>>2nd Amendment March DC<< ***BUS TRIP***

For those interested

Bus Drop-off Locations

NPS has confirmed buses use the current bus drop areas that are in the Memorial Core area.

Those areas are as follows:
1. Ohio Drive, along the river, between Inlet Bridge and Independence Avenue.
2. Independence Avenue, south of the Washington Monument, between 15th Street & Survey Lodge.
3. Daniel French Drive, near the Lincoln Memorial

Other locations would include Union Station and JFK Stadium. Participants would have to take Metro from these locations.
I came down on Saturday. The weather is nice - breezy and cool. I'm wearing one of those MOLON LABE hats that Kiver also organized. Maybe see you guys tomorrow.

Good job Kiver.
From our reporter on the scene...

Chris sent me this photo to post for you guys.

And another report. Looks like 4 NESers there... Scouter-Rick, Abby Oakley, Edmorseiii and an RWVA Instructor in Training whose name I should know but can't think of at the moment.

What an awesome day. Ran into Yelena around lunchtime. Joined GOA. Met Dick Heller, Dane vonBreichenruchardt, Sheriff Richard Mack, Suzanna Hupp, and Nikki Goeser. Had a fascinating discussion with Mr. vonBreichenruchardt, and even got a hug from Mrs. Goeser. Bought some books (and got them signed) from Sheriff Richard Mack and Suzanna Hupp.

If only to hear Suzanna Hupp and Nikki Goeser again tell their stories, it was worth the trip. It breaks me down every time. But it vividly burns in, that which is critical - that which you must know and understand. A lady next to me was hearing them for their stories for the first time, started shaking and looked ready to collapse. I am in awe of the strength of Suzanna Hupp and Nikki Goeser.

Yeah, and the city is pretty nice.
Thanks Kiver for setting this up!

I had a great time.

It was awesome to hang out with all of you!

I hope everybody got home safe.
What a day!!! Thanks to Kiver for organizing this and making it happen.

just got home about 30 min ago. I have MANY pictures and will post them but people i have not slept in over 36 hours so i need a day or 2 to recoup. if i can catch up I'll start posting them tomorrow.

it was an awesome day in every single way except one, the turnout. I expected many more thousands than what showed up and was disappointed because of it. However the message, the weather, the surroundings, the people and seeing things i have always wanted to see made it one of the best days ever.

Kiver thanks again for doing this! btw i did hear your sentiment about how i handled it and somehow, maybe because of how tired i am, i didn't even respond to you. sorry about that. the ride down was bearable with a lot of movement but it was what i did while there that made the afternoon and ride home a nightmare - one that i would gladly do again in a heartbeat!! what i thought would be a 40 min walk to the L.M. took close to 2 1/2 hrs for me. we then hung with the rally for awhile and then went to the M. of N. History but i was already half dead by then and managed to only see a tiny bit of it. then back to the rally for the rest of the day. So I managed and would do so again no matter how much it hurt. Thanks for doing one hell of a job with this!!
I wanted to thank all that attended and donated to make his happen. It was a long day, but in the end I am very happen this happened. You were a very well behaved bunch and if I ever do anything like this again I am drinking beer in the back of the bus. I fell asleep hard as soon as I hit the bed. You made our non-nes guests feel welcome. I feel bad that the Bus company got nailed with a $500 parking ticket. I do not think they made anything on this trip. I got some pics I will put up later. So everyone knows that the event still would appreciate additional donations as it still has not received enough to pay for this event
It was a fun trip... glad to have been able to make it! I thought the speakers were great... the ones that I was most honored to see were Dick Heller, Suzanna Hupp and Nikki Goeser.

I'm looking forward to all of the photos everyone took.... [smile]
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Kiver - amongst the many memories I had on this trip happened before it even began....The look on your face when the bus wasn't there by 12:15, was priceless! [smile] Thanks so much for all your efforts and why you didn't come to the back of the bus for a beer is beyond me.... You needn't have had an official invitation... [cheers] Thanks again everyone!

BTW - is there going to be an 'official' pic thread, or is this the place?
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