against his will (i.e., didnt walk off the post alone) than a lot of people, myself included, will have to take back their rough opinions of him for sure. I'll definitely read the findings that come out when they do.

I have no problem being wrong. I'm wrong all the time. every day, several times a day. I don't get any satisfaction out of calling this guy a deserter - I'm just calling it as I've read for the past 5 years. My opinion based off the facts I've seen over the past years indicates that he did the wrong thing. Could I be wrong? Yes. If I'm wrong will I be happy? Sure. Who wants to see deserters? Not me. But it just doesn't look that way.
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Truth/evidence first, trial after. If found guilty then comes punishment and deserved ridicule. Until such time as he is found to be guilty he is a returned POW and has my support. If evidence finds him guilty he will be Americas enemy . That's how it works here in America. Smells like a lynch mob here NESr's.

I wrote IF he did IF.. and I do agree with you. IF he did walk then he deserves nothing but dishonorable discharge and jail
Martlet, I've seen no information to substantiate what you've said here. Let's here how his squad members testify. We can say what we wish here but the fact is that we, at this point are uninformed observers. This makes it difficult to come to a responsible opinion other than support at this time.
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If evidence surfaces that he was indeeded kidnapped against his will (i.e., didnt walk off the post alone) than a lot of people, myself included, will have to take back their rough opinions of him for sure. I'll definitely read the findings that come out when they do.

I have no problem being wrong. I'm wrong all the time. every day, several times a day. I don't get any satisfaction out of calling this guy a deserter - I'm just calling it as I've read for the past 5 years. My opinion based off the facts I've seen over the past years indicates that he did the wrong thing. Could I be wrong? Yes. If I'm wrong will I be happy? Sure. Who wants to see deserters? Not me. But it just doesn't look that way.

For the sake of conversation, let's say that he walked off post drunk. Hell I've seen Corpsman pass out Darvon after a firefight, while guys pulled whiskey bottles and pot out of their packs to go with the Darvon. I'd like to know just what outside influences may have caused this guy to walk if he in fact did. To little credible information at this point.
The White House and the Republicans both agree that the President committed a crime and broke US. law by doing this however. He is required to notify Congress before moving Gitmo prisoners anywhere.
Obama also broke the law releasing the 5 terrorists from Guantanamo bay. He was supposed to give a 30 day notice to congress about their release but never did.

From drudge via Washington Post.
Top Republicans on the Senate and House armed services committees went so far as to accuse President Obama of having broken the law, which requires the administration to notify Congress before any transfers from Guantanamo are carried out.

“Trading five senior Taliban leaders from detention in Guantanamo Bay for Bergdahl’s release may have consequences for the rest of our forces and all Americans. Our terrorist adversaries now have a strong incentive to capture Americans. That incentive will put our forces in Afghanistan and around the world at even greater risk,” House Armed Services Committee Chairman Howard P. McKeon (R-Calif.) and the ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, James M. Inhofe (Okla.), said in a joint statement.

Lawmakers were not notified of the Guantanamo detainees’ transfer until after it occurred.

The law requires the defense secretary to notify relevant congressional committees at least 30 days before making any transfers of prisoners, to explain the reason and to provide assurances that those released would not be in a position to reengage in activities that could threaten the United States or its interests.

Before the current law was enacted at the end of last year, the conditions were even more stringent. However, the administration and some Democrats had pressed for them to be loosened, in part to give them more flexibility to negotiate for Bergdahl’s release.
For the sake of conversation, let's say that he walked off post drunk. Hell I've seen Corpsman pass out Darvon after a firefight, while guys pulled whiskey bottles and pot out of their packs to go with the Darvon. I'd like to know just what outside influences may have caused this guy to walk if he in fact did. To little credible information at this point.

The people who are claiming that they were there with him say that Bowe was getting burned out in his deployment and disillusioned with the mission.
The White House and the Republicans both agree that the President committed a crime and broke US. law by doing this however. He is required to notify Congress before moving Gitmo prisoners anywhere.

Since when have our laws ever stopped Barry from pushing his agenda ???
For the sake of conversation, let's say that he walked off post drunk. Hell I've seen Corpsman pass out Darvon after a firefight, while guys pulled whiskey bottles and pot out of their packs to go with the Darvon. I'd like to know just what outside influences may have caused this guy to walk if he in fact did. To little credible information at this point.
That stuff still goes on, I always had a steady supply of Jack coming from home, and the Czechs that were with us brewed up their own awful, awful gasoline. Pain pills were available as well, the pros and cons of that is a whole different discussion. If he was at a bigger FOB, walking out of the gate drunk or high, would have been no easy task. If he was out at a smaller COP or PB, it still wouldn't have been the easiest thing to pull off. But he did walk off, and we probably won't find out why either. But hey, it's great that he's getting returned and all, but making him a SGT is absolute BS. The big question will be if Marky Mark will portray him in the movie.
That stuff still goes on, I always had a steady supply of Jack coming from home, and the Czechs that were with us brewed up their own awful, awful gasoline. Pain pills were available as well, the pros and cons of that is a whole different discussion. If he was at a bigger FOB, walking out of the gate drunk or high, would have been no easy task. If he was out at a smaller COP or PB, it still wouldn't have been the easiest thing to pull off. But he did walk off, and we probably won't find out why either. But hey, it's great that he's getting returned and all, but making him a SGT is absolute BS. The big question will be if Marky Mark will portray him in the movie.

Would he of eventually hit E9 had he been there for 25+ years? Serious question. I don't understand the rational behind it.
Would he of eventually hit E9 had he been there for 25+ years? Serious question. I don't understand the rational behind it.
That's actually a good question. When he walked off I believe he was a PFC right? We're the guys in the Hanoi Hilton promoted while in captivity? Or the WW2 guys? When did this whole promotion thing start anyways, I'm guessing its a GWOT thing? Kind of that everyone gets a trophy mentality maybe?
That's actually a good question. When he walked off I believe he was a PFC right? We're the guys in the Hanoi Hilton promoted while in captivity? Or the WW2 guys? When did this whole promotion thing start anyways, I'm guessing its a GWOT thing? Kind of that everyone gets a trophy mentality maybe?

His old mans beard is pretty suspect to me as well, I would suggest that he grew it out like that to show the TB captors he is just like them, and that they would respect his son more. I think there was a lot more behind the scenes negotiations going on than we will ever know, and like Dench said, it was never in the news really till now.
Since when have our laws ever stopped Barry from pushing his agenda ???

Just pointing out that while people bicker over whether the Taliban is bad or the US deserves this or whatever that was going on above here ... That once again the President has clearly broken a law. Everyone knows it , and nothing will happen.
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