Wow, this ex-cop has really gone crazy

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My gut reaction to the $1M reward is that in this case he's not just "a killer", but he's "a killer OF COPS".

It makes me unhappy that my first reaction was so uncharitable.

I'm sure the taxpayers are happy to be paying for that reward.

***EDIT: Scratch that. It's being funded by business owners, private donors, and community groups. [slap]
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If they shoot him with a drone, America is officially over. I'm not doing anything about it, probably nobody is, maybe that is the problem. Maybe America is already over and we are too ignorant to call it, but I'll take the drone strike as official notification.
None of this surprises me. If they use a drone on him there needs to be some real soul searching about how long other people should wait to act in a similar fashion. Do we really want to live in a country where citizens can be killed by drones? Should such a country be allowed to continue its existence?

How long do you wait? When is it already too late? What other lines do we allow politicians, and by extension police, to cross before more of us start hunting them down?
If they shoot him with a drone, America is officially over. I'm not doing anything about it, probably nobody is, maybe that is the problem. Maybe America is already over and we are too ignorant to call it, but I'll take the drone strike as official notification.

I just can't picture them wasting a Hellfire on me. Maybe a couple of those hollowpoints they have stockpiled...
Dorner is somehow hosting the Grammys. Looks like he lost some weight. Probably from being on the run.
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Apparently you have no problem defending Odumbo!

If you think that was defending him, then you didn't understand what I wrote. I wrote that to show the real hypocrisy of all the people complaining about he was gonna take their guns away.

He didn't do anything about guns his first four years and even had the AWB expire under his watch, yet people were going nuts when he was first elected buying up every gun in sight. His second election it was much of the same, we had retard frenzy of buying every gun in sight, yet he he hadn't made any movements toward control other than typical campaign rhetoric.

He never pushed anything until the Sandy Hook shooting, which of course is reactionary due to public demand. If you think any other pres would of just sat by and ignored public outcry then you are a fool. Even Reagan publicly supported the AWB under Clinton as well as the Brady Bill.

Would Obama have tried to push something even with out the Sandy Hook shooting? Perhaps, but he certainly wouldn't of had much of any traction. The simple fact is, you guys are your own worst enemy.

The post I made above was meant to show that Obama has been the best thing since sliced bread for the gun industry because they have had record sales every since he's been elected. If you call that defending Obama then you are a tool.
If you think that was defending him, then you didn't understand what I wrote. I wrote that to show the real hypocrisy of all the people complaining about he was gonna take their guns away.

He didn't do anything about guns his first four years and even had the AWB expire under his watch, yet people were going nuts when he was first elected buying up every gun in sight. His second election it was much of the same, we had retard frenzy of buying every gun in sight, yet he he hadn't made any movements toward control other than typical campaign rhetoric.

He never pushed anything until the Sandy Hook shooting, which of course is reactionary due to public demand. If you think any other pres would of just sat by and ignored public outcry then you are a fool. Even Reagan publicly supported the AWB under Clinton as well as the Brady Bill.

Would Obama have tried to push something even with out the Sandy Hook shooting? Perhaps, but he certainly wouldn't of had much of any traction. The simple fact is, you guys are your own worst enemy.

The post I made above was meant to show that Obama has been the best thing since sliced bread for the gun industry because they have had record sales every since he's been elected. If you call that defending Obama then you are a tool.
go check your facts
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It is easy to confuse W with O after all O has continued with the sames failed policies as W, matter of fact some might say he even went further than W did in destroying the constitution with continued war and assassination of citizens without due process

You're just old fashioned, dictators that change faces every 4 years are trendy and hip.
It is easy to confuse W with O after all O has continued with the sames failed policies as W, matter of fact some might say he even went further than W did in destroying the constitution with continued war and assassination of citizens without due process

It's easy to confuse when those only see their holy liberal saviour Obama to understand that Obama didn't stop the Civil War either. In fact, if Obama would have been around for the Revolutionary War we'd still be under British control because of all those nasty assault muskets. lol
If you think that was defending him, then you didn't understand what I wrote. I wrote that to show the real hypocrisy of all the people complaining about he was gonna take their guns away.

He didn't do anything about guns his first four years and even had the AWB expire under his watch, yet people were going nuts when he was first elected buying up every gun in sight. His second election it was much of the same, we had retard frenzy of buying every gun in sight, yet he he hadn't made any movements toward control other than typical campaign rhetoric.

He never pushed anything until the Sandy Hook shooting, which of course is reactionary due to public demand. If you think any other pres would of just sat by and ignored public outcry then you are a fool. Even Reagan publicly supported the AWB under Clinton as well as the Brady Bill.

Would Obama have tried to push something even with out the Sandy Hook shooting? Perhaps, but he certainly wouldn't of had much of any traction. The simple fact is, you guys are your own worst enemy.

The post I made above was meant to show that Obama has been the best thing since sliced bread for the gun industry because they have had record sales every since he's been elected. If you call that defending Obama then you are a tool.

The drone is now judge, jury, and executioner. You're silly if you still believe in due process. I'm just waiting for the live drone TV show, where good 'ole boy Americans can sit home, drink beer, and watch terrorists (read patriots) killed by drone strikes. They'll create drinking games around it, host parties. It'll become the hippest, hottest thing to talk about around the water cooler. "Hey Bob, you watch Drone Wars last night?"
" Sure did Bill, love the part where they got that guy with that prepping bunker, that was epic!" "Yeah, he had one of those black rifles, you could tell he was guilty."

So this is what the real world "Running Man" is going to play out like. [sad]

As I've said before.....Truth is stranger than fiction.
If you think that was defending him, then you didn't understand what I wrote. I wrote that to show the real hypocrisy of all the people complaining about he was gonna take their guns away.

He didn't do anything about guns his first four years and even had the AWB expire under his watch, yet people were going nuts when he was first elected buying up every gun in sight. His second election it was much of the same, we had retard frenzy of buying every gun in sight, yet he he hadn't made any movements toward control other than typical campaign rhetoric.

He never pushed anything until the Sandy Hook shooting, which of course is reactionary due to public demand. If you think any other pres would of just sat by and ignored public outcry then you are a fool. Even Reagan publicly supported the AWB under Clinton as well as the Brady Bill.

Would Obama have tried to push something even with out the Sandy Hook shooting? Perhaps, but he certainly wouldn't of had much of any traction. The simple fact is, you guys are your own worst enemy.

The post I made above was meant to show that Obama has been the best thing since sliced bread for the gun industry because they have had record sales every since he's been elected. If you call that defending Obama then you are a tool.

Ignoring your complete lack of real facts, try this one on for size: I don't like Reagan either.
So.....they still haven't caught this guy yet?....

I think they have him and are transporting him out to the desert where they can secure him in a small adobe shelter, and the the drones will come in and eliminate him as he "shoots" his .50 cal at them.
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