The U.N. is coming for your guns - Update #402

Wow! You guys aren't thinking like bureaucrats at all. Of course the UN would like every person on the plant to be disarmed. Of course there are many in our government that probably want to see some approximation of that vision become real. But that doesn't mean there will be armed soldiers/police going door to door collecting firearms in mass. Here's a much more likely scenario:

1. A treaty and a few laws are passed - now it's illegal to import anything that can be even loosely defined as "weapon" into the country except for military purchases
2. Next, put a big fat tax put on the few remaining firearms manufacturers still operating in the US to drive as many out of business as possible
3. Now we get the new law that says we have to make bullets safer by making them of an inert material - gold should work - how many rounds you buying now
4. A few years later we see the actual laws come down that make manufacture/sale/import of firearms or ammunition illegal (state by state then national)
5. OK, now that you can't buy any more hardware or ammo and most of the manufactures are out of business or underground (oh, let's include parts and reloading equipment on the illegal list while we're at it) you've got limited ammo reserves and limited stock of spare parts (unless you're making your own powder and recoil springs and such) to maintain whatever firearms you've still got
6. Somewhere along here, the ranges and gun clubs have all been closed down as well to "protect the children" or through zoning changes or something and the "no gun" zones have been expanded to just about everywhere and made criminally enforceable
7. Now's the last step, where licenses stop getting renewed (who needs them anymore anyway now that guns are no more?) and more and more people find their weapons confiscated as the result of any minor offense or bad interaction with law enforcement

Apologies in advance for any nightmares the above might cause.
What guns? I buried mine approximately 100 feet off the northwest corner of my house. Oops! How do I edit this?
1. A treaty and a few laws are passed - now it's illegal to import anything that can be even loosely defined as "weapon" into the country except for military purchases
2. Next, put a big fat tax put on the few remaining firearms manufacturers still operating in the US to drive as many out of business as possible
3. Now we get the new law that says we have to make bullets safer by making them of an inert material - gold should work - how many rounds you buying now
4. A few years later we see the actual laws come down that make manufacture/sale/import of firearms or ammunition illegal (state by state then national)
5. OK, now that you can't buy any more hardware or ammo and most of the manufactures are out of business or underground (oh, let's include parts and reloading equipment on the illegal list while we're at it) you've got limited ammo reserves and limited stock of spare parts (unless you're making your own powder and recoil springs and such) to maintain whatever firearms you've still got
6. Somewhere along here, the ranges and gun clubs have all been closed down as well to "protect the children" or through zoning changes or something and the "no gun" zones have been expanded to just about everywhere and made criminally enforceable
7. Now's the last step, where licenses stop getting renewed (who needs them anymore anyway now that guns are no more?) and more and more people find their weapons confiscated as the result of any minor offense or bad interaction with law enforcement

You're right. You're describing the slippery slope, as its called. And, that is how it happens. Its happened all over this country already, in states like MA.

From a historical perspective, the only away to avoid the realization that you've become victim to this type of tyranny before it is too late is complete civil disobedience all of the time to all unjust laws. But, I'm not talking about sitting around in a drum circle and singing about it. I'm talking about defending your rights against tyranny with whatever means you need to in order to either successfully defend those rights, or wind up dead (which you are going to do soon anyway).

And all of this peaceful protest and non-violent revolution BS that the liberal education preaches to you, is a bunch of crap that they want you to believe will work, because they will have the guns and you won't.
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It would need congressional ratification. That won't happen. They don't have a majority. No Republican will vote for that nor will the Blue Dogs.

No republican would vote for an assault weapons ban, either. Right, Bob?

Not counting our soldiers, the UN has about 80,000 troops contributed by member nations. The US has about 1.4M active, and another 1.4M reserve, and could always take the UN headquarters hostage.

Come now, do you honestly think Rome was destroyed by barbarians? It was destroyed from within.
That's not the way I'll go out. put money on iTrader on it. I won't go out on my knees.

If I go down in battle I got no problem with that. But I will be damned if I'll let some a'hole hold my arms back while some bastard shoots me in the back of the head. That ain't gonna happen.

No, your knees are bad. It will be prone by drone. Bad knees blow.
Practice yelling this out the mail slot of your reinforced steel door:

"That's close enough! State the reason you have entered my property while armed Guardsman!"

Das ist nah genug! Geben Sie den Grund Sie mein Eigentum eingetragen haben, während bewaffnete Gardisten!
They know where we are ,the census gps did that.Anybody like me who wouldn't participate and said GTFO are put on the naughty list for drone flights and further evaluations. It's not paranoia if they really are after you.
They know where we are ,the census gps did that.Anybody like me who wouldn't participate and said GTFO are put on the naughty list for drone flights and further evaluations. It's not paranoia if they really are after you.

George : What do you think it's a drone ?
Jerry : It's not totally impossible .
George : Oh the ego on you .
Jerry : Why can't I be dronable ?
Jerry : I suppose you think you're dronable ?
George : Hey . There is a couple of people that wouldn't mind having me out of
the way .
Jerry : There's more than a couple .
Eff Wayne and the NRA. If they were serious about gun rights, they'd be trying to put themselves out of business. Instead, they are lobbying for legislation that gives us things like "reasonable restrictions".

Exactly how I feel. It's one of the reasons I don't support them... they're willing to compromise. I am not.

The NRA isn't protecting anyone. In the end, the only one protecting my guns rights is me... so rather than donate to the NRA, I'll just buy more ammo.
The U.N. has affected gun ownership in Australia, the U.K., and South Africa i believe. Spokesman for the U.N. have admitted they want to eliminate gun ownership, at the very least semi auto rifles and handguns. Now if the U.S. military was ordered to confiscate everyone firearms..... the vast majority would maybe under protest but they still would. Anyone who refused would be arrested or worse. And as far as it taking Congress to pass this. Congress is also the only branch that can declare war right.............oh wait. All it takes is for a few Repubs to lose their seats to the Dems in the Senate and guess what you now have your majority. And then the Supreme Court ya well all it takes is for 1 conservative judge to be replaced by 1 liberal judge and guess what the Supreme Court will rule it constitutional. And out of the 80 million gun owners what percentage would willingly give up their guns...... prob more than 2/3
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