serial questions

Jul 30, 2009
the bowels of hell
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anyone know of any resources or sites where i can check my serials so i can find out build dates & maybe options that were included/used?
another similar questions has been bugging me,maybe someone can help.
a few months back i picked up a few smg parts kits from sportsmans guide to make a couple wall gems.there were some odd marks but what made me wonder was the new serials stamped on....both were zip codes in ct.i dunno if its where the importer is or actually any idea.they are staped om almost every piece including the mags & barrel..on one the original manufacture info was welded over & the torch cut is right next to the original serial,the last number being on a burr so i imagine i should leave that alone.i was planning on just throwing some sheet metal over the cuts so it looks pretty on the wall but dosent make em functional.does the serial next to the cut seem odd to anyone?thinking on the paranoid side i considered it was intentionally like that so if you were to clean up the cuts to make it presentable the serial would then be modified causing some the kits get cut here or in the country of origin?
This info is very manufacturer specific.

Tread VERY carefully when "throwing sheet steel over the cuts". Just because you don't think it makes it "functional" doesn't mean the government would not consider it an attempt to reverse the de-mil process and land you in a boatload of uncool.
This info is very manufacturer specific.

Tread VERY carefully when "throwing sheet steel over the cuts". Just because you don't think it makes it "functional" doesn't mean the government would not consider it an attempt to reverse the de-mil process and land you in a boatload of uncool.

very true.i guess i'm better off leaving them looking like crap or just in a box o parts.better off that way rather than lose out twice because i missed a hoop i was supposed to jump through.its like "ok we will let you buy it,but dont you dare even look at it in the privacy of your home"
since the govt is ever expanding i propose a new l.e.o branch.the common sense police.they patrol all places were politicians gather & as soon as they mutter a bs law or some gibberish they get a ticket & or a kick in the ass...but not too exceed 3 kicks in the ass but no less than 1 1/2.

i need to get into politics lol[rofl]
There are companies who have built dummy receivers for SMG parts kits, designed specifically for non-functioning wall-hangers. Try searching for '<insert SMG name> dummy receiver'. They don't exist for every model. [sad]

"Common Sense Police' - [rofl] - Not in my lifetime, but we can dream, right?
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