Today I ripped up my check and membership to NRA , I'm done with them forever...

go read the source document from the SA instead of the hit piece

Discussion Guide Preamble
The attached document is a voluntary discussion guide from the Interna-
tional Salvation Army. The tool has been provided through the Interna-
tional Social Justice Commission and is designed to stimulate gracious
discussion among Salvationists who choose to participate.
This discussion guide represents The Salvation Army’s desire for internal
dialogue. It is not a position or policy statement, and it does not replace,
supersede, or act as an addendum to The Salvation Army’s International
Positional Statement

It then goes onto say that the SA has made mistakes in the past, too bad other churches and faiths can't do the same

A major component of The Salvation Army’s
international mission statement is ‘... to preach
the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human
needs in his name without discrimination.’
However, we cannot truly serve our brothers and
sisters if we allow discrimination and racism to
happen around them or even within The Salvation
Army. Our International Position Statement1
reads, ‘The Salvation Army acknowledges with
regret, that Salvationists have sometimes shared
in the sins of racism and conformed to economic,
organisational and social pressures that
perpetuate racism.’, and challenges us to fight
against racism. As Salvationists and Christians,
we are called to stand against any form of sin or
oppression, and racism is no different.

The document says NOTHING about forcing anyone to do anything, it even says in the document churches are free to embrace the contents, or not, and it is not an official church position or document. It is meant as something to be used to teach people within their church, they are not forcing it on the world.

If you want to crap on a religious body being total leftists, start with the Roman Catholic Church... didn't I read recently they have a painting of George Floyd as Jesus hanging in one of their colleges?

If you want to read the SA document here is the link

I am not a religious person, on a good day I am a very lapsed Catholic, I did not leave the church, their positions are not the same ones I was raised on... they left me... and I do not consider myself the member of any faith.

But I drop a C note in the kettle every Christmas for no other reason than the work they do with addicts and alcoholics... they succeed when others can't or don't, and that is good enough for me to open my wallet

I just ran through it. I'm sorry, it's absolute garbage, stuffed to the gills with the current redefinition of racism that explicitly creates racism as its goal.

From Appendix A:
Anti-racist: fighting against racism. Being antiracist results from a conscious decision to make frequent, consistent, equitable choices daily. These choices require ongoing self-awareness and self-reflection as we move through life. In the absence of making anti-racist choices, we (un)consciously uphold aspects of White supremacy, White-dominant culture, and unequal institutions and society. Being racist or anti-racist is not about who you are; it is about what you do. 48​
This an explicit statement that if you don't agree and submit to the tenets of the current "anti-racist" religion, you are explicitly supporting racist actions.

Also from Appendix A:
Racist: a person who belongs to a dominant or privileged group that discriminates against people of other races, or someone who believes that a particular race is superior to another.​
Note the shift here. Per the first half of the description, what you think and how you act are irrelevant. If you are a member of a group that is defined as dominant and acting against other races, you are a racist by definition. Solely being a member of the group defines you, regardless of your personal stances and actions. Note also that it excludes someone who can be defined as a member of a minority group. If someone who is not white went on a killing spree of only white people solely because the victims were white, the killer cannot be defined as a racist.

This is bullshit on stilts. The rest of the document is more of the same.

I can't think of the last time I passed one of the kettles without donating. That time has now passed.
I've been a member since 2007 and always wanted to simply do my part and support them for protecting my rights etc.

I always found it very uncomfortable the amount of physical mail and phone calls I receive from them asking for money.

Anyways they did not support a 17 year old kid who loved his community and went to prison then on trial for self defense. They remained silent about Kyle Rittenhouse, this made me realize I am supporting the wrong people. The rumors I have heard over the years are mostly true, the guy just cares about money and more money.... The biggest self defense case in a decade and we have stood by the NRAs side all these years with my hats and bags and stickers and they didn't make so much as a PeeP about Kyle Rittenhouse. So I just ripped up the membership renewal and I have no shame, no guilt and I feel sorry for the lady who will be calling me asking me to send them money, cause I'm gonna let her know how I feel about them.
Unfortunately, this was the best strategy for the NRA - if you accept the premise that their mission is to fight the gun right battle to win, not support individual cases or pontificate about what is right except when strategically wise.

A few things to consider:
  • The NRAs support would not have increased Rittenhouse's chance for acquittal. It would likely have been another obstacle.
  • With rare exception (you being one of them) supporting him would have cost more political capital that sitting out the game.
  • It was not a given that R would be acquitted. It was a political trial, and what was called a "trial" was in fact a "political campaign" with 12 voters. If R had been convicted of any of the charges, the NRA would be given the label "Supporter of convicted violent felon" and the Democrats and media would run with that for years.
What is equally, perhaps more, bothersome is the NRA policy of "Never criticize the police no matter how wrong their actions". But, although offensive, I can understand the logic behind this strategy when playing the game to win, not make a social statement.
Is this the thread where one checks in for the monthly NRA affirmation, either pro or con? Or has it become weekly? I'm losing track ...

Not a cent from me until they dump Wayne the sleaze. I won't deny that the NRA has provided some highly useful services to the shooting sports. Whenever we organize events at the range, there will be volunteers who identify themselves as NRA trained RSO's. This certification is critical to vet the quality of volunteers in order to immediately put them on the list. In my case, the no-go list. [laugh]

'Gun Owners' are not abolishing the NRA. The ones who are paying attention refuse to shell out hard earned cash for a self-serving snake oil salesman and his cronies who keep him at the helm. Would not an immediate boost of revenue measured in the millions be what's best for the NRA and ultimately us, so long as the money is effectively applied rather than effectively siphoned? This is easily within the grasp of the NRA, yet they refuse to 'do the right thing' by dumping Wayne and initiating and extensive internal audit to eliminate the rampant conflicts of interest.

I would argue that the supporters of the NRA, as it is currently organized, are an impediment to crucial reform that is long overdue.
Hey Kyle, can you do one more shooting for us?
Kyle only takes out the trash that's trying to take him out. Wayne won't be able to chase him down at his age, certainly not while wearing designer shoes. I was simply observing that the old man seems intent to live out the rest of his days as a parasite on the NRA. My preferences are:

1. LaPierre is indicted for embezzling from the NRA and goes to prison.
2. LaPierre retires immediately to enjoy his ill-gotten gains.

This third choice of staying at the helm indefinitely sucks for the NRA and its members. They're not getting anything from me until he's gone, maybe not even then unless they earn it.
Kyle only takes out the trash that's trying to take him out. Wayne won't be able to chase him down at his age, certainly not while wearing designer shoes. I was simply observing that the old man seems intent to live out the rest of his days as a parasite on the NRA. My preferences are:

1. LaPierre is indicted for embezzling from the NRA and goes to prison.
2. LaPierre retires immediately to enjoy his ill-gotten gains.

This third choice of staying at the helm indefinitely sucks for the NRA and its members. They're not getting anything from me until he's gone, maybe not even then unless they earn it.
Unfortunately Im sure WLP is not the only parasite. Not by a long shot. He's just the one with the most name recognition.

What they need is an independent (LMAO) 3rd party to do a forensic audit and publish the results, followed by someone taking over the reigns for a year or two until they get back on track. Show the membership whats coming in, whats going out and where its going and hope that the sunshine chases away the vermin.
Likewise. :mad: The amount of gun politics-related mail I get is beyond out-of-control. I am a member of many pro-2A organizations and they all seem intent on flooding me with mail so I will continue to donate. Well, it has to stop. My mail is often misdelivered, meaning my neighbors get to know everything about me (and me about them - it works both ways). It was not so much a problem in my old neighborhood. It could be a big problem in my new neighborhood. My new mailman and I have already clashed. He is not exactly your typical friendly smiling local mailman. 🤪

How to continue to donate without every neighbor knowing my business is the challenge. Any ideas? [thinking]

Folks upset w/ NRA seem to post a lot recently, and I don't blame them. However, quitting them isn't the answer, IMHO. They're far from perfect, but it takes some maturity and rationality to step back and realize what they have and will undoubtedly continue to do for 2A. Yes, Wayne needs to go, but think about how many states and court cases, with a minimum of NRA support, if not initiative, have been 2A friendly.
Folks upset w/ NRA seem to post a lot recently, and I don't blame them. However, quitting them isn't the answer, IMHO. They're far from perfect, but it takes some maturity and rationality to step back and realize what they have and will undoubtedly continue to do for 2A. Yes, Wayne needs to go, but think about how many states and court cases, with a minimum of NRA support, if not initiative, have been 2A friendly.
Not sure what the answer is, but they need a shot across the bow. Complaining on the internet while continuing to faithfully mail them checks isnt going to get their attention. They need to experience an "Oh shit" moment that they perceive to be an existential threat to them (them meaning individuals who are shot callers in the org, not the org itself). A large drop in membership, a large drop in revenue, sustained protests outside of HQ, etc

Indeed, a post office box would solve at least part of the problem. I had one for many of my working years, mainly because I traveled so much. But there are downsides too.

BTW, here I was just talking about the problem of misdelivered mail on Thursday and guess what we got on Saturday? Yep. Someone else's mail. 🤪
Not sure what the answer is, but they need a shot across the bow. Complaining on the internet while continuing to faithfully mail them checks isnt going to get their attention. They need to experience an "Oh shit" moment that they perceive to be an existential threat to them (them meaning individuals who are shot callers in the org, not the org itself). A large drop in membership, a large drop in revenue, sustained protests outside of HQ, etc
The problem is , Wayne will ride it to the ground like Slim Pickens on a nuke.
Why would he care ?
He's already loaded.
Why not wring the last nickle out of it and walk away set for life ?
The people he hand picked for the board going to do anything about it ?
Not likely as they are getting their piece of the pie too.

Sometimes a house is just so far gone the only thing to do is knock it down and start over.
The problem is , Wayne will ride it to the ground like Slim Pickens on a nuke.
Why would he care ?
He's already loaded.
Why not wring the last nickle out of it and walk away set for life ?
The people he hand picked for the board going to do anything about it ?
Not likely as they are getting their piece of the pie too.

Sometimes a house is just so far gone the only thing to do is knock it down and start over.
If you threaten their access to further nickles it should get their attention.
Imagine the pant-sh¡tting horror if the MSM heard a rumor that
the NRA is bleeding massive quantities of membership and donations
in favor of an RKBA organization that is more "radical".

Is the NRA's final best and highest purpose
for its organization's dead corpse
to get stacked up like a sandbag
for use as cover and concealment?

Be on the lookout for evidence that the NRA
is monkeywrenching other 2A groups.
Be on the lookout for evidence that the NRA
is monkeywrenching other 2A groups.

I generally have a lot of respect for your postings.

But this is really a bush league move. It's even below Reddit troll standards.
I generally have a lot of respect for your postings.

But this is really a bush league move. It's even below Reddit troll standards.
Here, I fixed it for you:

Be on the lookout for evidence that the NRA​
is monkeywrenching other 2A groups again.​

Thankew; yours for continuous quality improvement.
Be on the lookout for evidence that the NRA​
is monkeywrenching other 2A groups again.​
P. S. We all have our hobby horses,
and someone who didn't keep a nearly unseemly track on my personal triggers
would not be due any criticism to guess wrongly that the hyperlink
referred to the Heller/McDonald brou-ha-ha instead.

NRA's legal brainniacs was entitled to their own opinion
about those cases.

We've seen Comm2A principals tear their hair out when
a bad plaintiff appeals this-or-that Mass gun law ragtime
and yields a bad precedent.

We just haven't seen Comm2A screw with someone's loser case
out of a feeling of entitlement or spite.
The NRA, the Republican party, the US government, all screwing us over. The left doesn't attack what it controls, do they still rattle on about the NRA or was getting Wayne in there enough to keep them at bay?

Remember the left doesn't hate guns, they hate righties owning guns. The left won't follow gun laws and has no understanding of them. Yet they know righties will be freaking out over date stamped magazines and willingly pay $3k for a 30 year old rifle because the rules say so.
HMM: Despite Internal Turmoil, NRA Looks Like It’s Winning The Long Game.

“On the one hand, more states are allowing Americans to carry weapons in public without permits, and the gun-rights movement could be on the verge of a major Supreme Court victory. On the other, the National Rifle Association, which advocates on behalf of gun owners, faces an existential crisis that’s mostly due to the NRA’s own missteps.”​
And this is from Robert Spitzer, who’s not very friendly to gun rights, to put it mildly. Long-time InstaPundit readers may remember him accusing me of fomenting “vigilantism” with my Second Amendment views.​
Also, one doubts that the New York Times of today would solicit a column like mine.​

By Glenn Reynolds in Instapundit blog.
Folks upset w/ NRA seem to post a lot recently, and I don't blame them. However, quitting them isn't the answer, IMHO. They're far from perfect, but it takes some maturity and rationality to step back and realize what they have and will undoubtedly continue to do for 2A. Yes, Wayne needs to go, but think about how many states and court cases, with a minimum of NRA support, if not initiative, have been 2A friendly.
Sorry i can't agree with you. I will not give my hard earned money knowing its more likely to fill someone's pockets rather than go towards the cause. There are better options fighting for our rights at the moment. The fact wayne is still there shows that its not about the cause anymore. A cause will always be more important than a single person.
I just ran through it. I'm sorry, it's absolute garbage, stuffed to the gills with the current redefinition of racism that explicitly creates racism as its goal.

From Appendix A:
Anti-racist: fighting against racism. Being antiracist results from a conscious decision to make frequent, consistent, equitable choices daily. These choices require ongoing self-awareness and self-reflection as we move through life. In the absence of making anti-racist choices, we (un)consciously uphold aspects of White supremacy, White-dominant culture, and unequal institutions and society. Being racist or anti-racist is not about who you are; it is about what you do. 48​
This an explicit statement that if you don't agree and submit to the tenets of the current "anti-racist" religion, you are explicitly supporting racist actions.

Also from Appendix A:
Racist: a person who belongs to a dominant or privileged group that discriminates against people of other races, or someone who believes that a particular race is superior to another.​
Note the shift here. Per the first half of the description, what you think and how you act are irrelevant. If you are a member of a group that is defined as dominant and acting against other races, you are a racist by definition. Solely being a member of the group defines you, regardless of your personal stances and actions. Note also that it excludes someone who can be defined as a member of a minority group. If someone who is not white went on a killing spree of only white people solely because the victims were white, the killer cannot be defined as a racist.

This is bullshit on stilts. The rest of the document is more of the same.

I can't think of the last time I passed one of the kettles without donating. That time has now passed.

"This is bullshit on stilts."

Saving that for my next staff meeting.
Months ago someone on this forum suggested that the Gangster Capitalism piece (podcast) on the NRA was worth a listen. I finally got around to it and can confirm that if you have the time, the information on the amount of NRA corruption is disturbing. I send all of my money to GOAL these days.

There have been so many of these comments with people whining about the NRA. Yes, they have their faults. But also yes, they have done a lot to staunch bad anti-gun legislation, promote pro-gun laws, and financially support decent political candidates. You are the same type of emotionally stunted folks who refused to support Ayotte in NH, and threw the senate seat to 2 scumbag leftists. No need to throw temper tantrums, just view what is better for our cause long term. Having the NRA go under is the wrong answer. I have never in my life supported a candidate who I thought was anywhere near perfect, or even great, but they were the best around. Remember, perfect is the enemy of the good.
There have been so many of these comments with people whining about the NRA. Yes, they have their faults. But also yes, they have done a lot to staunch bad anti-gun legislation, promote pro-gun laws, and financially support decent political candidates. You are the same type of emotionally stunted folks who refused to support Ayotte in NH, and threw the senate seat to 2 scumbag leftists. No need to throw temper tantrums, just view what is better for our cause long term. Having the NRA go under is the wrong answer. I have never in my life supported a candidate who I thought was anywhere near perfect, or even great, but they were the best around. Remember, perfect is the enemy of the good.
They shouldnt go away, but they need to be gutted. Theyre too big and theyve lost sight of their mission. At this point, its little more than a money making operation for the people running it.
They shouldnt go away, but they need to be gutted. Theyre too big and theyve lost sight of their mission. At this point, its little more than a money making operation for the people running it.

I agree that they need some intervention so they're not so bloated. True, they mustn't lose sight of their mission.
I agree that they need some intervention so they're not so bloated. True, they mustn't lose sight of their mission.
The NRA isn’t perfect and many of the complaints listed in this thread are valid. However, they are the biggest 2A organization in the country. The left hates and fears them and they do good work in many areas,

How would they have looked had they vocally and financially supported Kyle and he wound up being convicted? The gun grabbers would use that against them for years to come.

Upgrade your membership and VOTE for the people you want to make decisions in the NRA. Get involved and contact them. I will continue to support them.
There have been so many of these comments with people whining about the NRA. Yes, they have their faults. But also yes, they have done a lot to staunch bad anti-gun legislation, promote pro-gun laws, and financially support decent political candidates. You are the same type of emotionally stunted folks who refused to support Ayotte in NH, and threw the senate seat to 2 scumbag leftists. No need to throw temper tantrums, just view what is better for our cause long term. Having the NRA go under is the wrong answer. I have never in my life supported a candidate who I thought was anywhere near perfect, or even great, but they were the best around. Remember, perfect is the enemy of the good.
This is a two sided coin.

As long as the strategy is "only support the mainstream candidate", the R's will learn "We can vote for additional control and bans, but as long as we are better than the Ds, we will always have the gun owner vote, and if he go to far to protect gun rights we will lose voters in the middle".
The NRA has 76 members on the board of directors.

If you say with a straight face that they can be changed your out of your mind. It is set up that way so the gravy train never stops.
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