Who are they?
I took a look at that web page, interesting, only thing that concerns me is the use of a P.O. Box and the absence of any names of people. Certainly understandable why someone conducting such a buisness might not want to publish their location, however, always concerns me not knowing who I am attempting to do business with, when someone is reluctant to identify themself/who they are, nice to know up front.
I agree, appears to be someone acting as a third party / broker or agent type arrangement, which may not be the best arrangement, but I guess is okay if the person uses good ethical business practices.
In any event, a reverse directory search of the first telephone number they are using shows no identifiable listing, however, that second telephone number they are using on their web site, the one on the firearms section of the site, is identifiable and actually does NOT come back to the business name they are using "Yankee Artifacts" but rather shows as registered to:
Village Gun Shop
Northborough, MA 01532.
Also, in checking GunsAmerica auction site, see that one of "Yankee Artifacts" listings is showing a 7 Belmont St address in Northboro which also comes back to that Village Gun Shop.
Thought I heard a while back that this was a shop that closed up business.
Anyone able to shed any more light on this ?