Scotland cracks down on internet pictures of knives.

Apr 12, 2006
Fitchburg, Ma
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Bold is mine

Even if what you did wasn't a crime they confiscate your property. Why do those people accept this?

Hundreds of weapons have been taken off the streets of Glasgow six months after police started using the web to crack down on gang violence.

Young trainee officers at Strathclyde Police search social networking sites for pictures of people posing with weapons, mainly knives.

Constable Holly McGee and Cadet Fraser Reed, both 18, carry out the work.

"We're looking for anyone who is brandishing offensive weapons or blades," Holly told Newsbeat.

"We take the date, the time, detail of what's in the photograph, [then] a copy of the photograph is printed out and thereafter it's all sent to the gangs task force unit."

That's when more experienced officers in the Violence Reduction Unit at Strathclyde Police get involved.

'The law's been broken'

The man in charge of this, Superintendent Bob Hamilton, says there are two ways of dealing with people once they've been tracked down.

If they were posing in a public place, like on the street or a park, the law has been broken and they'll be arrested.

Even when pictures are taken in private, though, which isn't technically breaking the law, he says the weapons are so dangerous his officers pay a visit to the people involved.

We have large kitchen knives, axes, samurai swords, baseball bats, a huge number and different type of weapons
Superintendent Bob Hamilton

"We show the parents their pictures," he explained, "recover the weapons and make sure they know that behaviour is unacceptable.

"We have large kitchen knives, axes, samurai swords, baseball bats, a huge number and different type of weapons - in simple terms weapons that can kill."

Superintendent Hamilton says Operation Access has been a complete success.

"We've questioned more than 400 people, most of them teenagers, as part of it and it's worked so well it will carry on indefinitely," he said.

Other forces from across the UK have also been in touch about the possibility of setting up similar operations.

Social networking sites Facebook and Bebo both say they're committed to improving safety for their members as well as helping cut crime.
"We have large kitchen knives, axes, samurai swords, baseball bats, a huge number and different type of weapons - in simple terms weapons that can kill."

Looks like the Red Sox won't be playing any exhibition games in Scotland.
We should find there "social networking sites" and start a "recent acquisitions" thread there.

That'd make 'em poop their pants ! [laugh]

He he. That would be excellent.

And probably one of the most effective ways of showing how utterly asinine the British (and now the Scottish) have become.

He he - look at me holding my FAL with a bandolier around my shoulders, a Glock on my hip and an M4 shotgun slung on my back.
You morons can't even have a pen knife.
I just bought a Benchmade Rukus, great knife, if anyone is looking for larger folder with the axis lock.

edit: re: the original post - these people are clowns, but we should be wary, there are many who would prefer our country be the same.


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In 10 years I'm sure this will be the story.

Hundreds of fists have been taken off the streets of Glasgow six months after police started using the web to crack down on gang violence.

Young trainee officers at Strathclyde Police search social networking sites for pictures of people posing with fists.

Constable Holly McGee and Cadet Fraser Reed, both 18, carry out the work.

"We're looking for anyone who is brandishing offensive fist," Holly told Newsbeat.

"We take the date, the time, detail of what's in the photograph, [then] a copy of the photograph is printed out and thereafter it's all sent to the gangs task force unit."

That's when more experienced officers in the Violence Reduction Unit at Strathclyde Police get involved.

'The law's been broken'

The man in charge of this, Superintendent Bob Hamilton, says there are two ways of dealing with people once they've been tracked down.

If they were posing in a public place, like on the street or a park, the law has been broken and they'll be arrested.

Even when pictures are taken in private, though, which isn't technically breaking the law, he says the fists are so dangerous his officers pay a visit to the people involved.

We have large fists, knuckles, a huge number and different type and sizes of fists

Superintendent Bob Hamilton

"We show the parents their pictures," he explained, "recover the fists and make sure they know that behaviour is unacceptable. We have a staff surgeon on the team who can with a little local anesthesia safely and permanently remove the offending fist.

"We have large fists, knuckles, a huge number and different type and sizes of fists - in simple terms weapons that can kill."

Superintendent Hamilton says Operation Access has been a complete success.

"We've questioned more than 400 people, most of them teenagers, as part of it and it's worked so well it will carry on indefinitely," he said.

Other forces from across the UK have also been in touch about the possibility of setting up similar operations.

Social networking sites Facebook and Bebo both say they're committed to improving safety for their members as well as helping cut crime.
Sounds like they are taking a page out of Mass' book.

Next thing you know we will have to register knives and you can only carry a 1" blade or something foolish like that.
I just bought a Benchmade Rukus, great knife, if anyone is looking for larger folder with the axis lock.

edit: re: the original post - these people are clowns, but we should be wary, there are many who would prefer our country be the same.

Just don't take it into Worcester[grin]
I do not understand how some people can just allow themselves to be disarmed of means of defense, but for whittling down and legislating common sense in the first.
Here's my favorite song about Scotland.

No Gods and Prescious Few Heros

I was listening to the news the other day
I heard a fat politician who had the nerve to say
He was proud to be Scottish, by the way
With the glories of our past to remember
"Here's tae us, wha's like us", listen to the cry
No surrender to the truth and here's the reason why
The power and the glory's just another bloody lie
They use to keep us all in line

For there's no gods and there's precious few heroes
But there's plenty on the dole in the land o the leal
And it's time now to sweep the future clear
Of the lies of a past that we know was never real

Farewell to the heather in the glen
They cleared us off once and they'd do it all again
For they still prefer sheep to thinking men
Ah, but men who think like sheep are even better
There's nothing much to choose between the old laird and the new
They still don't give a damn for the likes of me and you
Just mind you pay your rent to the factor when it's due
And mind your bloody manners when you pay!

And tell me will we never hear the end
Of puir bluidy Charlie at Culloden yet again?
Though he ran like a rabbit down the glen
Leavin better folk than him to be butchered
Or are you sittin in your Council house, dreamin o your clan?
Waiting for the Jacobites to come and free the land?
Try going down the broo with your claymore in your hand
And count all the Princes in the queue!

So don't talk to me of Scotland the Brave
For if we don't fight soon there'll be nothing left to save
Or would you rather stand and watch them dig your grave
While you wait for the Tartan Messiah?
He'll lead us to the Promised Land with laughter in his eye
We'll all live on the oil and the whisky by and by
Free heavy beer! Pie suppers in the sky! -
Will we never have the sense to learn?

That there's no gods and there's precious few heroes
But there's plenty on the dole in the land o the leal
And I'm damned sure that there's plenty live in fear
Of the day we stand together with our shoulders at the wheel
Aye there's no Gods
Kind of unrelated, but I was on an Irish post office website trying to figure out some postage issues for a buyer on ebay when I saw that you are legally required to have a license to buy/own a television set. Is that insane or what?

Anyone familiar with this or other ridiculous laws/regulations? Those damn scottish soccer hooligans.
AM I reading this article right? They are going to peoples houses and confiscating legal cutlery from people who have broken no laws?

I mean... maybe they're leaving out some important fact like the person in question or their guardians are willingly handing over the items of interest... but from the way this article is written it sounds like they're just going door to door and confiscating legal blades from law abiding citizens.
Kind of unrelated, but I was on an Irish post office website trying to figure out some postage issues for a buyer on ebay when I saw that you are legally required to have a license to buy/own a television set. Is that insane or what?

Anyone familiar with this or other ridiculous laws/regulations? Those damn scottish soccer hooligans.

I think you'll find you need a license to recieve TV signals, not to own a TV...
The authorities in Scotland have lost their minds and the people have lost their spine for putting up with their shit.
when I saw that you are legally required to have a license to buy/own a television set

That's how they fund state operated television such as BBC. Since most receivers are also very weak transmitters, it's possible to run a "TV detection van" looking for houses that supposedly don't have any televisions.
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