Virginia Mass Shooting Most Recent by Concealed Handgun Permit Holder

Make repeat offenders dance a hangman's jig.

There are 14,000 murders every year in this country. If you had an express lane without appeal to the death chamber, we don't have enough people committing capital crimes to make a dent in the numbers. (And that's not going to happen anyway. It wasn't the case in 1930 either when our crime rate was a lot lower).

Criminologists (even us amateur ones) have known for decades that most murders and other serious violent felonies are committed by males between age 15 and 35 (Mostly between 15-25) If you did nothing else but keep everyone in jail who'd committed a serious violent felony until they were over 35 you'd have a massive reduction in violent crime.

I think the best course is to really concentrate all our efforts in two areas:

First, you need to put massive resources into the juvenile system. Kids who commit any crime, even shoplifting need to be put on strict probation which is heavily monitored for things like drug use, school attendance etc AND THEN ENFORCE THE RULES. They need to learn early that breaking the law will lead to very unpleasant punishment with consistency. Second, you need to concentrate on adult minor-medium type crimes doing the same thing (there will never be enough money to keep people in jail for 10 years for property crimes unless you reduce the number of crimes. You'd never be able to build enough prisons). They've been running a program in HI that hammers parolees/probationers for ANY infraction EVERY time. They've reduced re-incarceration rates by astonishing percentages.

The entire crime problem is traced back to the family. The courts have to stand in for parents who just won't do their job. What we need to do is teach the young that their actions will have consequences. Very unpleasant ones. As it is, we do essentially nothing until they do something serious and half the time we drop the ball even then. They don't understand that action X=consequence Y, they understand that bad things randomly happen to them. It's like trying to house-train a puppy by randomly beating him every fifth time he pees on the rug. All you do is have a stinky rug and a vicious, mentally unbalanced dog.
Make repeat offenders dance a hangman's jig.

That'd be a good start.... hell, at this point we can't even manage to keep them in prison, never mind kill them. There are thugs that rotate through the MA justice system several times or more before doing anything resembling real time in prison. They're more likely to be punished on the street than they are in our system.

It's a sad event, but what's also sad is that if people were armed and can conceal carry on campus, the shooter would've been stopped cold in his tracks. Anti-gun supporters keep forgetting that criminals will ALWAYS find a way to procure guns and use them for destruction. Being anti-gun is like leading the sheep to slaughter. Only by arming upright citizens can we protect the innocent from harm.
Only by arming upright citizens can we protect the innocent from harm.

Those upright citizens have to be willing and able to shoot back. At both the Tacoma Mall shooting in Washington State and the New Life Church shooting in Colorado there were people with LTC's and guns who wouldn't shoot back.
Those upright citizens have to be willing and able to shoot back. At both the Tacoma Mall shooting in Washington State and the New Life Church shooting in Colorado there were people with LTC's and guns who wouldn't shoot back.

True. With a LTC I feel that it is my duty to use what I have against the bad guys. I don't want to be in a situation where people were killed because I failed to exercise my 2nd Amendment right when it counted most. Prior to my LTC I didn't worry as much, but as the saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility.
So, let's see...

per MirriamWebster:
Main Entry: ter·ror·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈter-ər-ˌi-zəm\
Function: noun
Date: 1795

: the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion

So, the liberal press uses images and stories of mass killings to coerce people into forfeiting rights and their way of life...

Ayup, sounds like terrorism to me...

Lunatic Liberal said:
Give up your guns or schools full of children will die
The entire crime problem is traced back to the family. The courts have to stand in for parents who just won't do their job. What we need to do is teach the young that their actions will have consequences.

It's not just negligent parents though. It's also the schools that teach them that they should never have to experience failure.

This is a huge societal problem that gets into every aspect of our system from "Drug War" to education, to wellfare, and so on. We have a system that, regardless of its intention, is designed near optimally to subjugate many of the very people it as ostensibly created to help.
I have had a carry permit for 44 years and have killed nobody.However,if I never carried a gun for protection,I probably wouldn't be here now.Those are the only statistics I care about.Also,until the Democratic party gets off the anti bandwagon,the Republicans have my vote.
Read through the VPC cases, they're misleading in some, lying in others. They also are including armed guards with a state issued guard license (and I'm not aware of a single one that allows off duty carry). They also include guns left unattended by license holders that get used by kids, accidental shootings, and people licensed in one state carrying feloniously in another where they don't have reciprocity, etc. It looks like maybe half of those are legitimate, but even then they include things as murder when it was a clean shoot but the bullet hit the person in the back (which is justifiable if they're still a threat). What they fail to mention is that people licensed to carry are far less likely to commit any crime than the rest of the population of the US; they're just touching on the handful who have.

Finally, it seems more than half of them happened in Florida (I don't know personally, but heard their gun laws are too lax).

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