U Fix Em's


NES Member
Jan 14, 2006
South Eastern, MA
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Has anyone here ordered any U Fix Em's/Gunsmith Specials from some of the milsurp dealers? You don't have to name names of the company. Its not allowed on the forums for their safety plus I already know plenty of places that sell them. I'd just like to know what you got, what condition they were in, and what needed repair or replacing.
I've seen plenty of pics and read reports on other forums of people having great success buying 3 rifles and getting 2 nice shooters and 1 parts rifle for cheap money, often what you'd pay for 1 vg/exc condition rifle. Often all thats needed is a few screws or even just a handguard. I recently ordered a Yugo 59 SKS (rarer model w/out grenade launcher) thats listed as incomplete but good otherwise. I chose the SKS because parts are everywhere and cheap, plus I know them inside and out. I haven't gotten it yet but will post results when I'm done.
I have that yearning for cold weather gun bench projects already and winter isn't even here yet.[grin] I can spend hours down stairs at my bench with the wood stove going working on old rifles. If I start having good luck with cheap project milsurps, this could take my spending and collecting to a whole new level.[smile]
I think that the only downside would be winding up with a "mismatch".
If you're looking for a shooter, that wouldn't matter.
OTOH, you can probably sell a decent shooter later when a better example is found.
There's also a lot of satisfaction to be gained by rescueing a junker and you can practice restoring it without worrying about destroying it's value.
In all, sounds like a fun project.
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How about pm ing me some names so I can check into some rebuildables? did not know they were available.
That sound like something I could get into myself.

What are some other examples of the types of firearms they sell and what do they cost?

I'm guessing that most of them are C&R eligible?
Most are C&R guns. Usually what you see on today's surplus market is whats available. I've heard of people getting some junk, some getting gems. Its the usual crap shoot with mail order but for cheap money. Kinda like playing nickle slot machines and coming home with $500 after spending $100, or you could just piss away your $100 and be SOL.
Heres a few replies from another forum (names deleted):

"They don't have enough U-Fix-Um's to put on the website according to my rep. I've gotten 5 fixers so far. Might be luck but there's no rust or pitting and the bores are mirror.

Of the 4 Enfields there was one missing screw and one broken buttplate."

That post was followed up with a shot of 4 great looking No.4 Mk1 Enfields. The last rifle he mentions is a Yugo M48 that was only missing 2 screws.

Another poster had this to say:

"You never know. The first U-Fix-Em I ever got from XXXXXXX was an Enfield No. 1 Mk III. Sure, it was missing both handguards and the safety but it was a 1917 SSA with a matching forend (cut for the mag cutoff) , rear sight, and nose cap."

Average rifles mentioned are Yugo SKS models, Turk Mausers, 91/30 Mosin Nagants, No4 Enfields, Steyr M95s, and even K31s. Pretty much what ever was hugely imported recently has a bunch of examples of rifles that came in with missing parts, broken or cracked stocks, etc. Rather than the importer destroying them or even fixing them, they make more money buy selling them as parts guns or restoration projects. Theres even barreled receivers for sale on some sites and they're all very cheap.
I'll PM you the name of the dealer.
well I have gotten some a few years back (the french M1936 sticks in my head)
It was mostly intact but the bore was horrible and the stock was in very poor shape.

Like it is said above it is a crap shoot. you may find a servicable bore or you may not. Just make sure parts ARE avalible before you order. (things like bolts screws etc. ) some of the older Euro Mil rifles used some interesting threads on the screws. (very fine)

the bottom line is you have to have some time and willingness to do some (sometimes extensive) gunsmithing on these things. the newer Yugo SKS may just be missing parts and be a fine weapon other than that I don't know.

for the cost differance and the hassel of finding parts for obscure weapons I would go towards the whole rated weapons myself after trying it.
Got my 59 SKS today. Its verrrrryyy dirty, but intact except for cleaning rod, butt plate, and folding bayonet. The stock and receiver match too. I'll be cleaning this one for a while. Bluing could be better in some spots but it is a fixer so I wasn't expecting 100% blue at all. Bore looks good too from what I can tell at a quick glance. For $70 I'm very happy with it.[grin]
Becareful I had a few great ufixems yugo m59 sks's with broken w/safety's. I did get one French MAS 36 in 308 nato with a new barrel and the headspace is way off with the field gauge. Remember to check the headspace on all your C&R guns before you shoot them. I purchased 3 or 4 headspace gauges at a time till i had all my calibers. Trust me my ufixem french MAS 36 sure showed me to check that headspace first. You can pay just $15 for a headspace gauge or maybe have an accident who knows are you a gambling man i'm not. I had a very strange gut feeling something was wrong with the MAS36 and i was right. Don't take chances sooner or later you will lose. Its that one gun out of 100 that will get you.
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