What, if anything, are you doing to prepare for flu season


NES Life Member
NES Member
Dec 2, 2005
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There has been some speculation that the flu season this year may be worse due to the H1N1 flu coming back from the southern hemisphere in a more dangerous form.

Given that the summer is a kind of 'rest period' before the regular flu season (even though the H1N1 is infecting a lot of people right now, we actually think our daughter had it last week), are there any steps that you are taking specifically to deal with what might be a more serious health threat in the Fall?
Nothing special. Just wash my hands. I also have sani wipes that I wipe down the phones, keyboards with at work before I start my shift. Probably should do door knobs too.
My entire family just had it. I had wondered a few weeks ago if it might be better to just go ahead and get it and develop some natural immunity before it mutates to something much deadlier.
two stepping.

seriously, the panic is un-called for.

wash your hands, clean up your work areas and you'll be good.

if you work in health care, you'll get the shot(s) anyway
I did a flu shot a couple of times. I sort of regret spending the money for it.

It's best to simply take multivitamins and wash your hands more frequently during flu season, IMHO.
stay active and drink water. Its worked for years, I can't even remember the last time I got sick. Oh ya, I work at a rest home full of sick people, even in the summer.
+1 on NOT getting any Gov't mandated experimental Flu shots.....no way, no how...

H1N1 vaccine warnings

follow basic sanitary rules ( washing hands, etc.), eat right, exercise, and stay away from crowds and nasty places like Malls, etc.. where unhealthy people congregate...[smile]
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My entire family just had it. I had wondered a few weeks ago if it might be better to just go ahead and get it and develop some natural immunity before it mutates to something much deadlier.

Actually, studies of previous pandemics indicate that this might be true.
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