The next LGBT cause: gun control

Based on recent events, if they (LGBT) win they're gun control battle, they will be the first ones to go Unfortunately...
the NRA should have been courting the queers, or at the very least learning from them, for decades.

I suspect there will be a big split in the gay community WRT guns. Some will see this as a wakeup call and be their "never again" moment but others will just fold further into the leftists BS and go full retard against guns. The NRA should be offering free memberships for a limited time to the community or at least setting up shitloads of free or deeply discounted training for them. They could be an extremely powerful ally.

GOA or JPFO would probably be better choices than the NRA - just because of the massive stigmatization that the NRA has. I think a lot of people in the LGBT community would have a very hard time jumping that shark.
If they want to fall for the "Look, a squirrel " trick, it's on them.
The Muzzies may hate all infidels , but there's a special catagory for homosexuals.
The next one might be a fire bomb and no one's walking out alive.
Now who do you go after , the petroleum industry?
They think someone not baking a cake is a major rights issue, how about getting your head bashed in with a brick or hurled off a roof for daring to hold hands with your partner in one of the areas that the Libs you support decide to settle them in by the hundreds or thousands.
Some folks will just have to learn the really hard way.
so what's the minimum requirement to qualify as "gay"? Just the tip? Wet dream? If we all become gay, then we need to sort people into gayness categories, mild gays, uber gays etc.

Apparently there is hundreds of categories now. I'm sure you'll find one you can "fit in" so to speak.
The LGBT thing isn't going to help us. For the most part, with some exceptions, they have a victim mentality. They are looking for a strong-protector in the government, and the government is all-to-happy to oblige. They have gotten laws passed to push their point of view on everyone else, even when people weren't willing. They will not, all of a sudden, become independent-minded, self-reliant people, who take their own defense seriously. Quite the contrary, they are crying loudly for everyone to be disarmed, in the name of what they call "safety."

I wish it wasn't so, but this is typical of what I have been seeing:

For these folks, it's guns, it's Republicans, it's hate, it's "weapons of war," it's Donald Trump supporters. It's NOT Islam, and it's not the responsibility of the shooter.


You're saying what I said earlier in the thread. From what I have noticed - for more than 30 years now - is that when confronted with a situation where the "gay" community has an opportunity to stand up and show responsibility - they will run away from that as fast as they can and go into overdrive trying to find anybody and anything to blame other than themselves.
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