3 Dogs attacked by Pitbull-what would you have done

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Wow jmcclory, what an experience. I am truly glad it was not any worse then it was. Sounds like you did about as much as you could under the circumstances. I think it would be a good idea to report the incident, even just to have it on the record in case of any future incident. Also, I would start by asking the dog's owner to pony up for the damages. He might just do it, either from a sense of responsibility or to prevent litigation.
What would you have done?

I don't like these types of "what would you do?" threads because every situation is different and no one KNOWS what they will do until they are in the middle of something like that, regardless of what they say. It sounds like you did the best you could. Considering the situation as you describe it, would you have been within legal right to have shot that dog? I think so, but I'm not a lawyer and I was not there. I bet even though the gun was never drawn you must have still had a real feeling of relief knowing had things gone from bad to worse, you had an option that would have ended the threat. Sorry to hear about your poor doggies. You could carry OC in the future which does give you an option between broom sticks and guns, but you know what they say about hindsight...good luck. [wink]

That SUCKS. Sorry to hear about your dogs.

I'd carry a can of OC. I would have sprayed that pitbull dead in the face.

I'd also get the owner of the pitbull to pay your vet bills for sure.

I totally agree with you, but note, many reports of OC having little to no effects on a Pit Bull. I say worth a try (depending on situation) but just a FYI for your personal safety note. They are VERY tough animals. I saw a vid of a cop shoot one with a .40 and it had very little effect. The dog did break off the attack, and then circled back to attempt to attack again, where the dog had to be shot again, and no, it didn't fall over and die, it simply walked away....
Shoot the dog, and then [STRIKE]charge[/STRIKE] SUE the owner for AMMO and vet bills.

Fixed it for you...

Bang, Bang......absolutely no question in my mind.
Simply adds to the reason why I've started carrying in the house...when you need one, wasting precious time to run & get a gun doesn't help the situtation.
I think you should file a police report. Having that if you file a civil suit will be good evidence. Remember you need evidence so take a-lot of pictures of your dogs and their wounds. If you don't want to bring your family members to court maybe affidavits would be a good idea to do now so its fresh in their mind. That way you wouldn't have to bring your kids to court and make them go through it again and again. I'm not a lawyer, but I know dogs are considered property. You can get reimbursed for vet bills and associated costs with the attack. I think pain and suffering in relation to "property" claims are surprisingly low even considering what you went through. You shouldn't have to watch your dog get mauled.

I live in Worcester and encounter dogs without leashes or even collars on a somewhat regular basis. The ones that charge from half a block away scare me the most but my dog and I have been fortunate. I have met neighbors with similar stories to yours.

My LTC is restricted so I cannot CC. I've been carrying a mag light but now that the summers coming I don't need a flashlight for the majority of my walks. I need to find something suitable to protect myself and my dog but I'm not sure which would be best.

Good luck man.
can I sue his homeowner insurance or do I have to go after him in civil court.

You never sue someone's insurance - you sue THEM, and the insurance, if applicable, will cover the judgment up to their policy limit. The insurance will generally step in and provide legal representation but, the insured, and not the carrier, is the defendant. If all you want it vet bills, you can even use small claims court up for up to a few $K. If you to be made whole for the kind of pain and suffering that only large amounts of $$ can alleviate, you'll need a contingency fee lawyer who is willing to take the case to trial rather than settle (expect an uphill battle here, as dogs are generally considered property with a $$ value by the legal system).

Be conscious as to the import of MGL when acting in defense against a dog. You should be on solid legal ground if the dog is worrying (as in baring of teeth, not "causing of concern something bad will happen") you or your livestock. It is doubtful that a family pet will be considered "livestock", but if YOU are directly threatened by the dog, and properly explain this (legal counsel might not be a bad idea). You need to either arrange for assistance to the animal you shot, or dispatch the beast, to avoid charges of cruelty to animals. If they really want to "get you", there's always the firing with 150 ft or a roadway and 500 ft of an occupied dwelling charge. The legal outcome will depend as much on the political climate of your town and the political influence of the attacking dog's owner as the merits of the case so, as with any use of a gun, you need to be sure it is absolutely necessary.

Also, remember that all the dog owner has to say is "He threatened me with the gun after shooting my dog", and you'll be surrendering all your guns to the police, perhaps paying Dowd's ransom to transfer them to a friend with an LTC, and having a talk with an attorney about how many thousands (or tens of thousands) it will cost to defend the case instead of take a plea bargain that will leave you a prohibited person.

I recently stayed at a friend's house that was full of dogs (Goldens, a Beagle, a Pit and a Pommerian someone brings into his office). The beagle went after the pit bull to take some food away from it .... and the pit bull backed down. Perhaps knowing he could kill the beagle without working up a sweat was enough for him :).

The selectmen can order a dog destroyed or removed from town. You need to decide if this is an avenue you will pursue.
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Pit bulls are tools of the devil. I'll pay for this in rep points (even thought I don't care), but I've had more than one personal experience.

In my opinion, there is no reason to possess one of these miserable creatures except to protect drug dealings and other nefarious occupations.

These animals are bred to kill...period. They don't care who or what they kill.

I don't blame the dog. I do blame the people who own them and protect them as being "wonderful, harmless animals if they are raised properly."

This flies in the face of anyone who knows anything about dog instincts.

OK, have at me, but it will not change my mind.

I actually carry in my neighborhood more for these animals than for human animals.

NS- I simply disagree with you on this. No rep-points needed. I am not going to try and change your mind. I respect your opinion. I just disagree and think you are wrong (based on my experiences).
I had a similar incident happen to me. I was walking my 10yr old shepard mix and as soon as we entered the local park my neighbors dog came charging at us and attacked my dog. My dog was leashed and his wasn't. His dog proceeded to bite my dog on the side and my dog could barely do anything back because she was properly leashed and under my control. I shouted at his dog and planted my foot in its side which caused it to release my dog. My neighbor came running over and started appolagizing at which point I gave him a few choice words. I walked my dog home and called my vet, she ended up needing 5 staples in her side. My neighbor came by to check on her and offered to pay the vet bills. You should defenitly report this dog and it's owner to the police. My poor dog does not get along with anyother dogs now and immediately starts barking when she sees other dogs. I think she has dog PTSD. I can tell you one thing if I had my license to carry on that day and had a sidearm I would have defenitly put one into my neighbors dogs brain housing group as long as i deemed it a safe shot.
Pit bulls are tools of the devil. I'll pay for this in rep points (even thought I don't care), but I've had more than one personal experience.

In my opinion, there is no reason to possess one of these miserable creatures except to protect drug dealings and other nefarious occupations.

These animals are bred to kill...period. They don't care who or what they kill.

I don't blame the dog. I do blame the people who own them and protect them as being "wonderful, harmless animals if they are raised properly."

This flies in the face of anyone who knows anything about dog instincts.

OK, have at me, but it will not change my mind.

I actually carry in my neighborhood more for these animals than for human animals.

This makes me disappointed. News Shooter I usually like and agree with your posts but I have to respectfully disagree here.

I owned a rescued pit bull for nine years and trained him to think he was a lap dog. He was extremely loyal and fiercely protected me on more than one occasion. My dog was ALWAYS leashed when we were outside. His leash was on and wrapped around my wrist twice before I even unlocked my door.

It comes down to irresponsible owners not the dog. If the owner of the pit bull in this story had kept his dog leashed or enclosed on his own property the OP would have no problems.
This is like citing an unlicensed gun owner in MA who has a ND and shoots his neighbor for a reason to restrict legal gun owners rights.

For every "good" Pitbull,there are 9 monsters.

I can't say I would have shot the dog because it sounds like your 3 kids were too close.

Mix some antifreeze and rat poison with raw ground beef and feed it to that pit and take care of that problem.
I hope your post is tongue in cheek as usual because I think anyone would expect severe consequences if they saw it fit to poison any of our dogs on this board.
I would file a complaint with my local police as well as the board of selectman, start establishing a history.

This sounds like good advice to me.

I racially profile and have my hand in my front right pocket on my OC whenever I see a PB.
The first thing I did was pick up my 3 dogs and bring them to the Vet and the second thing I did was call 911(I should have explained that). After spending 10 hours at the Vet the Police arrivied at my house at Midnight and did take a report of what happened and tried to make contact with my neighbor who lives right accross the street from me but I found out that he took the Pitbull and hide the dog some where because he knew what was going to happen. The police told me that the animal control would contact me on monday and they did come by my house and speak with me but told me there was nothing he could do unless the dog showed up. Now the big problem with the neighbor, it is not his house it is his sisters ex-husbands house and he lives in the basement with this dog.(of course in a illegal apartment) I have spoke with the owner of the house and told him what happened but he told me good luck trying to get any money out of his ex-brother in law. He tells me he has been in and out of jail and works about once a month if lucky. Any help with what I should do would be greatly appreciated. By the way my all my kids where within 5 feet of this attack and beleive me I thought about pulling my gun and putting the dog down but there where just to close and and at one point had to grab my 4 year old daughter and through her on top of a wall that leads up to my front door because she tried to help get the dog off one of my beagles. This happened so quick but trust me I was thinking of what to do the whole time and my main goals was to make sure none of my kids got hurt and was spending most of the time grabbing the kids and putting them on the wall that leads to my front door all the while my wife was screaming and helping me get the kids to a safe place. Would I have done things differently knowing the outcome, probably but I can only learn from my experiences. Thanks for all the feedback
If it were my dog being killed, I would have shot the pit in a NY minute. No questions. If asked, I would have said (truthfully) that I was worried about the kids once the PB was done with the dogs.

I have a half-breed PB myself and I love her, but some of them are just psycho.
First, sorry to hear of your incident. Im just thankful it wasn't your children that got attacked. In these conversations, most people say "There are no bad dogs, just bad owners. IMO...BULL. Since you asked for opinions, heres mine.

The majority of Pits are monsters, or have a greater potential to be. My girlfriend has been in the Vet business for years and years. She tries not to have any prejudices towards any breed of dogs..or humans. But you have to call a spade a spade. She has seen so many victims of Pits in her line of work, it has changed her thinking towards them. Yes, it usually is a combination of the owner and the breed.

In my town, you have to have a $100,000 ins. policy and register them as a dangerous dog. They must also have a fenced in yard. Think about it, you have to have a license to carry mace or firearms, why not do background checks for potential pit owners also? They can be a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands (which, unfortunately, is most owners of pits). They are usually purchased as a status symbols or fighting dogs.

I will not jump on the "banning wagon" though. I feel that an insurance policy must be mandatory, so the victims of these animals can be compensated for any loses. Financial or otherwise. This would also make it more difficult for our status seeking individuals to own such dogs. Also, a physical inspection by the city or town of the property that the animal will be kept.

Lets not forget that these dogs are also among the most abused, abandoned and neglected animals.

In this case, I would have shot him. No doubt in my mind. But since you didn't, I would sue the owner and make sure the dog gets the "blue juice".
Imbred pitts that you see in urban communities are the monsters...remember dogs aren't born to attack...Cesar Milan says traits from a dog are from past experiences that traumatized the dog....I've met more aggressive Jack Russels, Chiuahahas, and Dachuntz..but they are small doggs..pitbulls being short stocky and strong are definately more intimidating when they snap.

But yea, I love pit bulls, most beautiful dog in my opinion, great head shape perfect jaw line, muscles, just beautiful dogs in general.
I'm taking it one of your dogs did not survive?

I would have broken its neck, THEN called police and have the owner cited.
I love animals and I even like pit bulls, but if my family or pets were being attacked by a pit bull, I would shoot it without hesitation. I wonder what the law says? I mean, I know you aren't supposed to use "deadly force" to protect property, but since pets in MA are considered property, would this be a case of property harming property? Either way, since your family was in close proximity I would say you'd be justified in making pit Swiss cheese.
Would have killed the dog. Having said that and read through the responses about good dogs, bad dogs, good owners, bad owners... ect. My question is who is the asshat with the pitbull. If it was my dog that attacked another dog and injured it on its own property, I would have offered to pay for the vet bills on the spot. If it was my dog and it did this in front of the kids and at very close proximity to a small child, I would have offered to pay for the vet bills and then taken my dog home and killed it myself. Sue his ass. He obviously isn't very responsible and needs to be taught a lesson.

Had a friend back home saw a dog chasing down deer. (A big no no in our part of the country). He shot the dog, went to the farmer that owned the dog and the farmer reimbursed him for his ammo. That is taking responsibility for your pet's actions.
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I have spoke with the owner of the house and told him what happened but he told me good luck trying to get any money out of his ex-brother in law.

Sue the owner of the house for knowingly and illegally giving shelter to a dangerous animal. I say "illegally" bases on your assertion that it it an illegal apartment. If you take it to court, you will have a chance to ask your neighbor, under oath, about the situation regarding the "extra apartment" in his house.

If possible, pay for an official transcript of the court hearing with the answers to your questions about the extra apartment - and take it down to town hall when you stop by for a chat with the code enforcement officer.

File a complaint with the selectmen asking they ban the dog from town or order it destroyed. If you get such an order, the deck will be pre-stacked in your favor if the beast returns.

If he has been "in and out of jail", find out if he is on parole or probation (ask your attorney how to get this info)l. Once you have that info, track down his parole of probation officer for another chat (just don't double book the times you have scheduled with the code enforcement officer, and the board of selectmen)
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I wonder what the law says?
It's quite clear, and cited earlier in this thread - protecting people and livestock is OK; other pets probably not. Just be sure to keep Keith Langer's phone # handy as he probably has more experience (and a winning record) defending persons who shoot dogs in this state than any other attorney.
Sue the owner of the house for knowingly and illegally giving shelter to a dangerous animal. I say "illegally" bases on your assertion that it it an illegal apartment. If you take it to court, you will have a chance to ask your neighbor, under oath, about the situation regarding the "extra apartment" in his house.

If possible, pay for an official transcript of the court hearing with the answers to your questions about the extra apartment - and take it down to town hall when you stop by for a chat with the code enforcement officer.

File a complaint with the selectmen asking they ban the dog from town or order it destroyed. If you get such an order, the deck will be pre-stacked in your favor if the beast returns.

If he has been "in and out of jail", find out if he is on parole or probation (ask your attorney how to get this info)l. Once you have that info, track down his parole of probation officer for another chat (just don't double book the times you have scheduled with the code enforcement officer, and the board of selectmen)

Bingo... someone needs to take responsibility and sounds like the owner of the a**h***'s house knows about the whole deal.

It's quite clear, and cited earlier in this thread - protecting people and livestock is OK; other pets probably not. Just be sure to keep Keith Langer's phone # handy as he probably has more experience (and a winning record) defending persons who shoot dogs in this state than any other attorney.

Ah, dogs ARE livestock. Any animal you own, on your property is livestock.
I had the unfortunate run in with a pit bull last weekend. My wife and I decided to take our 4 kids for a walk with our 3 dogs which is no easy task. I usually take my 3 dogs out on there leash and hook them up to my tow ball of my Tahoe and come in and help my wife bring the kids out. This day was the same but when I went to go into my garage to get the babies stroller, I heard my wife scream like I have never heard before. My kids are 5,4,2 and 1 month old and new something was wrong. When i came around the car my 1 months car seat was tipped over (with the child in it) and my wife was screaming because the pit bull (which was not on a leash) had my mix breed dog 20 lbs in his mouth and before I knew it the dog was 10 feet in the air and the pit bull was going after one of my 2 beagles. Thank god my younger beagle fought back and only needed a couple of stiches but my older beagle wasn't as lucky. The pitbull was ripping her apart while I was hitting the dog with a broom pole which had absolutly no effect at all. I had my warhog on me and was within second of using it when the owner of the dog finally got the dog off of mine. What would you have done? I think if my kids where in the house the outcome would have been much different, I was just to worried about them seeing something they shouldn't. The Beagle is now doing better but had to have 25 stitches and lost half it ear and a broken leg. Does anyone know how I go about getting my vet bills paid, can I sue his homeowner insurance or do I have to go after him in civil court.

There's more than enough justification to shoot right there. I would have shot it without thinking twice. A violent dog, outside the confines of its owner that is attacking or worrying you or your family (child in overturned child seat), more than meets the conditions set forth in chapter 140 of the MA laws.
There's more than enough justification to shoot right there. I would have shot it without thinking twice. A violent dog, outside the confines of its owner that is attacking or worrying you or your family (child in overturned child seat), more than meets the conditions set forth in chapter 140 of the MA laws.

+1... If I had the shot I'd take it immediately without hesitation.

i have three of these MONSTERS [rolleyes]--

blame this one on the owner-- i would have maced and contained the loose dog, called animal control to pick it up, and i would have made the owner pay my dog's vet bills. i also would have had some words for the owner. if it killed my dog, i would fight to have the dog euthed.

there is a state wide leash law in massachusetts. my dogs are always on a leash and are also well behaved dogs. there is on excuse for someone's dog running loose and terrorizing a neighborhood

i have a real issue with people saying that these dogs are terrible and no one should own them, etc. there has been a push to ban pit bulls here--and if you don't think that can happen, look @ denver co. breed specific legislation is passed all over-- they would be able to come to my house and seize my dogs-- all that is doing is punishing responsible pit bull owners like myself... a**h***s and idiots will still have them when they are banned...


As afew of you know I have had 2 APBT... yes my boy had to be put to rset due to Cancer.. He was a Cert. Therapy Dog... YES ! He was. My Female had her Good Citizenship Cert. Neither has a issue with people .... unfortunetly My female did have a run in witha cat ..that cost almost $300.. The cat live a long life after the fight.

Do not punish the Breed PUNISH the OWNER !

( yes I did have both on my apartment Insurance)

Try this .....
Most of the pit bulls I have met have been really nice dogs. I blame the owners who do not know or just don't care to take care of an animal like a pit bull. With proper care they seem like they can be great.

If any off leash animal attacks me or mine though, it's toast, dog, chimp , whatever. Not going to take chances with that.
Sue the owner of the house for knowingly and illegally giving shelter to a dangerous animal. I say "illegally" bases on your assertion that it it an illegal apartment. If you take it to court, you will have a chance to ask your neighbor, under oath, about the situation regarding the "extra apartment" in his house.

If possible, pay for an official transcript of the court hearing with the answers to your questions about the extra apartment - and take it down to town hall when you stop by for a chat with the code enforcement officer.

File a complaint with the selectmen asking they ban the dog from town or order it destroyed. If you get such an order, the deck will be pre-stacked in your favor if the beast returns.

If he has been "in and out of jail", find out if he is on parole or probation (ask your attorney how to get this info)l. Once you have that info, track down his parole of probation officer for another chat (just don't double book the times you have scheduled with the code enforcement officer, and the board of selectmen)

Since the owner co-habitats with this person (unless of course he illegally has a rental apt.) so he therefore is still liable for the actions of this dog. Get a lawyer......

Years ago my wife and I rented a townhouse and also had an Akita. My wife was walking the dog on a leash and another older woman was walking her dog. Well the two dogs got into a scuffle and the woman fell down. At the time she said she was fine and both dogs were fine. Well 6+ months later we get a letter from this woman's attorney. We had renters insurance and contacted them. Long story short the insurance company settled for almost $80k. All for what in my opinion should have been mutual responsibility for both parties. After that my wife never took the dog out again, so I was the only one to do it. My point----It doesn't matter if you're right or wrong you can sue and win (or at least settle) for almost anything for any reason. It's BS, but how the system works.
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