UPDATE POST 12 PITA*Got my Utah license in June, now they want a new fingerprint card


NES Member
Nov 9, 2008
N/W of Boston
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Got a fingerprint card in the mail today. Utah wants it redone even though they sent me my license in June. I knew the first print card was sloppy but that was last March that I sent it in. They say the FBI wants the new, improved, card. Now I gotta go shag down a detective at the local PD to do it. I hope that they don't mind the hassle.
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I just got off the phone with the one, and supposedly only, detective that will do my print card. The shagging has begun and I'm getting it good. He's going out of town tonight on police business, can't do it. Tomorrow he has school, can't do it. He says call on Wednesday, maybe then. I'll be all shagged out getting this done.[sad]
I just got off the phone with the one, and supposedly only, detective that will do my print card. The shagging has begun and I'm getting it good. He's going out of town tonight on police business, can't do it. Tomorrow he has school, can't do it. He says call on Wednesday, maybe then. I'll be all shagged out getting this done.[sad]

Sounds to me as if you're getting shagged, and not in the American sense. [wink]
You can go to any town, and with a MA license get your finger prints done (and it is free). I spread the wealth around initially, and then said frig it when they began to see me on a regular basis. They have done my finger prints at least 7x and no one complained (over the past few years). But in your case... Swing by the next nearest PD and you should be all set. Just call ahead of time to be sure they do not have any scheduled times as well.

Kind of funny, one of the older timers there saw my application (since I bring them in to show what I am applying for) and shook his head and said "Good for you."

Nice to live in a Green Town. [smile]
I just got off the phone with the one, and supposedly only, detective that will do my print card. The shagging has begun and I'm getting it good. He's going out of town tonight on police business, can't do it. Tomorrow he has school, can't do it. He says call on Wednesday, maybe then. I'll be all shagged out getting this done.[sad]

Quoting myself here. Well, I called this morning like I was told. The dispatcher put me through to the detective that was supposed to meet me today. Only got his answering service. Left message and phone number and reminded him that we were to do the prints today. Waited 3 hours and no call back. He goes home at 2PM today.

Called dispatch at 11:30 and was told the supervisor will call me back. It's almost 2 PM and no call. Waiting here all day for a return call and it ain't happening. I guess I'll call the lieutenent that runs the gun licensing tomorrow and see if he will get my prints done.
Yesterday was a bust. Been trying since Monday for these prints. Today I went to the station at 8:10 AM, when the shift changes. I asked to see the detective that is supposed to do my fingerprint card. The dispatcher looks at me and says, "You're supposed to call." Yeah right, I'm thinking. So, I just give the dispatcher that "You gotta be shi%t$#g, look." It worked. The dispatcher went and got the detective and the guy did the prints. Sigh!

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