"Tactical Experts" destroy the NRA's "good guy with a gun" Fantasy

I don't think one gun carrying citizen can make much difference in a terror/hostage situation. But can make a difference for himself as he exticates from the situation with his family. Anybody lucky enough to follow is just gravy. I think gun rights folks need to focus on personal protection aspects, and leave the sheep rescue to swat. I will shoot anybody between me and the nearest exit.

This. Kinda like the story about the guy on the beach flipping starfish into the ocean after a storm. Another man sees him, says "You can't save them all, why bother?" Dude flips another in and says "I saved that one, made a difference in its life."

And this simulation is one room. You only get a surprise attack once. The next door he opens that has a concealed carry holder behind it would be different. The shooter needs to identify and engage the defender. The defender knows the next person coming through that door should likely die quickly and will be prepared to engage.
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An article based on commentary from a fake Seal and someone from a federal agency that has gotten it's ass handed to them on more than one occasion by "Untrained" commoners.
I laugh everytime I read an article that tries to claim how great cops are at shooting and how they train all the time. The vast majority of cops I know locally couldn't hit a car at an NES shoot with a rifle, let alone their sidearm. Most cops who are good at shooting are on forums like this because they actually do more than clean the lint out of their gun every five years. Sadly, they are not the majority of police officers.

I can find the basic premise in the article that SWAT and other tactical unit members are better trained and more effective than the typical armed civilian at least plausible. However, it makes for a totally biased and invalid point of comparison. In a typical scenario, most of the casualties have occurred before the tactical units even roll.

We're talking about people present at the initiation of the violent event, or reasonably close to it. On that basis, the fair comparison is between an armed civilian and the typical patrol officer. Would it be fair to say that even if the patrol officer has been trained for an active shooter situation, their training is appropriately geared toward team tactics? in that case, their effectiveness is somewhat limited until a sufficient number are on scene.

Given training level provided to typical beat cops, I'll take my chances with armed civilians when there aren't even seconds to spare.
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