Why I'll survive the collapse


NES Member
May 24, 2005
Just east of Zone 9, but in Worcester County.
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Yesterday, Twitter and Google Talk were off line along with several other lesser sites.

Seems that simple fact alone caused a number of people to panic.


If a sizable number of people are thrown for a loop when an Internet site is down, imagine if the local Starbucks or Dunkies ran out coffee.

This pansy society is ripe for implosion.

I'll just sit back and let the dust settle.

Unplug America! Your parents didn't need to be wired to survive.

Seriously, if there was some kind of real serious event, I fear most would have no clue what to do.

Maybe I should prepare several old Tandy PCs running Eliza to sell time in when the populous needs their chat 'fix'.

I don't know what is scarier, the fact that so many are plugged in 24/7 or that so many have to be.

Yea, part of this is satirical, but I fear it's not far off.

How long can you step away?

Sent from the bottom of my bowl of Cheerios.
If the Chinese government cyberwarfare team wants to incapacitate the US, what they need to do is boost the capacity of Twitter and Facebook, and Bittorrent, not take them down. I can see it now, covert server farms in China are used to send massive numbers of "friend requests", cat videos, and vacation pictures to destroy US productivity.
I couldn't care less if Twitter is down. Or Google Talk. Or Facebook.

But if NES goes down, I get delirium tremens right quick. [laugh]
How long can you step away?

Was on vacation with the family for 8 days.

Had my cell phone with me, made 4 calls.
Had my laptop with me, opened it once for 20 minutes to make edits to a work article I'm writing.

Didn't log into the internet, didn't check e-mail. Never worried about it.

2 years ago went on vacation with my wife for 16 days. Only opened the computer to save pictures to clean them off a digital camera.

Work requires me to be so connected when I'm not on vacation, I cherrish away time when I am.
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one does note the irony of this type of post, yes?


What will happen can be easily extrapolated from the mini-shtfs that we've had recently: Irene and the October Suprprise.

Analyze how your preps fared. Analyze how your neighbors' preps fared. Did any come asking for help? Did you offer? If you had a 1-week power outage in the winter, could you keep your homestead warm and running? If your neighbors could not, and came knocking, would you let them in?

The one thing that I see in all the Preps and Plans is that "I'll laager up with my family and ride it out" is the common plan....but if the Joneses and Smiths come asking for heat, or food....what would you do? Now, I'm not talking a true SHTF TEOTWAKI situation....I'm talking about a period of interruption that will, in the near future, be "fixed". So, you can't have Long Pig for dinner without there beign trouble down the line.

Almost all the Post Apocalyptic stuff has a massive depopulation as a prerequisite, so scavenging and such will work. But....were there not to be a massive die-off....then the rules are greatly changed.
My biggest issue with a net outage would probably be Wikipedia [hmmm]

Fortunately you can download nighties of the database and self-host a local mirror... gotta get on setting up an environment for that.
I don't know anybody that even uses Twitter. Except B-list actors and washed-up comedians that you've only heard in passing. The media likes to quote from it. But I can't understand it between all the "@" signs and "#" chars.

- - - Updated - - -

Get real books.


Don't forget girly mags either. Those will sell for a several ounces of silver a piece each in full SHTF mode.
When I leave the office I walk away from it all. No computer at home, no cel phone, no Ipod, no blackberry, strawberry or blueberry. I make a martini and relax. Don't miss a thing since I live in the '50s anyway. Jack.
I'm 24 years old and I don't own a computer.

I have Internet on my iPhone. I have news apps, tapatalk and Wikipedia. That's plenty of .com for this guy.
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