Stupid AM FM antenna question


NES Member
May 3, 2010
=------> over here
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My Tacoma truck antenna hits the garage door overhead whenever I drive in or out. It has bent the base from repeated hits and looks like it's swept back a little.

Can I cut a few inches off the antenna without sacrificing reception or losing it entirely?
You COULD cut the door instead [smile]

Length is only important if you are transmitting since it affects SWR. Receiving is not so important....I suspect cutting an inch or two off will not hurt anything. Perhaps weak stations will be harder to pick up...but who does that?
Length is only important if you are transmitting since it affects SWR. Receiving is not so important....I suspect cutting an inch or two off will not hurt anything. Perhaps weak stations will be harder to pic

k up...but who does that?
I just assumed that the OP was talking about a ham radio, probably 2M. Jack.
I would NOT cut the antenna since the length of the antenna is critical to transmitting. If the antenna is already bent, I think you are better off bending it a little more so that it is always clearing the garage door. You could also try moving the antenna since there should be plenty of space on a pickup truck you cold put it.
Just put a bend in it 45deg or so we do that with all our local transport units for tree clearance. the signal still thinks it is traveling same distance to recv. a lot better than cutting . transmitting has to be a certain height and length.
Just put a bend in it 45deg or so we do that with all our local transport units for tree clearance. the signal still thinks it is traveling same distance to recv. a lot better than cutting . transmitting has to be a certain height and length.
Best suggestion yet. You'll loose the least receive sensitivity by leaving it the same length but giving it a bend.
I would NOT cut the antenna since the length of the antenna is critical to transmitting. If the antenna is already bent, I think you are better off bending it a little more so that it is always clearing the garage door. You could also try moving the antenna since there should be plenty of space on a pickup truck you cold put it.

It doesn't transmit. He was asking about the vehicle stock receive antenna for broadcast radio.
A 45 degree bend from vertical will produce a signal loss of 3db.

If your radio has a good front end, it may not make a difference on local stations but will degrade reception of anything distant.
Ok, I'll cut it and report back. This antenna is a simple AM FM broadcast receiver. I can't bend it since they unscrew it at the truck wash, although that would be nice.

Thanks gang.
Ok, I whacked it off at the garage door line (about a 6" removal of the antenna.) All is fine but I tell ya, I have a full tool box and went through just about everything including a big bolt cutter (dull jaws) and the only thing that would cut it off was a hammer and chisel. Well I tell ya, it is so nice to pull in and out of the garage without that clanging sound.
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