So, health care is done, how long before the Dems go after gun control again?

It is in the bill, it was not really discussed at all but basically the Fed Government will no longer subsidize banks who will then make loans to students. The loans will have to come directly from the Federal Government. The media isn't doing a good job of reporting (I know, shocking) on it because it pales in comparison to the thievery in the health care part. My understanding is it will not affect outstanding loans but after June 30th I wouldn't expect any private banks to write loans to students (so surely some people at these banks can say "so long" to their jobs).
This bill just gets better and better. Next you'll be telling me that a ius primae noctis provision was included.
No, but only because its not limited to the first night... It's a right of first refusal generally... (oh and also distinguished in that it does not only apply to the bride...)

It's in the bill and I believe there is an option to refinance and consolidate current outstanding loans at a much lower interest rate.
Yes, the Nationalsozialistische lending agency will provide below market rates to destroy any possibility of competitive lending while at the same time accumulating more Federal debt...

Great... [thinking]
Dems road map to destruction of freedom...

1. Amnesty
2. Complete firearms ban

I think Cap And Trade will be #2 on the list. They will try to pass all of the "Sociial Justice" agenda first. Gun control will be done slowly! They know one fell swoop of gun control legislation will unleash millions of very pissed off people.
Dems road map to destruction of freedom...

1. Amnesty
2. Complete firearms ban

Road back to freedom for the rest of us:

1) Amnesty
2) Complete Firearms Ban
3) realization we have nothing left to lose
4) revolution
5) "house cleaning"
6) start over and make Constitution iron clad next time around
Well since the government now controls health, they will deem what in unhealthy. Bullets are made of lead, unhealthy. When they travel at high speeds super unhealthy.
Victor Davis Hanson has an excellent analysis/forecast in today's essay, showing that this is only the beginning of Obamofascism. It's worth going here to read the whole article: We've Cross the Rubicon

Good article.

I like this paragraph at the end:

Subscript: Do Democrats realize that we really have crossed the Rubicon? In the future when the Republicans gain majorities (and they will), the liberal modus operandi will be the model—bare 51% majorities, reconciliation, the nuclear option, talk of deem and pass, not a single Democrat vote—all ends justifying the means in order to radically restructure vast swaths of American economic and social life. Is someone unhinged at the DNC? They just blew up any shred of bipartisan consensus when their President polls below 50%, the Democratically-controlled Congress below 20%, and health care reform less than 50%. Usually unpopular leaders and their unpopular ideas seek the shelter of minority rights and prerogatives. What will they do when they are in the minority—since they’ve entered the arena, boasted “let the games begin” and shouted “by any means necessary”?

This is pretty much exactly how I feel.

We need to be as radical as they are. People who want to vote for "best of the worst" in the next few election cycles had better smarten up. We need to elect people who will go after the government with a chainsaw and start hacking it down.

The Democrats opened the door for a no holds barred takedown of the current political structure - if "conservatives" and libertarians are smart they will take advantage of this do what they have claimed to want to do for decades now: ROLL THE WHOLE THING BACK.

If they don't then the Republicans and their supporters will truly earn their nickname of "The Stupid Party".
How much more will we take? When will we collectively say, no more! Is there anyone here who does not believe that a revolution is coming? Illegals amnesty will be next to supplement the voters lost by this crap. We are watching our country and freedoms being taken incrementally. I have my bug out bag loaded and am watching the clock click down to Zero Hour.
How much more will we take? When will we collectively say, no more! Is there anyone here who does not believe that a revolution is coming? Illegals amnesty will be next to supplement the voters lost by this crap. We are watching our country and freedoms being taken incrementally. I have my bug out bag loaded and am watching the clock click down to Zero Hour.

Dude, read my sig line.....
I think Cap And Trade will be #2 on the list. They will try to pass all of the "Sociial Justice" agenda first. Gun control will be done slowly! They know one fell swoop of gun control legislation will unleash millions of very pissed off people.

I agree.....Cap and Trade will either be next or it will be Illegal Alien Amnesty. They will piss enough people off to start mini revolutions and from that they will say they are banning firearms for public safety reasons. Problem is the first revolting American they kill, it's not gonna work out well for them, unless the media can do well enough to smokescreen the public and paint them as a nutjob, and not the patriots they really are.........Eventually people will have to pick a side though.

This is the first time in my life I've ever thought I'd see this. There are gonna be a lot of pissed off people around when companies start dropping healthcare....piss more people off with amnesty programs, and taxing companies for environmental BS could get ugly real quick.
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What public option?

When your company drops your healthcare and just pays the fine, you'll then go from paying on average of 200 a month to 1200 a month for a policy. My guess is your gonna look at MassHealth...which is the public option. People in other states will just be FXCKED. Of course if you make too much money you'll be FXCKED anyway....because there's no subsidy and you'll be paying the full boat.
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I think gun control will be on the back burner for a while with the state challenges to the bill and fear of the next election cycle. If Obama gets reelected then I would expect gun control will be next on his agenda. As Mike said, they have used up all their political capital for a long time and who knows what they owe between themselves for the deals that were cut to get this passed.
I'm still waiting to see who is actually going to pay for this bill and how. The poor already had free health care and the rich didn't have a problem paying for it. No matter what, the blue collar working man is going to get less for more money. Personally all I see is higher taxes and more people on welfare because welfare will be a better deal than working.
What do you think will get sucked in next?
"Immigration reform": The Dems gotta replace all the voters they pissed off.
Then "cap-n-trade".
Then when the entire economy collapses they'll use the resulting social unrest as the excuse to attempt to seize guns.
One of the greatest American Generals, Nathan Bedford Forrest, said "Never stand and take a charge. Charge them too." So, to those of you who are wondering when they will stop taking our freedoms away, you are asking yourselves the wrong question. Ask yourselves, "When will we take our freedoms back ?", instead.
well, last time, in Lexington, it was pretty evenly matched. The militia had muskets; the British had muskets, too, and pretty red coats that made them easier to see in the lush green of New England.

now the "british" have IR vision, full auto weapons, helicopters, and a host of other technological advantages. Before the military and the common folk weren't too radically different. Now, well, even the police are pretty well ahead of the curve against civilians.

As I've said before, once it's bad enough, long enough, and folks realize there is nothing left to lose, then they will take action. I only hope that action will come first at the polls, and that somehow, politicians regain their sense of stewardship and responsibility for who and what they represent. The colonies put up with the bad stuff for about 10 years. how long might it take this time? Unfortunately, for most, so long at the cell phone works, HBO on demand is in demand, and they can surf the web at will, it will be a long time before the populous awakens, and realizes they're in the cage.

I asked earlier in another thread- where will those who have served stand? I think the answer is clear, and these people may be the "3%" who make the difference.
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