Whats next on your military surplus list? Marlboro is coming up to kick off the gun show season and I'm sure everyone thats going that collects milsurps has a few things they'd like to find at a fair price. Of course theres always that gun that you didn't expect to buy but just can't pass up. Some of my best deals and favorite rifles have been found that way.
High on my list is a New England Westinghouse Mosin Nagant with a Remington coming in close second. I've been wanting to get a Westinghouse model for a long time now but can't get myself to pay the high price money online sellers are asking when I hear and read about people still buying them for $150 here and there. $300 is the usual price for online vendors and those aren't even mint rifles.
I said it before and I'll say it again, theres something about bringing a rifle back home to where it was made that appeals to me. Westinghouse models were made here in Mass. in Chicopee, and the Remingtons were done in CT. I NEED one of each.
This photo is from mosinnagant.net and shows what they claim are American troops leaving for Russia in 1919 armed with M91 Mosins.
This photo is of the Remington Arms factory. Supposedly those are crates filled with Remington M91 Mosin Nagants.
Aside from those Mosin models, I'm also looking for a few SKS variants to round out my collection, particularly an Albanian.![Grin [grin] [grin]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/041.gif)
High on my list is a New England Westinghouse Mosin Nagant with a Remington coming in close second. I've been wanting to get a Westinghouse model for a long time now but can't get myself to pay the high price money online sellers are asking when I hear and read about people still buying them for $150 here and there. $300 is the usual price for online vendors and those aren't even mint rifles.
![Shocked [shocked] [shocked]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/007.gif)
![Smile [smile] [smile]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/001.gif)
This photo is from mosinnagant.net and shows what they claim are American troops leaving for Russia in 1919 armed with M91 Mosins.

This photo is of the Remington Arms factory. Supposedly those are crates filled with Remington M91 Mosin Nagants.
![Shocked [shocked] [shocked]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/007.gif)

Aside from those Mosin models, I'm also looking for a few SKS variants to round out my collection, particularly an Albanian.
![Grin [grin] [grin]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/041.gif)