Senate Bill 33 - Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act of 2013

Aug 27, 2007
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Full text of the bill can be seen here.

Full Text of S. 33: Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act of 2013 -

To prohibit the transfer or possession of large capacity ammunition feeding devices, and for other purposes

Those words are disconcerting.

Mr. LAUTENBERG (for himself, Mr. SCHUMER, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. CARPER, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. REED, Mrs. BOXER, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. COONS, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. HARKIN, Mr. LEVIN, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. FRANKEN, Mr. MURPHY, and Mrs. GILLIBRAND) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary

So we know who our friends are. /sarcasm

‘(A) means a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device, including any such device joined or coupled with another in any manner, that has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition; and

‘(B) does not include an attached tubular device designed to accept, and capable of operating only with, .22 caliber rimfire ammunition.’.

‘(v)(1)(A)(i) Except as provided in clause (ii), it shall be unlawful for a person to transfer or possess a large capacity ammunition feeding device.

‘(ii) Clause (i) shall not apply to the possession of a large capacity ammunition feeding device otherwise lawfully possessed within the United States on or before the date of the enactment of the Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act of 2013.

this ^^ clause grandfather's what exists already.

‘(2) A large capacity ammunition feeding device manufactured by any person after the date of enactment of the Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act of 2013 shall be identified by a serial number and the date on which the device was manufactured, and such other identification as the Attorney General may by regulation prescribe.’.

This ^^ is how they will know when it was made.

This is a suck ass law but likely to be seen by many as a 'good compromise' on 'reasonable restrictions.'

I am planning on calling my Senators tomorrow to oppose this. I may also call the Senators who are proposing it and a few Senators who are Pro 2A to let them know how I feel. Now, to find a senator who is pro 2A.
Full text of the bill can be seen here.

Full Text of S. 33: Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act of 2013 -

Those words are disconcerting.

So we know who our friends are. /sarcasm

this ^^ clause grandfather's what exists already.

This ^^ is how they will know when it was made.

This is a suck ass law but likely to be seen by many as a 'good compromise' on 'reasonable restrictions.'

I am planning on calling my Senators tomorrow to oppose this. I may also call the Senators who are proposing it and a few Senators who are Pro 2A to let them know how I feel. Now, to find a senator who is pro 2A.

That sounds like a total screw job for belt feds.

Last time I checked - it's almost impossible to put a serial number on a link.
Is it bad that I wished for the bill to have no grandfather clause? Cause then maybe more of the FUDDs would wake up?
**** that. Thanks for sharing but yuck. Good on grandfathering, bad for the mag limits. I don't think it'll pass the federal level.

Let's hope not. The concern is that some people might push it as a 'compromise' and lull some fools into thinking that the next step wouldn't just be to move on to tighter restrictions.

It's hard to agre to anything when you already know the end game.
‘(A) means a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device, including any such device joined or coupled with another in any manner, that has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition; and

‘(B) does not include an attached tubular device designed to accept, and capable of operating only with, .22 caliber rimfire ammunition.’.

Does this mean connecting/taping two mags together for quick reloading? Or one of those doodads that hold mags together?
all manufacturers should continue to produce serial-less mags if this passes, I dont see how it can be legal to restrict what kind of plastic/metal a company can make
Let's hope not. The concern is that some people might push it as a 'compromise' and lull some fools into thinking that the next step wouldn't just be to move on to tighter restrictions.

It's hard to agre to anything when you already know the end game.

Exactly. When I make my calls I will be certain to point out recent attacks involving multiple attackers, rate at which our 'highly qualified law enforcement officials' are able to get hits on target, and the likelihood of becoming a victim of violent crime versus an officer's likelihood of having to use a firearm in the line of duty.
So, in Ma., would it be fair to say they will be looking for serialized mags as the determining factor. Everything else is GTG? Or does state law, whatever that will be, trump all?
If this goes through does this mean we can stock up on new 30 round mags as long as there mfg. Before the date set? If so time to stock up on new 30 rounders.
Funny how you will just be able to print out a magazine on a 3D printer and bam 30 round mag no date and thus "Preban". Politicians have to be the most worthless bags of shit on the planet, spend, waste, and **** away our money for this nonsense.
Straying off topic a bit.. I realize that the tubular 22LR exception is there for rifles. But pistol mags are tubular too, in a rectangular cross section sort of way, and the wording is not very specific. Does that make it OK to have 22LR 30-rounders (say for a Ruger SR22, Sig Mosquito, etc.?) Has this ever been challenged or ruled on?
Funny how you will just be able to print out a magazine on a 3D printer and bam 30 round mag no date and thus "Preban". Politicians have to be the most worthless bags of shit on the planet, spend, waste, and **** away our money for this nonsense.

It must be preband printer Plastics and cartridges [grenade]
So, in Ma., would it be fair to say they will be looking for serialized mags as the determining factor. Everything else is GTG? Or does state law, whatever that will be, trump all?

As we are now under stricter control in MA than the federal laws I woudl say that we would be subject to the stricter of the laws.
If this goes through does this mean we can stock up on new 30 round mags as long as there mfg. Before the date set? If so time to stock up on new 30 rounders.

1) Good luck finding them.

2) How does this help your children?

All of these laws are confiscation by attrition.
I don't think it'll pass the federal level.

This bill will pass because we assume that. This is the one they really want to pass. They know that a pistol grip and a collapsable stock don't make an assault weapon. But, they do believe that limiting mag capacity is more effective in banning what they think is an assault weapon.

The AWB will get shot down and they will "compromise" and pass this instead.

We need to get even more fired up to defeat this one.
This bill will pass because we assume that. This is the one they really want to pass. They know that a pistol grip and a collapsable stock don't make an assault weapon. But, they do believe that limiting mag capacity is more effective in banning what they think is an assault weapon.

The AWB will get shot down and they will "compromise" and pass this instead.

We need to get even more fired up to defeat this one.

I know some MA folks don't think this affects them, and it may not now. But, if you ever decide you want to enjoy living in a free-state, you will regret it if you didn't do your part to try to keep it free right now.
I know some MA folks don't think this affects them, and it may not now. But, if you ever decide you want to enjoy living in a free-state, you will regret it if you didn't do your part to try to keep it free right now.

Unfortunately, gun owners in MA don't have any elected officials representing them in the Senate or House. Our letters, calls and emails are always replied to with "Shhhh, we know what's best for you. Thanks for your opinion, but I really don't give a **** what you think". For those of us in MA, our best bet is supporting GOA, the NRA and JPFO. If you are on the fence about donating to one of these organizations, remember Feinstein said herself that the NRA is making it increasingly difficult to pass these infringements on our civil liberties.

Write your sentators and representatives, then consider donating to someone who will actually represent your voice on these important issues.
This bill will pass because we assume that. This is the one they really want to pass. They know that a pistol grip and a collapsable stock don't make an assault weapon. But, they do believe that limiting mag capacity is more effective in banning what they think is an assault weapon.

The AWB will get shot down and they will "compromise" and pass this instead.

We need to get even more fired up to defeat this one.

It will never get a filibuster proof majority, much less pass the House.
Unfortunately, gun owners in MA don't have any elected officials representing them in the Senate or House. Our letters, calls and emails are always replied to with "Shhhh, we know what's best for you. Thanks for your opinion, but I really don't give a **** what you think". For those of us in MA, our best bet is supporting GOA, the NRA and JPFO. If you are on the fence about donating to one of these organizations, remember Feinstein said herself that the NRA is making it increasingly difficult to pass these infringements on our civil liberties.

Write your sentators and representatives, then consider donating to someone who will actually represent your voice on these important issues.

Someone else here suggested that people write to their future reps in NH. A lot of gun-owners in MA on this site move to NH. It might not be a bad idea.

- - - Updated - - -

It will never get a filibuster proof majority, much less pass the House.

Just like the Health Care bill. Right?
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