Winchester Collectibles - Info Request

Len-2A Training

NES Life Member
NES Member
Feb 26, 2005
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I was chatting with a LEO the other day and he told me about two Winchester rifles that he has that are highly collectible. Looking for more info on them for him with damn little info on my part.

Winchester 1894 that is also marked something like 1866 on it. He had "Pete" Harvey look at it and Pete told him that he had never seen one like it before. Pete told him that he would give him $1400 for it as is but that if he got an authentication letter from the Cody Museum that it would easily bring $2200+. Cody now charges >$100 for each letter, and he hasn't done it yet. Any other good places to point him to other than Winchester Collectors Assn? He's not really a collector but he does plan on keeping it.

Second one he described to me was a Winchester High Wall .22 Musket (his term). Pete told him it was worth ~$1K. Some other dealer (on the back wall of the Marlboro gun show in January) offered him an even swap for a Stevens shotgun (worth ~$50!)! He'd like more info on it, but he wasn't born yesterday so he's keeping this one too.

For those that don't know "Pete" Harvey, he's an acknowledged authority on collectible Winchesters in this area. The items he deals with all start with at least $1,000.
Best advice I can offer is to go ahead and bring them to the next local gun show where the collectors association would be because there will be a number of experts there. I know you were looking for another place to turn to but these folks seem to know their stuff from the few that i've talked to in the past. I have a few rare 22cal. models that i've been offered a good price for from the folks i've met at the shows from the collectors association and learned things about the rifles I would have never found out otherwise.
Only other thing I can think of is for him to snap a few pics and post them online in some forums that specialize in Winchester collectables. A search would probably bring up a few diferent ones and some reading would tell you what kind of folks they are, thats how I found NES.[smile]
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