
Let Venezuela implode. We need more examples of what to prepare for when TSHTF.

They're circling the bowl, it may not be too much longer:

Venezuela's unbelievable currency collapse is getting worse

Violent protests are growing, the economy is spiraling further out of control and Venezuelans are suffering through shortages of food and medicine. And the bolivar, already worth next to nothing, keeps losing value.

At the beginning of the year, it took about 3,000 bolivars to buy one U.S. dollar. By Wednesday, it took almost 8,000. That's according to, which tracks the unofficial exchange rate used by most Venezuelans because official rates are considered overvalued.

"I'd describe it as the result of a government that prints money like it's confetti," says Raul Gallegos, senior analyst at Control Risks, an international consulting firm. "The government has simply employed the wrong policies to stay in power."

Government corruption and mismanagement have triggered hyperinflation. Prices are set to rise a staggering 720% this year, according to the International Monetary Fund. The collapse of the economy and currency has driven shortages in food, medicine and basic products like toilet paper.
I hope Goldman Sachs loses their ass on the deal to support that regime.

Goldman never loses. They bought bonds issued by the state oil company, PDVSA at 31% of face value. They just sold some of them at a "slim profit."
Now this guy has some BIG cajones! [shocked]

Venezuela movie actor behind helicopter attack on government buildings

The rogue police officer behind a helicopter attack on Venezuelan government buildings is an action film star who paints himself as a James Bond-cum-Rambo figure on social media.

The government of President Nicolas Maduro said Oscar Perez, a strapping pilot, diver and parachutist, was responsible for firing shots and lobbing grenades on the Interior Ministry and the Supreme Court after hijacking the helicopter.

In a social media video, Perez said he was fighting a tyrannical, vile government.
>>> The collapse of the economy and currency has driven shortages in food (check), medicine (check) and basic products like toilet paper (crap, need to stock up on more TP).
>>> The collapse of the economy and currency has driven shortages in food (check), medicine (check) and basic products like toilet paper (crap, need to stock up on more TP).
Market control does that. Just try buying a generator in a hurricane area when the govt has outlawed profiteering, so the trucks that would otherwise be loading up at Home Depot to engage in a bit of market arbitrage stay parked.
Some crazy footage from yesterday down there, at least as far as I can tell.

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If you plan to vacation in Aruba you might want to re-think you plans....

a friend of mine just recently returned from there. He was with his wife and 1yr old. It's not just criminal types but some flee Valenzuela and appear on the resort beaches and steal your stuff try to intimidate you into giving up your beach spot...

It’s a fact that the majority of these crimes are committed by visitors from Venezuela and Colombia.
Hooray for socialism......

Venezuela was once one of Latin America’s richest countries,
flush with oil wealth that attracted immigrants from places as varied as Europe and the Middle East.

But after President Hugo Chávez vowed to break the country’s economic elite and redistribute wealth to the poor, the rich and middle class fled to more welcoming countries in droves, creating what demographers describe as Venezuela’s first diaspora.
Sugar theft.

I hope the toothbrush truck wasn't too far behind.

Trucks in South America are always being attacked by bandits on motorcycles. They usually sneak up to the back of the truck while the truck is going down the highway and the motorcycle passenger will cut the padlock off with bolt cutters. He will then climb over the motorcycle driver and jump into the back of the truck and start throwing packages out to the side of the road.
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All these videos out of Venezuela are making me think I need to get a motorcycle or dirtbike of some kind.

With 95% of Basic Medicine Unavailable, Venezuelans Take to the Streets

As part of the socialist reforms of the country’s late leader Hugo Chávez, the right to health care was enshrined in the Venezuelan constitution. However, amid the country’s economic collapse, which could see inflation rise by a staggering 1700 percent, the government has been forced to make a series of drastic cuts, meaning hundreds of thousands of people cannot access adequate health care.

In March, Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro pleaded with the United Nations to deliver humanitarian aid in the form of medical supplies, blaming private companies for waging an “economic war” against the country.

“The United Nations has the most advanced and complete plans in the world to recover the pharmaceutical industry’s production capacity and direct it toward medicines for the people,” Maduro said on national television, urging the U.N. to act. “I trust in you to keep advancing the strengthening of… the productive engines of the Bolivarian economic agenda.”

The chronic lack of medicine has led to a series of health issues, such as a rise in amputations of infected limbs due to a lack of antibiotics, mastectomies due to a lack of cancer treatment, as well as HIV and teen pregnancies due to the shortage of contraceptives.

Great health care system they got there. Good thing that they made it a 'right' in their Constitution. More spoils of Socialism.

We need to keep throwing this in the face of the left. Keep reminding them and everyone what Socaialized Medicine brings, what Socialism brings. You will not see these stories in the fake news establishment media.
All these videos out of Venezuela are making me think I need to get a motorcycle or dirtbike of some kind.

When I lived there, there were a lot of cops on dirt bikes, usually without helmets. One of the funniest things I saw was two cops transporting a handcuffed prisoner on a dirt bike. They just sandwiched the prisoner between the two cops.
Great health care system they got there. Good thing that they made it a 'right' in their Constitution. More spoils of Socialism.

Yeah, their health care system is so good that when Hugo Chavez got cancer, he went to Cuba for treatment.

We need to keep throwing this in the face of the left. Keep reminding them and everyone what Socaialized Medicine brings, what Socialism brings. You will not see these stories in the fake news establishment media.

More in the news today from Venezuela:

Venezuela’s Maduro Vows to Hold Vote to Rewrite Constitution: ‘You Will Not Defeat Me’

Was this once the 'Democratic Socialism' that many people (even some on this site) tout as utopia? Now devolving into a Communist Dictatorial regime? Such is the natural progression of any type of Socialism, despite efforts to bury one's head in the sand.

“I have withstood all of the right’s attacks. You will not defeat me, you have not defeated me, and you will never defeat me,” Maduro told the opposition on his weekly television program Sundays with Maduro. “You will not defeat the revolution of the people, its history, its values, and spirit.”

Funny how he speaks of this as a "revolution of the people"...

Maduro has proposed the creation of a National Constituents’ Assembly to draft a new constitution. On July 30, the government will hold an election to appoint the members of this parallel legislator; among the candidates for those positions are high-ranking chavista officials like National Assembly Minority Leader (and suspected drug lord) Diosdado Cabello, widely reviled former Foreign Minister Delcy Rodríguez, and First Lady Cilia Flores.

The Venezuelan people have overwhelmingly rejected the idea of the Constituents’ Assembly, which would effectively replace the democratically elected, opposition-led National Assembly. In a referendum last week organized by the opposition, 98 percent of the 7.2 million Venezuelans who partook voted “no” on a new constitution.

Yet "the people" of Venezuela have rejected his plan to re-write the Constitution...
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We have a real SHTF situation going on that country. From a prepper / survivalist standpoint, has anyone heard stories from down there about what works or what doesn't work that we could learn from?

You'd do well to read "FerFal's" books on the subject and watch his youtube videos on financial collapse.

First things first: Stop using Credit Cards or any form of debt in your life. That's right, take the Dave Ramsey Approach and use cash for everything. You won't be in good shape if the economy collapses if you are in debt. So cut up all your credit cards and pay off your mortgage ASAP. You can use a mortgage online calculator to figure out how much extra monthly you would need to pay off that mortgage in less than 30 or 15 years. Never use debt again. In fact, Ramsey says he doesn't even have a credit score, because a credit score is a measure of how good a debtor you are, and he doesn't use debt period.

1. Leave early (with all your money) when you start seeing the writing on the wall. Gold is a very compact store of wealth, many can transfer their entire life savings into a few gold coins and leave the country with it (sewn into their clothing). This requires you researching which countries will take you and your family in, as you're now considered one of them "refugees". This is also one reason why I never denigrate refugees, as you never know when the tides will turn.
2. if you're going to stay, have a retreat that's far out in the jungle and have your stuff well hidden, say nothing to anyone (you're basically a self sustaining island at this point, very tough to do without locals wondering why you aren't getting skinny like them, they don't see you in the long lines, they don't see your children hungry, etc.).
3. Put all your cash into precious metals, it's the only way to defeat inflation when the money becomes worthless.
4. Buy some junk gold too, not just 1oz coins. No one shows up in a town where everyone is starving with a bunch of 1 oz gold coins to barter or trade and lives to tell about it. Think small pieces of jewelry that you can justify "this is my wedding ring, or this is my wife's last pair of earrings" and then you can trade that for some cash to go buy what you are going to buy. As long as your wealth is in PM's the inflation cannot erase your wealth.
5. Leave early (with all your money ) when you start seeing the writing on the wall (repeated on purpose).
6. If you are in a developed country, it pays to find a way to get you and your family passports and citizenship to another country now, while the borders and systems are still open. This way you can open bank accounts and transfer some of your funds there to a different currency. That way you are one step ahead in leaving (side note: the ultra rich already have attorneys doing this for them on a regular basis anyways, e.g. offshore accounts, tax haven countries, etc.)
7. Read Bracken's story on escaping by Sailboat :
8. if you have caches of weapons, you alone won't be able to do anything with them. You'd need to have half the military behind you, something like what happened in Syria with the FSA (good luck with that). Pray that there isn't some foreign superpower aligning themselves or having interest in keeping the new commie dictator in place. If there is, leave, there's no going back.
9. Read Emergency by Neil Strauss (entertaining), Enemies Foreign and Domestic Trilogy by Bracken, Unintended Consequences, and both of FerFal's books (Fernando Aguirre survived Argentinian collapse personally). You can also read the famous "Coup d'Etat by Luttwak", to understand how these things come about. The communists in these South American countries most likely follow a formula laid out by Castro's regime. It's the same playbook everytime (A 1% rich, 99% poor country is the most vulnerable to this kind of revolution). Independent business owners (middle class families) are the backbone of the US economy.
10. Pray the US doesn't go this route. Ironically, by prepping (buying tons of gear) you are helping our economy. Anytime consumers are motivated to spend money whether it be for guns, or preps, or whatever it is you are spending on, it's a good sign the economy will continue to function.
11. As a last resort, if you can't beat them, join them. No one said survival would be easy.

There are also some interesting questions on Quora:
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This requires you researching which countries will take you and your family in, as you're now considered one of them "refugees".
If you have enough money to support yourself and invest in your new country you are an immigrant, not a refugee. If you are poor, you are a refugee.
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