What gun control would you actually support?

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I like that we've all decided I'm writing a paper. I'm done writing papers, thankfully. I'm also not trolling. I'm just a young guy interested in guns. And politics.

Timber: My fellow libtards and I would argue the same for conservative ideals not working. We had 8 years of pretty much unrestricted conservative rule and things went to shit. Things like taxing the wealthy though? How many societies have tried that out? The wealthy are historically pretty good at not getting taxed.

But I REALLY don't want to start that argument. My point is, liberals make the same claim about conservative ideals. Secondly, I don't believe people who have been involved in war have a monopoly on deciding what works. Even if they did, not all of them are in agreement. My grandfather fought in WW2 and would have some choice words for many of you on here.
I like that we've all decided I'm writing a paper. I'm done writing papers, thankfully. I'm also not trolling. I'm just a young guy interested in guns. And politics.

Timber: My fellow libtards and I would argue the same for conservative ideals not working. We had 8 years of pretty much unrestricted conservative rule and things went to shit. Things like taxing the wealthy though? How many societies have tried that out? The wealthy are historically pretty good at not getting taxed.

But I REALLY don't want to start that argument. My point is, liberals make the same claim about conservative ideals. Secondly, I don't believe people who have been involved in war have a monopoly on deciding what works. Even if they did, not all of them are in agreement. My grandfather fought in WW2 and would have some choice words for many of you on here.

Good luck. I hope you're not a fat chick.
My fellow libtards and I would argue the same for conservative ideals not working. We had 8 years of pretty much unrestricted conservative rule and things went to shit. Things like taxing the wealthy though? How many societies have tried that out? The wealthy are historically pretty good at not getting taxed.

Keep in mind, conservative does not equal Republican. You won't find many people here defending George Bush as an example of our ideals. That backwards ****ing chickenhawk ruined our freedoms worse than most before him by enacting the Patriot Act. He was a big government statist, just one of a different flavor.

As for taxes, that's not what the government needs to focus on to alleviate our problems. Our government has over-stepped it's boundaries and is regulating much more than it was ever designed to, and that is not only causing it to spend itself into oblivion, but it's creating an entire generation of people who are going to be depending on it to continue down this path, making it exponentially more difficult to ever reverse the problem.
I like that we've all decided I'm writing a paper. I'm done writing papers, thankfully. I'm also not trolling. I'm just a young guy interested in guns. And politics.

Timber: My fellow libtards and I would argue the same for conservative ideals not working. We had 8 years of pretty much unrestricted conservative rule and things went to shit. Things like taxing the wealthy though? How many societies have tried that out? The wealthy are historically pretty good at not getting taxed.

But I REALLY don't want to start that argument. My point is, liberals make the same claim about conservative ideals. Secondly, I don't believe people who have been involved in war have a monopoly on deciding what works. Even if they did, not all of them are in agreement. My grandfather fought in WW2 and would have some choice words for many of you on here.

You really don't want to start that argument, so you're going to throw it out there anyway?

And you're not trolling?

And by the way, every society taxes the wealthy. It's where the money is.
1. No
2. No
3. No

Though, I guess there's no way to be sure of that.

I've got some questions too though.

1. How many times do I have to state I'm not in favor of gun control before anyone believes me?
2. How do the above 3 questions relate to my ability to have an opinion on such issues, and how do they relate to the other political issues you mentioned (taxing the wealthy, etc) and
3. I'm going to bed.

Good night. I'm sure you will all sleep like babies tonight [grin]
How do the above 3 questions relate to my ability to have an opinion on such issues, and how do they relate to the other political issues you mentioned (taxing the wealthy, etc)

It's about you taking care of you and yours vs. giving that inherent responsibility to the state.
If you want to know, my current working theory is that you have the natural right to own the minimum amount of force that puts you on a (theoretically) level playing field with any other person, including a soldier of the government or just another civilian. Guns are that minimum, whereas tanks are not. There is more to it, but I don't want to write a book and I don't have it all worked out yet, but it seems to me a solid working foundation.
Wow, where on earth did you get that non-sense?

How do you decide that it's 1 one 1? Are you aware that many assaults (a majority of violent assault in fact) are carried out by more than one attacker?

Unfortunately, I've experienced this myself. So, no, there is no natural right to "one on one defense," that diaper is sliding right down the wall.

Then there is the issue of "one soldier?" What? One soldier could be piloting a drone over my house - so by your logic, I should at least get an TOW or hellfire missile to knock it out of the sky right?

You admit that you haven't thought this through and I say without intent to insult that it shows. You clearly don't have a realistic view of either the real threats that someone can face from crime or from a government.

That's a shame and I suspect a result of the education system force feeding this idea of "government as a force of good." Government is, on a historical scale, a force of violent, malevolent evil. Where it is not, it is the exception and it's only a little evil.

Then there's the criminal aspect of self defense. If you think you can count on only one bad dude deciding to give you a stern talking to, you have a painful life lesson coming (I honestly hope no one has to learn this that doesn't already know it, but it seems to be a rather common misconception - people watch too much TV).
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We had 8 years of pretty much unrestricted conservative rule and things went to shit. Things like taxing the wealthy though? How many societies have tried that out? The wealthy are historically pretty good at not getting taxed.
See, there's the problem - no we did not. We had a continuation of the creeping socialism that was well under way going back to the late 80's congress. Business wasn't running amok unregulated, it was in bed with the regulators regulating their way to prevent new comers to the market and socialize losses while privatizing profits.

There is NOTHING about the way things were running under Bush I, II or Clinton that we recognize as "unrestricted conservative rule."

This is why the Tea Party has come to be is that we recognized that while we were busy voting against admitted socialists, we had allowed clandestine socialists to take over the Republican party.

Ignore all of that there is the issue of who controlled Congress during that time...

The argument of liberal vs conservative is not what's going on right now... The Democrats, Republicans and business leaders have all realized what shown with the National Socialist German Worker's Party, that the key to power is your proximity to those who write the laws. As long as you are well connected to "the party," they won't send you to the gas chamber, so who cares what their policies are for the broader population.

The Tea Party movement has been called many things to try to silence it, but what it is primarily about is saying the solution is small government and at no time during the last 20 years has anyone tried that... You can tell by the deficits and spending.

Business has long realized that they don't want free markets, they want to be the one writing the laws to keep out competition which is exactly what they have been doing.
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i would be able to listen to some reasonable gun control talks if

#1 there was a national conceled and open carry permit.
#2 every state, town, district, ect adopts a shall issue polocy
#3 the age to own and carry a handgun is lowerd to 18
#4 school zones and ect, no carry zones were deregulated
#5 the castel doctrin becomes national law
#6 cannons will be treated like a rifle under the law so that leagly speaking a 20mm is no diffrent than a 22lr
and last but not least Will Hayden from sons of guns is kicked repetedly in the testical untill there rendered usliss and the 3 more times for good measure.
that last on has to be done by me personaly[wink]
In a way, a very very SMALL way, gun control is a good thing. No, I'm not outing myself, I have gotten more 2a aware since I moved here, and less interested in liberal agendas. Let me explain...

When I moved here from AZ almost three years ago, I had one gun, a Springfield xD45 that I bought because I did a lot of solo riding in AZ, and just a K-Bar on my belt wasn't quite enough on the Reservations. Nice gun, shot straight, went to the range a couple of times a month, didn't have a desire or see a need for anything else. O/C'd everywhere, never thought twice about it. Then I moved here...

Lucky me, I moved into a rental in Chelmsford (oh so very Green!). Finally (NOT gonna say it was more than 90 days) got around to taking a class. Nice class, lot's of fun, learned a lot, worth the money. Got exposed to the silliness (and outright stupidity) that is MA law. Got my LTC-A with no problems, even though I had a 20+ year-old glitch (an arrest, not a conviction) that I left out because my (dumbass) attorney had told me I could when asked "Have you ever been arrested for...?" Essentially, a not-unpleasant process, but I digress...

Having been to the class, being coerced into spending the money, learning the really bizarre laws (Apparently leaning a loaded gun against a truck in the woods is somehow different from leaning it against a tree?) and a host of other things I never thought I cared about, I learned that what I really wanted was more guns. That's when the REALLY Byzantine gun laws here became of personal, rather than passing, interest. I found that the gun I had legally brought with me was illegal here, or at least couldn't be purchased. So no gun shops had 10 round mags to replace the 13 round ones it came with. So I had to order them... And a bunch of other silly contradictions we all know, so I will save space and let them lie there...

So I started buying guns. And learning. And coming here. And supporting (only intellectually, because my wife is allergic to working so financially is tough and I need more guns and ammo) Comm2a, GOAL and NRA. And becoming increasingly frustrated with the stupidity inherent in our "Leaders" at all levels. And taking my daughter to Appleseeds. And talking to my friends and coworkers about how f-ed up our country is getting. And taking friends and coworkers (yes, I share) to the range and talking about guns. So fasr, one has gotten his LTC, another is going to take the class, and I have seen a shift in some attitudes. And now I have 3 handguns, 3 .22s for my daughters, a couple of Mosin's, a 12ga, a 9mm carbine, and somewhere North of 8k rounds of assorted ammo in my house. And I need a bigger safe, because I have about 6-8 more guns on my "list".

So, if there wasn't the riDICulous set of laws we have here in MA, I would probably have gone right along, thinking I was fine with my .45 and occasional range trip. So thanks Ms Coakley, and Mumbles, and Holder, and Deval, and all the other folks responsible; if it wasn't for YOU, I'd still be a sheep! I also would not have met a group of people like those here on NES, who stand up for what they believe in, call a spade a spade, and share their time and knowledge without reservation (and sometimes w/o a filter!).

So I am fervently NOT saying gun control is good, but there IS a silver lining, however thin...
The OP doesn't have a clue. She hasn't had any real world experience. She's a college girl trying to poise as a boy to write her term paper about how evil gun owners are.

That's what I'm smelling ... I'm heading up to Cambridge, gonna start hitting bicyclists in my Jeep until I find her.
if the state had enforced their existing laws, such and such incident wouldn't have been an issue,
Robbery, rape and murder are already illegal. Enforce those laws. Don't come after my firearms because a criminal committed one of these with a firearm.

or have alluded to a set of "acceptable" gun laws/restrictions that are not actually enumerated anywhere.
I have never alluded, suggested or even thought that gun laws are a good thing.
So I ask you: what, if any, gun regulation do you support in order to keep them out of the hands of bad guys (people seem to generally agree this is a legitimate aim)?
Only after they commit a crime are they a bad person. We keep the guns out of their hands by locking them up. Once a person has served their time I do not believe they should be prohibited for life. If they served the time and paid for their crime all rights should be restored upon release.

Before some says "What about rapists, murderers and pedophiles?", those guys/gals NEVER see another day. Removal from gene pool at earliest possible time.
You guys realize that, while compared to people on this forum I might be this super-liberal naive kid, I'm much more in line with the rest of civilized society? I'm surprised some of you can open your mouths in public without being told to get back in the woods.

This is simply due to the brainwashing in the world of academia that is the norm and also from timeouts at home and the trust fund that sustain your brethrin.

Do you check off the box to pay the higher tax rate or just bitch that everyone else should?

Your kind are weeded out pretty quickly. The day you need a gun to keep from being gang raped will have you singing a different tune. Deval and Obama are not going to help you reguardless of what they say.
Sent from the Hyundai of the droids, the Samsung Replenish, using Tapatalk.
What the OP has not realized yet is thus.

The government is no longer "by the people, for the people". With each new acronymed agency it has become a living breathing beast with an insatiable appetite for the destruction of liberty.

Don't believe me? Try walking through a mall with a handgun strapped to your belt, and a rifle slung over your shoulder, visible for all to see.

We have lost control, but are working to take it back, peacefully, but people are running out of patience. The government knows this. That is why they are working at a fever pitch to disarm us, especially in the states that they have already taken. Read my sig line for more insight into that.

Gun control is a myth perpetuated by those that wish to control us. The sooner you realize that, the better.
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i wonder what would happen if we did a flash mob open carry... would we be surrounded by S.W.A.T. and their APC?

anyone feel like making on happen?
Darn it, I felt asleep and I miss the fun. I'm on a A hat and ready to hunt some trolls.
Government has guns. Military, police , federal police in all their alphabetized glory.

Not even the trolls propose disarming the government , in fact realize they need guns to enforce the will of the left ... I mean : " people."

America was founded to protect the people FROM the government. Gun control is Anti American , anti freedom. Wanting gun control means one trusts the government to do the right thing - always , whether George Bush or Barack Obama is at the wheel.

20th Century Governments killed more people than can be counted. Gun control CAUSES mass murder on a scale the human race has never seen before.
Has anyone defined "gun" in this thread yet? the question was asked about "gun control" and the same person has put biological and nuclear weapons into that category.
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