Scotland cracks down on internet pictures of knives.

Kind of unrelated, but I was on an Irish post office website trying to figure out some postage issues for a buyer on ebay when I saw that you are legally required to have a license to buy/own a television set. Is that insane or what?

Anyone familiar with this or other ridiculous laws/regulations? Those damn scottish soccer hooligans.

Yes you do need a license to buy/own a TV in Ireland. The license is not really a license but more of a tax. You pay an extra fee when purchasing and then once a year afterwards as long as you own the TV. The tax goes to fund their public broadcasting channels. And just like tax evasion the TV cops do go around and try to find illegal tv sets in homes and you can go to jail for it or pay large fines.

We have the same thing in the US but nobody knows it because its calleed a Sales Tax or Income Tax. Either way the govt is taking your money to do something else with it.
Heres to you Scotland...


I can own an original Del Tin Braveheart sword here in America!
"We have large kitchen knives, axes, samurai swords, baseball bats, a huge number and different type of weapons - in simple terms weapons that can kill."

I know baseball is the American pastime, but really, is it that unsavory of a sport??? I mean, how would they like it if we tried to ban golf clubs?!
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I just bought a Benchmade Rukus, great knife, if anyone is looking for larger folder with the axis lock.

edit: re: the original post - these people are clowns, but we should be wary, there are many who would prefer our country be the same.

That is a sweet knife bro.

Bummer the jpeg didn't come with it. You'll have to go back to page one to see the original post with the picture.
Chris, they don;t deserve it anyway.

rickster58, I like it a lot, very easy to use. I have big hands so it fits me perfectly, the blade shape is great for delicate work to chopping.
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