• I'll be there. HOORAH!

    Votes: 135 66.2%
  • Nope, I can't make it.

    Votes: 58 28.4%
  • I give up, not worth it anymore

    Votes: 11 5.4%

  • Total voters
It's never too late so long as people refuse to give up. It may be "too late" to move a large slow group for the 13th, but there will be more fights coming. With that in mind, can you educate a relative noob on what exactly MSC is? I'm assuming it's some membership organization of some type. Do you have a contact with the leadership of said group? Have you given them a call to ask them to get the word out, however late, to their membership? Can you help facilitate a meeting between this group and those doing the leg work for ItsTime2A should both organizations be interested?

As for you not getting any mailings from ItsTime, that's a head scratcher to me. There was a bit of a stretch where there wasn't much going on and I didn't get contacts, but I know for a fact they sent out an e-mail to everyone last week because I got one of said mass e-mails. Maybe pop on over to the site and put your address in again? I know from experience in another group that sometimes the problem can be one of handwriting - you write your address on a sheet of paper at a meeting and it looks clear at the time but there's confusion on the part of whoever eventually types that into a database at some point days later and that 1 becomes a lower-case "L" or an "I" or something similarly minor yet critical.

You can catch up here: OUTREACH, big opportunity What you ask has been done. I convinced the "It's Time" people to come to the MSC annual meeting, and they even spoke before the group, and met the leaders there; which was really AWESOME of them to do. I believe the head of Mass Sportsmen's Council is Mike Moss or something like that, and he acknowledges there could and should be better communications, and was open to ideas. I am going to attempt to reach out to him tomorrow. The only way they "get the word out" to their membership is through a monthly newsletter. This seems to be the real bottleneck, and there isn't really a way around it, short of trying to get phone numbers and calling them all, or getting individual addresses. Many do not use computers.

I don't know on the mailings. I know at least 2 of the people running It's Time 2A have my email address, and I've put it into their web site at least twice, if not thrice. I just figured nothing gets sent out, which seemed strange with so much going on. No word from the NRA either. I know they have sent out alerts (VERY RARELY) in the past.


Since posting last night, I received my first email from "It's Time 2A" at 10:30 last night! Thanks! Now I know I am getting these, and that you guys are still around.
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Since posting last night, I received my first email from "It's Time 2A" at 10:30 last night! Thanks! Now I know I am getting these, and that you guys are still around.

thats really weird, we sent those out days ago,maybe you have some filter on your email blocking stuff?
Just posted about it on my shop's facebook page, offered to bring written testimony for those who cannot attend, and will be putting a flyer up when I get in tomorrow. I'll be there, with some friends and customers hopefully!
Ive been largely out of touch with ItsTime, wanted to do more but between my mom's illness and the birth of charlie, I havent been able to be as active as Id like to be.

Im going to be there Friday, working on something to say, should I be allowed to give testimony and more should someone be silly enough to hand me a bullhorn. Im lending my voice, my time, myself for this fight because I know its important. Not just for me, but for my son and others who have no idea what is being said and done in their name.

In advance of the rally, Ive been emailing clubs, even the ones I dont know, encouraging them to put up a flyer to get to the rally. We should all do this.

I've also been emailing my state rep, reps in places I used to live and others who I think will be sympathetic -- and those who I think are unsympathetic, to fight against these bills and to stand bravely with US and for US through this fight.

Its not too late. And Im not going to bash those who think its all over or that we've lost - this situation is so dire, its easy to get overwhelmed, its easy to feel as if the odds are stacked against us, its easy to throw your hands up and give up. I get it, its way easier to just walk away from a fight that seems insurmountable.

But to the 2 ...oh shit, 3? 3 of you who give up, I urge you to reconsider. Its NEVER too late to take a principled stand for your rights and the rights of the generations who will come after you. At the statehouse in April, there were close to 2000 of us, brothers, sisters, friends and neighbors - all wanting to stand up near the graves of the revolutionaries who gave us this nation - to say in one united voice that its not time to back down, its time to stand, be counted and FIGHT.

I need you 3 to do that. I need you 3 to not only reconsider, but to think of the future and those who have no voice now, like my son -- think of them and to borrow the mantra of our enemy, DO IT FOR THE CHILDREN! Reconsider and enlist MORE likeminded folks to join us next week. Enlist them if they can't be there, to call, write, email, pester, visit, cajole their representatives to do the right thing.

I'd never stand for a cause if I didn't think it was right. I know in my heart that this is right. I know in my heart and deep in my soul that this HAS to be done and more importantly, that this fight is one we CAN win. We can win this fight because facts, evidence and statistics are on our side. We can win this fight because all across the country and even here in the commonwealth, people are waking up and exercising their rights to keep and bear arms. Concealed carry is not only legal, its increasing by leaps and bounds in places I'd never thought possible just a few years ago.

So to you 3 who gave up, I get why, beleive me, I understand why, but this isn't time to drop your swords and go home. This is time to ante up, and show the world what you're made of, what you stand for. This is a time not to do what is comfortable, but to do what is right, to do what is essential and to do what will ultimately honor the sacrifices of our forefathers for generations to come.

I ask you now, who is with me? I ask you now to raise that goddamned bar above the 100 or so who have committed to show up and fight friday. I ask you to bring your friends, family and if possible, your children. The other side is well heeled and organizing the ignorant and the sheep who cannot think for themselves. Just imagine if we could unite our passions, our intellect and our dedication to our rights, what kind of damage we cojuld do to their cause! Its beyond possible that we could actually change many hearts and minds if we could show them that those they oppose aren't wild eyed fanatics in camoflague or any other ignorant stereotype that's been hurled at us over the years.

We need to combat them in force, show them that they are not opposing their warped stereotype, but standing against the wishes of their neighbors, friends, families. Show them that we are not the sum of media perception, that we span all walks of life, from academia, law enforcement, military and ex military, construction and everything in between. Show them that we are in fact the spirit of those who sacrificed before us and that we have not forgotten the importance of that sacrifice.

Please, stand. Please rise. Please FIGHT - we need you now more than ever.
also -- twitter, facebook whatever. if you have not used these outlets out of fear of what your "friends" would think, its time to come out of the gunsafe and speak your mind.
Ive been largely out of touch with ItsTime, wanted to do more but between my mom's illness and the birth of charlie, I havent been able to be as active as Id like to be.

Im going to be there Friday, working on something to say, should I be allowed to give testimony and more should someone be silly enough to hand me a bullhorn. Im lending my voice, my time, myself for this fight because I know its important. Not just for me, but for my son and others who have no idea what is being said and done in their name.

In advance of the rally, Ive been emailing clubs, even the ones I dont know, encouraging them to put up a flyer to get to the rally. We should all do this.

I've also been emailing my state rep, reps in places I used to live and others who I think will be sympathetic -- and those who I think are unsympathetic, to fight against these bills and to stand bravely with US and for US through this fight.

Its not too late. And Im not going to bash those who think its all over or that we've lost - this situation is so dire, its easy to get overwhelmed, its easy to feel as if the odds are stacked against us, its easy to throw your hands up and give up. I get it, its way easier to just walk away from a fight that seems insurmountable.

But to the 2 ...oh shit, 3? 3 of you who give up, I urge you to reconsider. Its NEVER too late to take a principled stand for your rights and the rights of the generations who will come after you. At the statehouse in April, there were close to 2000 of us, brothers, sisters, friends and neighbors - all wanting to stand up near the graves of the revolutionaries who gave us this nation - to say in one united voice that its not time to back down, its time to stand, be counted and FIGHT.

I need you 3 to do that. I need you 3 to not only reconsider, but to think of the future and those who have no voice now, like my son -- think of them and to borrow the mantra of our enemy, DO IT FOR THE CHILDREN! Reconsider and enlist MORE likeminded folks to join us next week. Enlist them if they can't be there, to call, write, email, pester, visit, cajole their representatives to do the right thing.

I'd never stand for a cause if I didn't think it was right. I know in my heart that this is right. I know in my heart and deep in my soul that this HAS to be done and more importantly, that this fight is one we CAN win. We can win this fight because facts, evidence and statistics are on our side. We can win this fight because all across the country and even here in the commonwealth, people are waking up and exercising their rights to keep and bear arms. Concealed carry is not only legal, its increasing by leaps and bounds in places I'd never thought possible just a few years ago.

So to you 3 who gave up, I get why, beleive me, I understand why, but this isn't time to drop your swords and go home. This is time to ante up, and show the world what you're made of, what you stand for. This is a time not to do what is comfortable, but to do what is right, to do what is essential and to do what will ultimately honor the sacrifices of our forefathers for generations to come.

I ask you now, who is with me? I ask you now to raise that goddamned bar above the 100 or so who have committed to show up and fight friday. I ask you to bring your friends, family and if possible, your children. The other side is well heeled and organizing the ignorant and the sheep who cannot think for themselves. Just imagine if we could unite our passions, our intellect and our dedication to our rights, what kind of damage we cojuld do to their cause! Its beyond possible that we could actually change many hearts and minds if we could show them that those they oppose aren't wild eyed fanatics in camoflague or any other ignorant stereotype that's been hurled at us over the years.

We need to combat them in force, show them that they are not opposing their warped stereotype, but standing against the wishes of their neighbors, friends, families. Show them that we are not the sum of media perception, that we span all walks of life, from academia, law enforcement, military and ex military, construction and everything in between. Show them that we are in fact the spirit of those who sacrificed before us and that we have not forgotten the importance of that sacrifice.

Please, stand. Please rise. Please FIGHT - we need you now more than ever.

Wow dude, well said, very very well said.

I will be there as mentioned previously.

But what is the status of the Linsky and Stone-Cream bills? The goal legislation chart isnt clear if these made it out of committee. The Mass legislature website just says hearings are scheduled.

What step in the process are the hearings? When will we know if and when they move forward?

AH- found my answer. Never mind.
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AM bump.

Come on, 109? We need more people. I don't want to be shown up by those pansies at MAIG, the million mook march or any of the Rosenthal-pukes (I respect their right to protest, but never their stances)

Can anyone from their respective clubs report back and talk about what kind of turnout they're expecting? We need some good news here.

What's the coordination so far? who is speaking outside, who is trying to get inside to speak. Im hoping to be boots on the ground super-early so I can get a chance to address the panel, otherwise, they'll get my book report of a testimony. Come on, folks, Im driving in from Charlton, taking time off I know I don't really have and am getting ready to put my ass on the line, personally and possibly professionally.

I hate to keep guilting people, but there are dusty bones buried near the state house who sacrificed a **** of a lot more than a vacation day to give us our rights, the goddamned least we can do is show up and stand up for them!
can we get a status update on those bills?

I will be there as mentioned previously.

But what is the status of the Linsky and Stone-Cream bills? The goal legislation chart isnt clear if these made it out of committee. The Mass legislature website just says hearings are scheduled.

What step in the process are the hearings? When will we know if and when they move forward?

AH- found my answer. Never mind.
Ive been largely out of touch with ItsTime, wanted to do more but between my mom's illness and the birth of charlie, I havent been able to be as active as Id like to be.

Im going to be there Friday, working on something to say, should I be allowed to give testimony and more should someone be silly enough to hand me a bullhorn. Im lending my voice, my time, myself for this fight because I know its important. Not just for me, but for my son and others who have no idea what is being said and done in their name.

In advance of the rally, Ive been emailing clubs, even the ones I dont know, encouraging them to put up a flyer to get to the rally. We should all do this.

I've also been emailing my state rep, reps in places I used to live and others who I think will be sympathetic -- and those who I think are unsympathetic, to fight against these bills and to stand bravely with US and for US through this fight.

Its not too late. And Im not going to bash those who think its all over or that we've lost - this situation is so dire, its easy to get overwhelmed, its easy to feel as if the odds are stacked against us, its easy to throw your hands up and give up. I get it, its way easier to just walk away from a fight that seems insurmountable.

But to the 2 ...oh shit, 3? 3 of you who give up, I urge you to reconsider. Its NEVER too late to take a principled stand for your rights and the rights of the generations who will come after you. At the statehouse in April, there were close to 2000 of us, brothers, sisters, friends and neighbors - all wanting to stand up near the graves of the revolutionaries who gave us this nation - to say in one united voice that its not time to back down, its time to stand, be counted and FIGHT.

I need you 3 to do that. I need you 3 to not only reconsider, but to think of the future and those who have no voice now, like my son -- think of them and to borrow the mantra of our enemy, DO IT FOR THE CHILDREN! Reconsider and enlist MORE likeminded folks to join us next week. Enlist them if they can't be there, to call, write, email, pester, visit, cajole their representatives to do the right thing.

I'd never stand for a cause if I didn't think it was right. I know in my heart that this is right. I know in my heart and deep in my soul that this HAS to be done and more importantly, that this fight is one we CAN win. We can win this fight because facts, evidence and statistics are on our side. We can win this fight because all across the country and even here in the commonwealth, people are waking up and exercising their rights to keep and bear arms. Concealed carry is not only legal, its increasing by leaps and bounds in places I'd never thought possible just a few years ago.

So to you 3 who gave up, I get why, beleive me, I understand why, but this isn't time to drop your swords and go home. This is time to ante up, and show the world what you're made of, what you stand for. This is a time not to do what is comfortable, but to do what is right, to do what is essential and to do what will ultimately honor the sacrifices of our forefathers for generations to come.

I ask you now, who is with me? I ask you now to raise that goddamned bar above the 100 or so who have committed to show up and fight friday. I ask you to bring your friends, family and if possible, your children. The other side is well heeled and organizing the ignorant and the sheep who cannot think for themselves. Just imagine if we could unite our passions, our intellect and our dedication to our rights, what kind of damage we cojuld do to their cause! Its beyond possible that we could actually change many hearts and minds if we could show them that those they oppose aren't wild eyed fanatics in camoflague or any other ignorant stereotype that's been hurled at us over the years.

We need to combat them in force, show them that they are not opposing their warped stereotype, but standing against the wishes of their neighbors, friends, families. Show them that we are not the sum of media perception, that we span all walks of life, from academia, law enforcement, military and ex military, construction and everything in between. Show them that we are in fact the spirit of those who sacrificed before us and that we have not forgotten the importance of that sacrifice.

Please, stand. Please rise. Please FIGHT - we need you now more than ever.

Perfectly Stated, now is NOT the time to give up, its time to go all in and then more.
Just told the boss not to expect me on friday, i'll be there.
Going to start working on written testimony tonight.
See you all there
Crude works. I like it.

I printed off 10 of your poster for the 2 gun shops on RT 20 in Auburn , dropping them off today with the accompanying letter - crudely written because I just thought of it and need to get my steak on:

Enclosed, please find flyers notifying gun owners of the upcoming rally to preserve Second Amendment freedoms here in the Commonwealth.
I don’t think I need to tell you that the bills being considered before the various committees represent a grave threat to the future of gun ownership in the state: as we know, once we lose rights, especially here in Massachusetts, it’s next to impossible to get them back.
As gun shop owners, you can help our grassroots movement by encouraging your customers to attend our rally this Friday, September 13th at the Massachusetts State House. Ask them to come and support our efforts, to speak out, to be vocal and most importantly, to be heard.
There are many bills being considered, most frightening among them include:
- Insurance requirements for all firearms owned
- Magazine limits; restricting ammunition capacity to 7 rounds
- Further bans on the possession of popular firearms, considered to be “assault” weapons by the politicians and press
- Storage requirements that would mandate weapons deemed to be in the “assault” category, be stored only at licensed gun clubs
- An outright ban on the sale and possession of .50BMG rifles and ammunition
More information on the laws (and there are too many to list) can be found using the following link:
I cannot emphasize enough that the threat to our rights is very real and that the time to act is now. Please join us and encourage your customers to join us at the State House. We need people who can deliver testimony to the committee and or submit written testimony for their consideration.

For more information about our organization, please visit It's Time 2A
If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email – [email protected] – this would also be an appropriate place to direct written testimony against these bills, should anyone be unable to attend.

In Freedom,

Christopher M DeRoma


I made a very simple, crude flyer. To download the full size version, open the link and click the "slow download" button. You'll need to pay for the "fast download."

- - - Updated - - -

All clubs should be sending emails to their members, and all members should be sending emails to any gun owner or 2A supporter they konw.

See posts 179 and 181, and the links therein. This is a framework or structure which should have been set up and put in place MONTHS before now, so it could be called into use now. It is too late to try, most clubs don't really use email, or at least use it effectively in any organized manner. This is why I attempted to get some of the Facebook stuff started, though I am guilty of not partaking in Facebook myself, I know some people at the clubs DO use that. I get emails about other states from CCRKBA, and from the NRA. How come they don't send emails about Massachusetts? How come GOAL doesn't do the phone tree thing any more? I would go sit there again for a night or two, calling members.
You seem to enjoy blasting folks for what should have been done. Shit or get off the pot.

-Proud to be dad every day, a licensed plumber most days, and wish I was a shoemaker on others.
See posts 179 and 181, and the links therein. This is a framework or structure which should have been set up and put in place MONTHS before now, so it could be called into use now. It is too late to try, most clubs don't really use email, or at least use it effectively in any organized manner. This is why I attempted to get some of the Facebook stuff started, though I am guilty of not partaking in Facebook myself, I know some people at the clubs DO use that. I get emails about other states from CCRKBA, and from the NRA. How come they don't send emails about Massachusetts? How come GOAL doesn't do the phone tree thing any more? I would go sit there again for a night or two, calling members.

I've received many area specific emails from the NRA in the past 6mo or so.

Do you realize how much work it is to get all this shit set up? Let me say this, this site is full of keyboard ****ing commandos and talk a good game and when push comes to shove they cower and hide. They use the suitability bullshit to justify they are a ****ing pussy. I've been working in the Spfld area to effectively organize and bring together gun owners for all different causes. Be it a cook out/shoot, the 4/19 rally, these hearings in spfld and Holyoke etc. Guess how many turn out for them? Guess how many from NES show up?

Better yet scratch me saying it's just the commandos here. It's gun owners in Mass as a whole. They are a bunch of whiny little bitches who when the rubber hits the road they scatter like roaches when the lights turn on. Until they wake the **** up and become motivated we're all ****ed![sad2]
I've received many area specific emails from the NRA in the past 6mo or so.

Do you realize how much work it is to get all this shit set up? Let me say this, this site is full of keyboard ****ing commandos and talk a good game and when push comes to shove they cower and hide. They use the suitability bullshit to justify they are a ****ing pussy. I've been working in the Spfld area to effectively organize and bring together gun owners for all different causes. Be it a cook out/shoot, the 4/19 rally, these hearings in spfld and Holyoke etc. Guess how many turn out for them? Guess how many from NES show up?

Better yet scratch me saying it's just the commandos here. It's gun owners in Mass as a whole. They are a bunch of whiny little bitches who when the rubber hits the road they scatter like roaches when the lights turn on. Until they wake the **** up and become motivated we're all ****ed![sad2]

We've been trying but it's a task much too large for a few people to tackle alone.
For one, its not time to be bickering among ourselves about what could have been done, what should have been done. The point is, we're doing it now, we're in the fight now and are ready to make our message heard on Friday. Are you in or are you out? Now isn't the time for the infighting, now is the time to drop our differences and come together, to rip the Beetles.

On a second topic - I'm trying to put together my thoughts right now - does anyone have a completed testimony they'd like to share? maybe put it in another thread?
I will admit, it would be nice if Goal (or someone) could write up a general description of each bill. More then 1 sentence. What is each bill about? How does it affect us(positively or negatively). I noticed they did a decent job of the positive bills...but we need to rally heavily AGAINST the negative bills. There are 50 plus bills at this hearing. To go through each one, will take...hours. I've done it in the past, but frankly, don't have time this week

I'll be there Friday.
I'll be out in Front of the Sate House.

Just printed some of the "uncle sam" flyers Thank you, dragonbalzz.

I shall post them at the range tomorrow, and I will sprinkle them here and there as I go about my business this week.

NOTE: If any one has extra signs bring them along if possible.
At both the previous rallies I attended, there were people who walked in not knowing why we were there. I explained nicely and both times the folks wanted to join in.

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Dropped off a letter and flyer to H-S (closed til today) and to Archery and Arms (was open), both in Auburn.

Ive done business with H-S a few times, great guys, they post the flyers and are really interested in talking about the issues at hand, as the laws being proposed affect them as much, if not moreso than the average gun owner.

Archery and Arms? I've dropped materials off there - they have nothing on their walls about the NRA, GOAL, legislative alerts etc. When I was there yesterday, the guy barely even looked up from his computer....sadly, I don't think he gets the gravity of the situation.
The turnout will be good. I am confident that the handful of folks here will be able to garner more support before the day arrives.

We just have to be present and in the moment. Sharpen your talking points, don't be afraid of the bullhorn and if speaking to the press, don't let them trip you up. At the april rally, I had a reporter ask what we'd do if the government banned all the guns - don't be dumb and go all Alex Jones (and yes, Im a fan, and yes, he was dumb) and talk in revolution terms. Tell them that through activism and educating the public, we're here to make sure that never happens.

I hear you with that. It's just frustrating that so few are willing to help when it really comes down to these things. With that said I hope there is a good turn out on Fri.
For one, its not time to be bickering among ourselves about what could have been done, what should have been done. The point is, we're doing it now, we're in the fight now and are ready to make our message heard on Friday. Are you in or are you out? Now isn't the time for the infighting, now is the time to drop our differences and come together, to rip the Beetles.

On a second topic - I'm trying to put together my thoughts right now - does anyone have a completed testimony they'd like to share? maybe put it in another thread?

This is the testimony I wrote up and sent in. Ended up giving a different testimony in person in Springfield. Hope that this helps:

Chairman Naughton:

I am writing you as a concerned citizen regarding several firearm bills that are set to enter committee. Since I cannot attend the public hearing in West Springfield on August 2nd, I wish to enter written testimony.

I have read several gun control proposals to further restrict the 2nd Amendment rights of citizens of the Commonwealth, but have not seen any legislation put forward that will reduce gun violence or gun crime. One such proposal would limit the legal magazine capacity from 10 rounds to 7 seven rounds. Studies like the one performed for the US DOJ in 2004 by Christopher S. Koper, a professor of criminology found that criminal assailants fired an average of only 4 shots, well within the proposed 7-round magazine capacity. Since the expiration of the Federal Assault Weapons ban in 2004, violent crime has dropped 17% further proving that these types of laws do not stop crime but only disarm law-abiding citizens.

Further proof of this is right here in MA. Since the very strict gun laws passed in 1998, gun-related deaths have increased 68% and gun-related injuries have increased 72%. During which time, the number of lawful gun owners has declined from over 1 million to slightly above 300,000. Comparing this to our neighbors to our north, both VT, NH, and ME have far less restrictive gun laws, yet their violent crime rates are significantly lower. According to the 2011 FBI UCR (Uniform Crime Report), MA had 429 violent crimes per 100,000 whereas VT had only 135, NH had 188 and ME had only 123! On average MA had almost 4X the violent crimes per 100,000 than those states to our north with less restrictive gun laws.

Other proposals such as storing certain weapons at gun clubs and “one gun a month” laws only serve restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens. While these laws mostly likely will not stop or deter crime, I am concerned that storing weapons at gun clubs could act as a major target to criminals and provide them with a place to steel and illegally re-sell large amounts of weapons to other criminals.

Rather than introducing more restrictive legislation, increased focus on enforcing the existing laws (that are some of the strictest, if not the most restrictive in the nation) would go a lot further to reducing crime and violence. Also, new laws that clean up and simplify the current licensing issues would save both save taxpayer dollars and decrease crime due to more responsible and lawful gun owners.

Legislation I am opposed to:
H.47 An Act to Strengthen and Enhance Firearms Laws in the Commonwealth

H.3253 An Act to Reduce Gun Violence and to Protect the Citizens of the Commonwealth

Bill S.1126 An Act Relative to Firearms and Firearms Violence

Legislation I am in favor of:
H.3264 An Act Relative to Civil Rights and Public Safety

H.3266 An Act Relative to Constitutional Rights

H.2182 An Act Relative to the Lawful Sale of Handguns

Ways proposed legislation would affect me:
• H.47 – By reducing the magazine capacity to less than seven rounds, I will no longer be able to purchase many firearms in common use and potentially not be able to defend myself and my family in the event that I should need to.
• H.47 – force me to surrender items that I lawfully purchased and have lawfully owned for years.
• H.3253 – Would require me to pay outrageous taxes to partake in the sport I enjoy (target shooting)
• H.3253 – Would require me to get liability insurance for my firearms. What other Constitutional RIGHT requires insurance? This also provides yet another hurdle to lawful firearms ownership in the Commonwealth, where as there are already several impediments and checks to exercise this Constitutional right.

Thank you for your consideration,

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