Shootout and explosions in Paris...

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This is a whole different thread which I feel like we've had recently. We have a bigger problem with welfare and free shit in this country than we do with immigration. They go hand in hand with welfare being the bigger issue which IMO causes what people believe to be an immigration issue.

and let's not confuse legal immigration with illegal immigration please.
Never mind the fact that they have hardly any chance of assimilating, learning the language, finding a meaningful job, etc, etc. I know I wouldn't want to be relocated to somewhere where I had similar options. All the while we can't (or don't want ) to find housing for 50,000 vets.

Yes, none of them speak english, they have no idea how to use technology, can barely use a bathroom and have never even heard of toilet paper [rolleyes]
I have an idea, maybe we could round up all peoples from the Middle Eastern countries with brown skin and bring them to relocation centers, have exclusion zones along the coast where the bulk of the US population is
If i gave you a bowl full of m&m's, and told you only 2 of them were poison, would you still eat from the bowl?
I have an idea, maybe we could round up all peoples from the Middle Eastern countries with brown skin and bring them to relocation centers, have exclusion zones along the coast where the bulk of the US population is

I think if this were the 40's a majority of NES would have supported the round up of the Japanese........

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If i gave you a bowl full of m&m's, and told you only 2 of them were poison, would you still eat from the bowl?

Did you get this from a meme floating around Facebook? How big is the bowl? Are they peanut m&m's? Peanutbutter m&m's? Pretzel m&m's? What color are they?
If i gave you a bowl full of m&m's, and told you only 2 of them were poison, would you still eat from the bowl?

i don't really like M&Ms so no.

sour patch kids... and only two are poison? watch the **** out. you dial 9-1 and when i hit the floor dial 1 again.

sour patch kids are awesome.
Sooooooooooo we shouldn't allow these people to migrate to America because there *might* be a few bad apples?
Yeah I'll take my chances. My odds of being hit by a train or shot by a cop are higher than dying in a terrorist attack.

I believe the sentiment is that we should not be allowing ANY immigration of low skill persons until the real employment numbers in this country rebound.

If you look at the conditions that generate terrorists, poverty is high on the list. Bring a bunch of young men with no means to support themselves here and what you will have is a bunch of frustrated, poor, disconnected people ripe for radicalization.
I think if this were the 40's a majority of NES would have supported the round up of the Japanese........

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Did you get this from a meme floating around Facebook? How big is the bowl? Are they peanut m&m's? Peanutbutter m&m's? Pretzel m&m's? What color are they?

I dont have facebook. Thank god.

If it is a meme going around facebook, then i will take a sabbatical of shame. Because i hate that shit.

Sour patch kids / m&m's cross over. Thoughts? Go.
Yes, none of them speak english, they have no idea how to use technology, can barely use a bathroom and have never even heard of toilet paper [rolleyes]

Not really what I said, are you of the opinion they are all ready to go? I would say the same thing, as I did, about me going to another country, I would be in the same boat, no language, no knowledge of their culture, really no hope for a job. To intimate it's because of race or color is pretty offensive and may be a little bit of projection on your part.
I believe the sentiment is that we should not be allowing ANY immigration of low skill persons until the real employment numbers in this country rebound.

If you look at the conditions that generate terrorists, poverty is high on the list. Bring a bunch of young men with no means to support themselves here and what you will have is a bunch of frustrated, poor, disconnected people ripe for radicalization.

So should we implement some sort of standardized testing for people looking to come live in this country?
what does liberal have to do with it? I don't think ISIS gives a shit about the general political persuasion of the city they hit....Sneaking in from Mexico, Phoenix, Houston, Dallas could be targets.

He's talking about the .gov
There are some good reasons and arguments against accepting refugees. Being afraid of ISIS is not one of them.

I think if this were the 40's a majority of NES would have supported the round up of the Japanese........


Without question. Even with the information we have today. How sad is that?
what does liberal have to do with it? I don't think ISIS gives a shit about the general political persuasion of the city they hit....Sneaking in from Mexico, Phoenix, Houston, Dallas could be targets.

Terrorists don't kill people in small rural towns. The city has the densest population and has the most potential for maximum impact and exposure. Because of that LE will look more and more like what Boston looked like during the Boston Marathon bombing. Without ever needing to declare Martial Law people's privacy rights were suspended and houses were searched by a military style police force. It looked like a god damned futuristic horror movie.

Let the nice police officers with their M4's and Kevlar vests into your living room, your bathroom, your bedroom....your kid's bedrooms (as if you have a choice)... Hey, it's for our own protection right?
There are some good reasons and arguments against accepting refugees. Being afraid of ISIS is not one of them.

Without question. Even with the information we have today. How sad is that?

Sad? Extremely.
Surprising? Not even a little.
Yes, none of them speak english, they have no idea how to use technology, can barely use a bathroom and have never even heard of toilet paper [rolleyes]

I have an idea, maybe we could round up all peoples from the Middle Eastern countries with brown skin and bring them to relocation centers, have exclusion zones along the coast where the bulk of the US population is

OK, now I'm sure the world is ending, Boghog is writing posts that I would write.
This is a whole different thread which I feel like we've had recently. We have a bigger problem with welfare and free shit in this country than we do with immigration. They go hand in hand with welfare being the bigger issue which IMO causes what people believe to be an immigration issue.

Unfortunately immigrants get on the dole as they arrive, Muslims do it in larger numbers than any other group. Why should we import competition to our native leaches?
Not even close to being an applicable analogy. One means instant death, one does not.

Yes, the 5 to 10% of the refugees who are "extremists" result in instant death when they decided to follow through with what they are being told is their religious duty. The m&m's will only make you sick because of biology and you can survive if you are lucky

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Yes, the 5 to 10% of the refugees who are "extremists" result in instant death when they decided to follow through with what they are being told is their religious duty. The m&m's will only make you sick because of biology and you can survive if you are lucky

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

5-10% really?
Where are these numbers coming from?
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