"America The Shootiful"

The ONLY thing that the Brady nitwits could do that would surprise me would be to put out a statement admitting that they were wrong about gun control and closing up shop.

That's it.
After that lovely animation was over, I perused the website a bit and was reading the FAQ page, the page about CCW in particular, all of their answers are so over exaggerated it's almost comical. Like this one where they make it seem as if every one that carries is some vigilant with no regard for law enforcement. What bunch of ass clowns!

Q: Does law enforcement support the gun lobby's efforts to make carrying concealed weapons easier?

A: No, law enforcement across the country has consistently opposed these efforts. Obviously, if law enforcement believed that CCW laws would lessen crime, they would support them. Instead, under these laws, police officers must assume that everyone is carrying a firearm and willing to take the law into their own hands; every verbal confrontation, at a bar, in a restaurant, at a traffic stop, could become a potential gun battle.
Dear Brady Bunch,

1) How many of the 30000 gun deaths a year are caused by people legally exercising their second amendment rights with a legally owned firearm and carrying their firearm with a legally issued CCW permit?

2) How many crimes are averted (mostly without media coverage or fanfare) a year by people legally exercising their second amendment rights with a legally owned firearm and carrying their firearm with a legally issued CCW permit?

3) Now shut the f*** up!
Seemed to me that it reflected frustration with thier inability to execute thier political aegenda and the author was just impotently lashing out.
Not totally unexpected, but Brady's facts are almost always incorrect.

The 30,000 gun deaths while technically correct, is made up by over 50% suicides (according to the U.S. Census) who would most likely find another way to take their own lives. We actually have one of the lowest suicide rates of the industrial world.

The question on whether law enforcement supports CCW . . . as it turns out, they do - roughly 93% of the police chiefs in this country support law abiding citizens right to carry weapons according to a recent National Assoc. of Police Chiefs survey.
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