The U.N. is coming for your guns - Update #402

What does a UN uniform look like? [rofl]

1) the UN doesn't pass 'laws' they pass Resoultions.
2) UN Resoultions mean squat with respect to US domestic policy. We have a long history of ignoring the ones we dont like.

Ask I said earlier. Congress would have to ratify any treaty - and that would ONLY deal with international relations. DOMESTIC laws would require a congressional bill followed by a vote to turn it into law AND they grabbers don't have the votes.

Feel free to continue with the paranoia, I'm just making a civics point.

Bring it.

Sent from my iPhone in the secret lair of the Supreme ruler of the ozone layer, the Dark Lord Kramdar.
Kinda funny... The Preamble to The Constitution starts "We the People..." which is universally understood to be indistinguishable from "Citizens", yet "The right of THE PEOPLE to keep and bear arms..." is somehow confusing even though basically written by the same guys...

Actually, NOT so funny after all...
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I believe the vote was taken already and it will be signed into law next week.

the senate will need to vote and approve it before the US entered into the treaty, The last I heard there was bipartisan support against it, 58 senators appose it, more may vote against it if it comes up.
Bobkatt - "Well, we're all going to die for one reason or another. Might as well be a good one." THIS!

If the UN comes for my guns it will be "Go Time".
I would hope that the freemen of this country would stand up and that there would be blood flowing in the streets.
In many ways the country is past due for a bit of revolution. I'd have no problem killing those that are trying to harm or enslave me.

Two separate America's are needed, one for all the liberal retards and then one for the rest of us.
Then we can have the ultimate experiment in American democracy seeing what one perishes and what one thrives.

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So, when are we going to be able to see who the treasonous congressmen are that vote yay for this U.N. intrusion on our constitution?


Sent from my iPhone in the secret lair of the Supreme ruler of the ozone layer, the Dark Lord Kramdar.
There is a ton of tin foil in this thread already so let me add a very likely scenario to the list. Just imagine how easy it would be for .gov to tie in gun ownership with the provisions being set forth in the new healthcare reforms. Since it will soon be illegal not to have insurance under the new plan, all they have to do is make gun owners a "high risk" category with much higher premiums than other groups, but I suppose something like that could never happen here - right?[wink]
There is a ton of tin foil in this thread already so let me add a very likely scenario to the list. Just imagine how easy it would be for .gov to tie in gun ownership with the provisions being set forth in the new healthcare reforms. Since it will soon be illegal not to have insurance under the new plan, all they have to do is make gun owners a "high risk" category with much higher premiums than other groups, but I suppose something like that could never happen here - right?[wink]

It might tend to place others in an even higher risk group, too.
You are aware that could change, right?

And we could get hit with a giant asteroid or a zombie virus could break out or apes could get super smart and revolt but I prefer to deal in probables than possibles.

The fact is that legislation of that kind doesn't have support in congress. It's our job to make sure that doesn't change.
Umm I guess you forgot the ranks of barbarians conscripted into the legions. Particularly the goths etal?

What I mean is that it won't be the UN that takes our guns away, it will be other Americans.

Uh, what?

And we could get hit with a giant asteroid or a zombie virus could break out or apes could get super smart and revolt but I prefer to deal in probables than possibles.

The fact is that legislation of that kind doesn't have support in congress. It's our job to make sure that doesn't change.

We aren't talking about asteroids or zombies. We are talking about politics, and if you think the antis getting a majority in Congress is unrealistic, you are living in a dream world. Just look at who we elected President.
In order for a treaty to be ratified, it has to get 2/3rds of the US Senate to vote in favor of it, and it can NOT be contrary to anything the US Constitution states. Since SCOTUS said that the 2A is an individual right in the Heller case, it'll never happen. You won't ever see 2/3rds of the Senate vote in favor of such a treaty, let alone the mountain sized obstacle the 2A represents.
I wouldn't lose any sleep over any of the no guns treaties being proposed in the halls of the UN.
Those congressmen need to tread lightly. There are quite a few of us, and not many of them. If they think out of 311,591,917 Americans, there aren't a few of us that would play hardball with a smile, they are quite mistaken.
Congressmen have nothing to do with it. All they ever get involved in is voting to fund what a treaty enacts. (They can stop a treaty when they vote to block the funding.) The initial treaty vote, yea or nea, is up to the US Senate. POTUS signs the treaty. Repeat: a treaty can NOT over ride or otherwise negate what is said in the US Constitution.
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