The Dalai Lama is a Shooter -- Take that pacifist wusses!

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I Bet

I bet he would try to shot someone with it too, if they tried to get into his room at night. Hypercritic Bastard
Re: I Bet

Ham Slam said:
I bet he would try to shot someone with it too, if they tried to get into his room at night. Hypercritic Bastard

Ham Slam- I have to tell you two things.

2) This is a quote straight from His Holiness' mouth:

"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun."
--Dalai Lama

And to anyone on the board who is wondering- YES I AM A BUDDHIST AND YES I OWN GUNS.

There is nothing wrong with EITHER. Just because there are so many retarded tree hugging hippies that espouse peace and love while they poison the world with anti-self defense sentiment does not mean that REAL Buddhism is pro gun control.
True Buddhism is about compassion, and I can't think of anything more compassionate than defending living creatures, any way possible. Including by shooting somebody who is a threat to innocent people.

I am not, nor ever will be a hippy. I don't wear tie dye, smoke pot or talk about how Zen it is to be gorked out of my head. And yes, Ham you pissed me off, and yes real Buddhists get pissed off.
Actually, I was being a bit cavelier with the subject line for my original post, particularly in since I'm well aware of the distinction between real ethical pacifists and the brain dead cowards that style themselves as pacifists. I've had that quote from the Dalai Lama in my sig file for several years. I've also got another one that emphasizes the difference as well:

In his Autobiography said:
"Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest."
Mahatma Gandhi - An Autobiography OR The story of my experiments with truth, p.238
Pacifist != Wuss, even though a hell of a lot of wusses call themselves pacifists.

IPSC enthusiast Dalai Lama shows his championship style in Stage 1 of the very tough "Tibetan Challenge".

Masochusetts- LMFAO!!!

Can you rig one up with him and an AR-15 or did you find that pic somewhere else? I always pictured the Dalai Lama as a long gun man myself...
Glad you liked it, SiameseRat. I didn't read your earlier post until AFTER posting mine, and was concerned you might take offense.

Not sure if I can do an AR-15. The M1911 stretched my limited graphics hacking skills!
masochusetts said:
Glad you liked it, SiameseRat. I didn't read your earlier post until AFTER posting mine, and was concerned you might take offense.

Not sure if I can do an AR-15. The M1911 stretched my limited graphics hacking skills!

No it isn't offensive, it's funny as all get out. Pity you can't rig up the AR pic... Either way I'm going to see if I can enlarge that pic and set it as my wallpaper. [mrgreen]

Sorry I didn't respond to your second posting earlier. It's actually an excellent subject, the difference between pacifists and wusses.
I mean Gandhi used calm strength to fight injustice, very much an Eff You to the powers that be, unafraid of the consequences etc.
A Wuss uses the "I'm a pacifist so I have to run away like an (to borrow a popular NES term) asshat"

Very much the same as neo-hippies using zen as an excuse to toke up. Hippies and Wusses are both asshats...
OK, that pic is Classic. I'm so going to rip it and send it to a buddy of mine. He'll get a kick out of it as well.

Thanks for the image. And I'm with these guys, do an AR pic.

And I don't know what I'd be called. When I was younger, I used to travel with the Grateful Dead. I still kept guns. I would listen to my parents old Simon and Garfunkel, Kingston Trio, Bob Dylan, ect ablums. But we still had them in the house.

Don't really know what my point is...maybe that there are some people that are on the hippy side, but still have guns and don't try to hide it because they are worried what the other "Hippies" will say. LOL!

I believe that if you can do it without a gun, then do. But there are times that you have no choice. And knowing the difference is key.

But then I went into this in another thread.

But I do hate the people that don't know and just follow the sheep because they are scared, or as you guys are saying....asshats...or is it an ass clown?
Here you go.

"It is quite natural for me to support those who are currently protesting the introduction of industrial food practices into Tibet that will perpetuate the suffering of huge numbers of chickens," the Dalai Lama is quoted as saying in the letter to KFC.

Okay lets get this straight. It not okay for a chicken to suffer, but it is okay to shoot a hawk with a BB gun.

I'll say it again...Hypercritic Bastard

and just for the record it was a joke. I guess I should have utilized the smily face. :)
There will be NO name calling (out of anger, mind you) on this board. If you disagree with an opinion, fine. DO NOT try to lower the board to standards of others. There is no 'pit' and if anyone wants to act like it, go elsewhere!

If anyone has a problem with this feel free to PM me.
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