AG-elect on WRKO

By the way, wouldn't this piss the cops off? If the registry was handling it? Seems like that would still be taking it out of their hands and putting it into the hands of a state bureacracy.

Remember getting pulled over as a new young driver by the "Registry of Motor Vehicle" cops, M.D.C., state or local? The Registry cops were really feared back in the day.
There were too many agencies pulling people over back then.
I can't fathom the Registry handling any new tasks.
Me neither. This just seems like a weird idea to me, especially since Deval stated during the campaign that he wanted local cops to continue handling licenses.

I must be missing something here that would explain how this would work????

Remember getting pulled over as a new young driver by the "Registry of Motor Vehicle" cops, M.D.C., state or local? The Registry cops were really feared back in the day.
There were too many agencies pulling people over back then.
I can't fathom the Registry handling any new tasks.
The "issuance decision" and administratrive functions (printing licenses, etc.) are currently handled by different agencies.

In NY State, pistol permits list the individual handguns one may posess. Many counties allow family members to have a handgun on multiple permits - which is the only way you can, for example, have a non-leo family member take your gun if you have a heart attack or car accident and have to go to the hospital.

When you want to buy a gun, you get a reciept, take it to the licensing agency (generally the county clerk upstate), have the gun added to your license and get a purchase coupon you take back to the dealer to complete the transaction. The Rochester, NY gun shows used to, and may still, have a gun licensing booth run by the county clear to do this at the show.

NY just adds a nother license page (they're paper) when one fills up with guns, and a license can have as many pages as a passport once you get enough handguns.

Long guns (outside NYC) are not registered and do not require a permit.
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