What is it like to fire an AR-15? It’s horrifying, menacing and very very loud

RE: Secret Service Agent

It pissed him off a little bit when I "outed" him when I asked him how long he'd been with the Service and asked him about his firearm in the case and the SCAR in his Blackhawk bag. He wanted to know how I knew he was a Secret Service agent, I just told him that he just told me. He also had a "FLD" tag on each of his bags (who to contact if found, lost, or delayed) that had the Secret Service office address, although I didn't let on. He wanted to know if I was law enforcement (I was wearing my 5.11 cap and had my own Pelican case with padlocks. He wanted to know what I was carrying and told him I would if he and his buddies showed me what they had, I'd show him what I had. He wouldn't show them, but confirmed that he had some "nice" firearms.
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The recoil bruised my shoulder, which can happen if you don't know what you're doing. The brass shell casings disoriented me as they flew past my face. The smell of sulfur and destruction made me sick. The explosions — loud like a bomb — gave me a temporary form of PTSD. For at least an hour after firing the gun just a few times, I was anxious and irritable.

Really? an AR bruised your shoulder? what kind of finky BETA **** are you? and PTSD? a bomb???? Someone who has actual PTSD from hearing actual bombs and cannons should give you an attitude adjustment, mother****er.

Wow. What a wuss.

I would love to take this guy out to the range to shoot my Mosin on a summer day wearing only a t-shirt. Maybe after firing the 12-gauge. You want a bruised shoulder, pussy, that is how men do it! He thinks a .223 cartrige has recoil in AR? LOL
Note this is Frank's defense:

I can assure everyone that we do not support mental health screenings like they do in Europe and we don't think that government officials should take away guns from people as it was portrayed in the article.

So far as I can tell, he has not retracted or denied making this statement:

“There should be expanded background checks — extending into your family, friends and associates,”

Doesn't exactly sound like a gun-rights supporter to me. Sounds like a quisling who's sorry that he got caught.
Been up since 3:00: dog freaking out over the thunder rolling through. Decided to troll Kuntzman's Twitter profile for an hour, good times!
"[FONT=&amp]The recoil bruised my shoulder."

Seriously...the recoil bruised his shoulder? Are you effing kidding me. I fired the M16-A2 in the army...barely felt it. I have a .308 that barely has any recoil. My 30-30 is a different story but I have never heard of an AR style rifle bruising anyone.
the recoil didn't bruise my 12 and 14 year old. Maybe he has some type of flesh disease that makes him bruise easy.

Oh, and this total and complete over-reaction is priceless....

[FONT=&amp]"The brass shell casings disoriented me as they flew past my face. The smell of sulfur and destruction made me sick. The explosions — loud like a bomb — gave me a temporary case of PTSD. For at least an hour after firing the gun just a few times, I was anxious and irritable."[/FONT]

Maybe I'm just a puss but I got a bruise from a crappy s&w stock that I pulled to tight into my shoulder. Not cuz of shooting but just holding it tucked jn
Not sure I am ok with calling 7 year olds "hot chicks"...

He's likely referring to the adult woman in the bathing suit firing the AR later on in the douche's article, most likely. It has a shitty caption under it that says something like "other videos sent to me feature an absurd mix of sex and violence" or some similar BS like that.

He responds: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/gun-lovers-love-7-year-old-firing-article-1.2682376

Why do gun lovers delight in seeing a 7-year-old firing an AR-15 rifle like the Sig Sauer used in Orlando

I get it, America, most kids are braver than me. Many children are raised to proudly fire weapons. And, yes, my surname is Kuntzman.

LOL!!! The pud doesn't realize he's being played like a fiddle and the more he writes, the more he comes off sounding like a whining pissant.

Not everyone appreciates click bait and surfing at work. Easier to simply paste what you are referring to.

Without the pic from the article it wouldn't have made any sense though....

This f-in guy...

"No one knows why people turn violent, but you shouldn't shoot gunz!!!!!111!!1!"

I bet he'd lose his mind if someone pointed out the constant stream of violence on Tv, movies, music and videogames that kids experience on a daily basis... But yeah, it's because guns exist?

F this guy three times now.

(No I'm not saying video games make you violent. I've seen evidence they help train you how to shoot, and exasperate the problem though.)
(No I'm not saying video games make you violent. I've seen evidence they help train you how to shoot, and exasperate the problem though.)

Actually this is a good point. I haven't seen a single bit of info on how this little shit knew how to manipulate the MCX let alone kill 49 people. I realize he was a security guard but I've read nothing about him even going to a range.
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