3 neighbors dead following snow removal dispute in PA township

"The video shows that the Goys shoveled snow from their parking spots, pushed it across the street and threw it onto Spaide’s property. After Spaide asked the couple to stop throwing snow onto his property, the neighbors got into an argument where they appear to have exchanged obscene gestures and expletives."

It looks to me like the couple may have been going out of their way to f*** with the guy. It also appeared to me that the shooter was pretty small in stature compared to the deceased male. The guy that was shot also made it seem like he had called him a "pussy" before.
I am just a simple guy, but it wouldn't surprise me to find out that the shooter was bullied for some time. I am not saying that it justifies his actions, but history has shown that sometimes people snap when pushed long enough.

It's been reported that the guy that was shot, clenched his fist as he was threatening the shooter. Again, not an excuse, but it may give us a clue about what happened. I mean, if the report is to be believed, and I don't trust the media, they didn't just throw snow on his property, they pushed it across the street and then threw it on his property. That seems like deliberate f***ery to me. But who knows? There will probably be more details released. If the media can turn this into an anti gun, anti bully story, they will.

I carry all the time, even cutting the grass or clearing snow. You are talking a couple hundred hours a year. A lot can happen in that time.

Oh, and @richc 's comment provided a bit of needed levity and made me chuckle.
I just saw the video today and didn’t realize it was posted here. I’ve seen some gory shit but for some reason that video disturbed me. The only thing I can think of is the victims were in disbelief that the guy would really shoot? IDK very weird to say the least. Having a gun pulled on you the last thing I would think of doing is stand my ground and challenge further. F’K that. I had a gun pointed at me back in the the late 80’s and I friggen ran FAST and LONG away from the scene, I will never forget that.

Their mouths were writing checks their asses couldn't cash.


Reminds me of a conversation my father had with me when I was a kid. If your going to run your mouth to someone be prepared to deal with the worst possible outcome you can imagine and be prepared to end it.
I thought about another aspect as to why people here think it's so disturbing.

Most live cams don't have audio (stores and shit) and if they're household ones, you'd be lucky to get audible dialogue that far away.

So hearing the shooter tell the wife that she should have kept her mouth shut before shooting her again was pretty disturbing to say the least.

If you missed it (like the shooters' first couple shots), the wife said something like "You know it's recording, right?" as bullets fly by her or hit her, I can't tell. That's pretty insane or she's just in shock or stuck in Karen mode until death.

f***ed up retard convention 10/10, couldn't script this f***ery if you tried to.

Def not easy but sometimes we also need a reminder of the evil that's out there(sadly) and why we carry

Yep. I always find a way to put a holster between my snow pants and jeans (when it's a real shitstorm/Nor'Eastah). I'd never walk out there without it, people are insane to begin with, throw some snow in, add some lockdown..... yeah, f*** that shit.
I thought about another aspect as to why people here think it's so disturbing.

Most live cams don't have audio (stores and shit) and if they're household ones, you'd be lucky to get audible dialogue that far away.

So hearing the shooter tell the wife that she should have kept her mouth shut before shooting her again was pretty disturbing to say the least.

If you missed it (like the shooters' first couple shots), the wife said something like "You know it's recording, right?" as bullets fly by her or hit her, I can't tell. That's pretty insane or she's just in shock or stuck in Karen mode until death.

f***ed up retard convention 10/10, couldn't script this f***ery if you tried to.

Yep. I always find a way to put a holster between my snow pants and jeans (when it's a real shitstorm/Nor'Eastah). I'd never walk out there without it, people are insane to begin with, throw some snow in, add some lockdown..... yeah, f*** that shit.
You are exactly correct. It is insane to witness such insanity. Its scary and uncomfortable.
Wow. He fired warning shots and they didn’t back off. Talk about cocky. The most disturbing part is how long she had so suffer. I don’t wish that on anyone.
Don’t think there was any warning shots based on his stance. Just a bad shot. Too bad he had to go and finish it... looks like there was a slight possibility they could have lived.
Jesus f***in Christ, and you wonder why the anti-gunners are such zealots.

Thanks dude, did the law abiding community a great f***ing service, thinking letting your self centered neighbors dump snow on your lawn might have been the smarter choice.
Flame me if ya want, but playing Devil's advocate here, what if the BG had been harassed and bullied for years. This was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Before the initial shooting, the wife said "yeah go ahead!" , not the kind of thing a sane person would say unarmed facing a threat.

When he comes back with an AR, they continue the insults or maybe it was just her, I'm not rewatching it.

So what does the shooter do? Blows his brains out.

I would say he was their victim and they paid for it with their life. And the past incidents not being dealt with properly is what led to this, and probably why he offed himself. It's LITERALLY why a bullied kid will often commit suicide.

Obviously he's not a child but year of battering could lead to that and I don't agree with it but, that's the way she goes.
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