
Yeah, I watched it last week for the first time. They dumped him up in Alaska somewhere and all he had to eat was some raw seal meat. Yummy!! They did give him a rifle for "protection" only again the polar bears. [shocked]
I like that show. He's actually pretty funny, unlike most other survival things I've seen he gets annoyed and talks about how much something may or may not suck.
Survivorman pretty good stuff

yes, I periodically watch this show, and recommend it in a seminar which I have been giving for a few years. But, i would recommend these things to really be able to do the types of things that he attempts on the show: (1) formal survival course (there are several really good ones in on the Atlantic Seaboard), (2) reading selection on the topic (3) get more information and the right gear. I recently published an electronic manual that covers some of the needed information, to include how to make a "go bag" survival kit for natural disasters or when overseas. about 40 pages or so of information and has the url/links to the sites of where to buy the gear and items. We may update it in the spring and add more material. its at and called the "High Risk Environments Survival Checklist". I can also post a list of recommended reading on survival if anyone is interested.
I guess I like it because he's kind of MacGyver-esq. The show he did on urban survival was pretty cool. I find it interesting.
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