VAGINA gun (whatever fits)

"women in Tennessee, Illinois, and Oklahoma have been convicted of trying to enter a jail with a gun in their vagina. In fact, the Tennessee perp was packing the same firearm that Wilhite has been accused of possessing. "

So is there such a thing as a vagina holster? Asking for large Marge [rofl]
huh! natural lube, probably works like frog lube, need that heat to get into the metal.

Have you ever seen six months to one year old frog lube on a gun? It’s brown/slimy smells rancid...I had a whole rant to go with this but I think I’m gonna throw up a little bit in my mouth.

I feel bad for this gun. It’s too bad It didn’t shoot her in self-defense....I’m pretty sure there’s a post about that exact same thing happening to our last crotch carrier
That has to be some rough miles to only be 39 looking like that. When I first saw the photo I figured closer to 60 and then read the age and felt really good about myself at 42. Damn.
No, no, no. The person who typed the article is just lysdexic. She actually looks really good for 93.

Oh yeah, she looks great for 93! I always say that to people on FB for their birthday, they'll be like 45 and I say tell them they look great for 70 lol
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