When your local CERT or community becomes the enemy?

It's too bad this book is so poorly written, because the premise is pretty cool. The book was a re-thread of the TV show Jericho (which I loved) but it was entertaining. Its characters fairly stereotypical. I tired of how his military characters were almost all capable and moral, while few others were. That doesn't fit my own experience. The forward by Newt Gingrich and the afterword by retired US Navy Captain William Sanders color the novel in political shades that detract from the story itself. The absurd outcomes - say what you like about lazy, dependent Americans, but I refuse to believe that a power outage, even on a national scale, would cause this kind of devastation in such a short amount of time. Fifteen thousand people in one town really would starve to death in less than two months? I'm sure there are people in the world who would love to get 1200 calories a day.

So, although I loved the idea, the book really fails to live up to its potential.
It's too bad this book is so poorly written, because the premise is pretty cool. The book was a re-thread of the TV show Jericho (which I loved) but it was entertaining. Its characters fairly stereotypical. I tired of how his military characters were almost all capable and moral, while few others were. That doesn't fit my own experience. The forward by Newt Gingrich and the afterword by retired US Navy Captain William Sanders color the novel in political shades that detract from the story itself. The absurd outcomes - say what you like about lazy, dependent Americans, but I refuse to believe that a power outage, even on a national scale, would cause this kind of devastation in such a short amount of time. Fifteen thousand people in one town really would starve to death in less than two months? I'm sure there are people in the world who would love to get 1200 calories a day.

So, although I loved the idea, the book really fails to live up to its potential.

I thought the first 3 chapters were a tough read, but after that, I was fine with the writing. Perhaps I got caught up in the charachters and their problems and did not notice any failures in the authoring.

As someone who served in the Marines, I find that in my line of work, former military tend to be more organized and group oriented. Better team players in general. Not neccessarily more capable or "moral", but certainly more adaptable and improvisational. And depending on the branch of service they served in, certainly the type of people I would prefer to work with should a "SHTF" scenario take place.

I skimmed the forward, and didn't bother with the afterword.

That said, I think what you describe as an "absurd outcomes", many could argue to be an accurate portrayal with a basis in historical fact. The lack of sanitization alone, or ability to deliver clean drinking water would be one of the biggest catalyst to civil disrest. At least the town in this book had clean water and I guess we must assume, septic systems.

And regarding starving, most people would PAINFULLY starve after 3 or 4 weeks with out any food; depending on their fluid intake. 1,200 calories a day? Thats enough for people who are stagnate, avoiding any work AND who are eating a balanced 1,200 calories (Getting all of their nutrients). Now throw in having to hunt for food, chop firewood, walk back and forth into a town to look for guidance or messages from leadership, living under stress, and every other physical task needed just to live day to day...and 1,200 calories is enough to keep you upright and concious for a short periods of time.

There were plenty of contrived aspects to these books (As their are in many books), but I don't count a breakdown in civilization from a lack of power, or the starvation to be amongst them.
I think at Ranger School we took in around 1500 calories a day. That's when you had time, not all days allowed for that. And we weren't exactly stagnant there.

Well, caloric intake is different person to person, and minimum requirements will be driven by age, sex, weight, activity, metabolic rate etc. etc But nutritionist and your doctor will tell you that you need a "minimum" of 1,200 calories a day to be able to obtain all your nutritional requirements and for your body to still function effectively.

Not that you won't survive on less, even being active. Some unfortunate souls in Nazi concentration camps survived (just barely) on as little as 300-600 calories a day.

Those of us in the military, particularly during combat or SOC training, worked ourselves and our bodies into very efficient machines, which means we made the most of our calories. So I am not surprised you thrived in Ranger school on reduced calories. Although, ironically, someone with extra body fat will be able to survive longer on reduced or even zero calories then a thin fit person with a higher muscle to body fat ratio.

Still, John Q. Public, in a high stress situation, will notice their body eventually shutting down certain internal functions. Less then 1,200 calories a day is clinically referred to as sending your body into "Starvation mode".

Additionally, people who are already unhealthy and suffering from other medical conditions, are going to suffer worse from lack of caloric intake and having to then work hard because of a disaster scenario.
Those of us in the military, particularly during combat or SOC training, worked ourselves and our bodies into very efficient machines, which means we made the most of our calories. So I am not surprised you thrived in Ranger school on reduced calories. Although, ironically, someone with extra body fat will be able to survive longer on reduced or even zero calories then a thin fit person with a higher muscle to body fat ratio.

Still, John Q. Public, in a high stress situation, will notice their body eventually shutting down certain internal functions. Less then 1,200 calories a day is clinically referred to as sending your body into "Starvation mode".

Additionally, people who are already unhealthy and suffering from other medical conditions, are going to suffer worse from lack of caloric intake and having to then work hard because of a disaster scenario.

I agree with most if not all you have to say here. Society today is soft. Most humans in civilized regions of the world are incapable of caring for themselves in difficult situations. In fact, I would guess that most of them would not survive long without the continuous supply of goods and services they have become so accustomed to. Will it be as bad as it's portrayed in this book? I don't know and i hope not. But I will not be one of those people, and you shouldn't either.

Through experimentation, training, and learning we can prepare ourselves for a worst a case scenario that we hope to never see. There is a difference between wishing for something to happen, and being prepared for a bad situation. I am not an apocalyptic thinker by any stretch of the imagination; however, I acknowledge the existence of evil and the damage it can cause if mitigation is not undertaken.
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