Sad f***ing Day

Funny... I was just thinking about something similar yesterday. I was just getting back from an evening walk and came back to my house... where I have a flag pole and a large flag flying at all times (yes, it's lit with a spotlight).

I thought about it and was wondering if it made my house a target and I actually said something to my wife about wondering the flag would be vandalized/stolen because of all the BS going on right now.
Sadly, that happens.
Sounds like your acquaintance is a little puppy who just got his nosed pushed into the crap of the logical conclusion of his own beliefs. Hope you enlightened him to the fact that he has been the breeding ground and food source for the crap-spewing contagion coming home to roost.

Funny, I was thinking the same thing. He got butt hurt by the very same people he professes to support and be with.
I'd have responded with "If I wanted your opinion, I'd have given it to you.".

I'm a people person.
I used to say "If I wanted sh!t from you I'd squeeze your head." Need to use that one more often.
Reminds me I need a new pole for my American flags.
I bought a wooden flag for outside wall mounting from a member who's sons were making them. Needs mounting on my porch.
Why do you guys have all the fun? I've had stickers on my trucks since day one. Never any shit from anyone. Jack.
I have an '01 jeep Cherokee, canary yellow, with the Gadsden snake and "Don't tread on me" on the hood, American and POW flags flying from the back of the roof rack, and assorted "Tyranny" and GOAL and COEXIST (the gun one) stickers on the rear windshield. Well, the stickers were there until I backed into a concrete filled steel bolster and taco'd the hatch. But the flags ARE there. And a 130db train horn. She is NOT subtle. No one ever says anything to me and I drove her all over Chelmsford and Westford for several years before moving to America. In Tennessee.

So far the only sticker on my truck here is one that says "People who disrespect the flag have never been handed a folded one". Oh, and I have an actual Gadsden license plate. Worth every f-cking penny.

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I would call him a moderate Liberal. While not hardcore he believes in most of the talking points to some extent. He doesn't push it in your face but if you ask him he will tell you where he stands. He was upset because even he does not believe the Flag to be a symbol of hate. While not an anti he makes no bones that firearms are not for him. He kept saying he couldn't believe it happened and he didn't understand why. He said it's not like I have an NRA sticker on my car, and pointed to the sticker on my truck, that could be considered a hate symbol.

Location was Market Basket in Westford on 110.
That explains it. He thought because he is sympathetic lefty(ish) they would eat him last.
None taken, not sure what was going on with her though, I was on one of the back roads going about 25mph minding my own business, firmly in my lane.
Like most normal folks.
But wayyyyyy too many idiots are doing all kinds of stupid shit while they're supposed to be driving, my guess is she is one of those types.
You and I have to drive our vehicles in defensive mode at all times because of these morons .
That's also why it's very unlikely that I'll ever ride motorcycles again.
I've had two, too many close calls already, years ago, wayyyy before cell phones and all the modern day distractions.
A couple of things occurred today to make this a sad day.

My friend Doug came over to the house for lunch and he relayed the story of how he had just come from the Market Basket and a lady accosted him in the parking lot because he had an American Flag sticker on his car window. She screamed at him about how dare he openly display and support a symbol of hate and called him all the usual names. He was visibly shaken up and disturbed.

After he left I went out in the driveway and did something I have been thinking about for a long time. I got out the razor blade and scraped the GOAL sticker off the side window of my truck and scraped the NRA sticker off the rear window. I carry all the time and can't afford have some bozo swat me because of the stickers on my truck. Very sad day. I have had an NRA sticker on every truck I have owned since I was 18 years old.

WTF is the world coming to. Never thought I'd see this shit in my lifetime.

If I were your friend, I'd have grabbed my crotch and told the lady to suck it for all she's worth, then asked her "Whats the matter lady, you don't have a husband at home to abuse?"
Wow - that is a sad day indeed. Hoping that the reaction is the exception rather than the norm; guess we will see

I don't have any firearm related stickers on my car for much the same reason

I was reflecting with my wife not too long ago, that 19 years ago after September 11, it was rare to find a house not flying an American flag and it took months to find one if you needed another - a country unified under its flag and the patriotism behind it. Hoping we aren't heading toward unifying over hate of that same flag :(
Here's something to think about . . .

I just got the Harbor Freight monthly flier and they have discounted sewn American Flags. In tiny print at the bottom of the coupon it says Not Available in MN!! Where did all this shit start? Minneapolis, MN!!

I think that there is a message there.
I would call him a moderate Liberal. While not hardcore he believes in most of the talking points to some extent. He doesn't push it in your face but if you ask him he will tell you where he stands. He was upset because even he does not believe the Flag to be a symbol of hate. While not an anti he makes no bones that firearms are not for him. He kept saying he couldn't believe it happened and he didn't understand why. He said it's not like I have an NRA sticker on my car, and pointed to the sticker on my truck, that could be considered a hate symbol.

Location was Market Basket in Westford on 110.

Get New Friends. Moderates are worse than leftist because they aren't even man enough to pick a side. The "I just want to get along crowd". No friend of mine would have been to afraid to stand up for himself in that situation. Tired of conservatives being too afraid to stand up to these people. Its our fault things have gotten so bad. Put your stickers back.
I would have calmly manuevered her to the side of my truck and remote started. 6.2 with Borla ATAK and watch her P her pants. Even I think it's obnoxious.
Location was Market Basket in Westford on 110.
I will be showing up there with my Red Rav4 with Vet plates, a SIG sticker and a Betsy Ross flag sticker and Trump/Pence 2020 make liberals cry again. I hope that bitch is there, I've had anti-Obama and pro Trump stickers and never been accosted. I'm not happy about it either.
Here's something to think about . . .

I just got the Harbor Freight monthly flier and they have discounted sewn American Flags. In tiny print at the bottom of the coupon it says Not Available in MN!! Where did all this shit start? Minneapolis, MN!!

I think that there is a message there.
I think that might have to do with the fact it's made in China. Some states, but I think mostly towns have vowed not to use flags made in other countries. Especially China.
If you don't live in a liberal shithole the gun stickers only strike up conversations with other gun owners. I've had a USMC Shooting team and 20" AR15 sticker that says on my truck for 10 years now. No liberal has "accosted" me or damaged my truck, but then again I don't live in a liberal shithole.
If you don't live in a liberal shithole the gun stickers only strike up conversations with other gun owners. I've had a USMC Shooting team and 20" AR15 sticker that says on my truck for 10 years now. No liberal has "accosted" me or damaged my truck, but then again I don't live in a liberal shithole.

I met my best friend from college in a similar way. A guy I sat next to in a marketing class had an AR sticker on his laptop. Asked him if he shot. Yup. We ended up founding a shooting club in college and I stayed at his place over one summer while I interned at the NH Supreme Court. We're still pretty tight.
A couple of things occurred today to make this a sad day.

My friend Doug came over to the house for lunch and he relayed the story of how he had just come from the Market Basket and a lady accosted him in the parking lot because he had an American Flag sticker on his car window. She screamed at him about how dare he openly display and support a symbol of hate and called him all the usual names. He was visibly shaken up and disturbed.

After he left I went out in the driveway and did something I have been thinking about for a long time. I got out the razor blade and scraped the GOAL sticker off the side window of my truck and scraped the NRA sticker off the rear window. I carry all the time and can't afford have some bozo swat me because of the stickers on my truck. Very sad day. I have had an NRA sticker on every truck I have owned since I was 18 years old.

WTF is the world coming to. Never thought I'd see this shit in my lifetime.

Not a good idea to have those stickers on there in the first place.


You might as well open carry when you drive with gun stickers on your vehicle.

Put them on your workbench, or tool box.
People really need to learn to have fun with life and those in it.

I was parked in front of a house in Beverly farms a few years ago putting some stuff away when I was approached by some earthy crunchy dirty hippy type who started lipping off about people like me destroying the planet and nature and stuff.
(Exterminator truck )
I just stared at him for a minute or two and then took off my hat , tossed it on the front seat and started to take off my jacket while saying ..
"Damn and I thought parole was going to work out this time .. till I ran into you. "
He unassed the area faster than he came .
The moments that make life worth living [smile]
I can't imagine anyone getting uppity due to the American Flag. That's just bonkers. I'd have told her to get out of my face (or worse). Right now all I've got is that, or "Oh yeah?" I've gotta start practicing my response for if/when this ever happens to me. I have Gadsden flag front plate and rear window stickers. Gotta get some stars & stripes now.
people getting bold for a lot of BS topics lately
Last week had a woman stop and bitch at me for walking my dog the "wrong" way on a very tight back road - she was speeding around a blind corner and was surprised when she saw me. I heard her coming and had moved to the shoulder with the dog. I was nice enough not to tell her to Eff-off. I was more concerned with my new dog who was very unnerved by the experienced (she is full of scars from prior abuse)

Few weeks prior a woman followed me home to tell me I was a jerk for riding my bike when she had to go to work as an essential worker - again should have told her to screw but she lives up the road (and she was scared shitless driving her husbands truck thinking she was going to hit me).

I am definitely losing my patience with people who want to stop and lecture me. both stories seemed to be related by a Karen...interesting that women all of a sudden think they’ve grown some balls..OP..put the stickers back and tell your friend to learn to non violently stand up for himself. If Karen’s are getting hostile just tell them politely to make you a sandwich and walk away..
Imagine how triggered she would have been if she spotted this guy in the MB parking lot.

You people lack forethought what you need to do is listen quietly to her brow beating then when she's done just say" You do realize I know where you live and when your home alone and I'll be visiting you later" then wave like a liberal. I can guarantee she will never speak to a stranger again.
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