Strange CCW Gun Instructor Quotes:

craziest quote from a ccw instructor I ever heard was during a live fire portion. I was on the outdoor range shooting on my own.....class was being conducted at the 25 yard line.....4 students.....they were shooting steel. Instructor called "cease fire cease fire.......decock and holster your weapon". Dude on the far right side of the line has a 1911.........puts it on safe and holsters.......instructor comes over and says "you need to decock that before holstering. Student says....."its a 1911 I can't decock it". Instructor said "all 1911 pistols can be decocked just thumb the hammer pull the trigger and lower the hammer down". Student says "on a loaded chamber"?!? Instructor says "that is how you carry a 1911".

I packed up and went home. OOF!
Instructor said "all 1911 pistols can be decocked just thumb the hammer pull the trigger and lower the hammer down".
I've decided in retrospect that one of the two three
biggest gaps in my Mass. HFS course(s) is that
while we got adequate practice in decocking pistols,
the instructors didn't finish up with,
"now that you know how to do that, don't do that".
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