s.o.g knives

Like you I beat the crap out of knives, so I decided to only carry cheap knives at work, I really like the dewalt folder, nice thick blade and good grip at a very reasonable 15$

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My beater knife is a Cold Steel Recon 1, I litterally beat the shit out of this knife and it doesnt fail. The locking mechanism is solid, the steel gets dinged up from hard use but it sharpens very easy.
So I bought an s.o.g knife the other day because I needed a new one for work and I figured maybe just maybe if I pay more than 10 bucks I won't lose it. I like Robert Lee emery I know he used to be part of the add machine for s.o.g so I figured if he was on board they were up to snuff. I know his other major add is glock and I like those lol. Plus I didn't feel like going to a specialty place to look for a high end blade.

I'm not a taticool operator I just need a knife for boxes small holes in sheet rock. To open locked doors and etc. So I bought it Saturday and it felt kinda light and cheap almost to me but it's sharp as hell so I'm okay with it I guess didn't get a good vibe but I pressed it into device monday. Tried unscrewing a torqx head screw didn't suceed but I managed to gauge the blade. Which to me is strike 1 I didn't use a lot of force and the blade gauged so I don't like that. Then I used it to make some holes in the ceiling tiles. Obviously dust got into the locking mechanism and what not. But now the blade grinds and sticks.
My 20 dollar Dewalt knife was a tank until I snapped the blade trying to pry into a door. But does anyone else have an s.o.g am I just expecting to much. I know I should've researched them better but I was kinda in a hurry so I just grabbed an expensive one I've heard of. Also I grabbed the flash two I think not the one they claimed the seals used. So did I buy a cheap pos. Is what I'm asking I guess

I've got a flashback I'm going on two years with and I use it daily and beat the shit out of it, sharpen it every couple months I guess. Been fine. Also have a seal pup that's been solid.

edit: With the flashback, and this goes for any knife I buy really, I took it apart, ripped out the safety, and lock tighted all the screws that hold it together.
Yes, you did. The seal pup is their only offering you can trust.

+1 one on the seal pup. It looked real cool on my body armor in Iraq even if all it did was open MREs. It is a solid little knife.
For pocket carry I usually have my Benchmade Mini Rukus auto opener or one of my CRKT knives.
My beater knife is a Cold Steel Recon 1, I litterally beat the shit out of this knife and it doesnt fail. The locking mechanism is solid, the steel gets dinged up from hard use but it sharpens very easy.
i have a cold steel folding tanto that i carry for self defense only, it seems to be the sharpest knife i have, but could not verify as i never cut anything with it yet.
I think I am going to try a Leatherman soon. I always had this thing about them when I was younger I thought they were for old guys lol. Guess I just don't want to admit I'm old yet.

For what you are doing, buy the multitool and don't look back. My old Leatherman Wave is one of the most useful things I own.
Leatherman is on the list then. I'll probably use it and feel like a stubborn fool for not getting one sooner.

As for the blades I loved my 20 dollar dewalt. The thing is I lost it and I kept losing it because it was cheap. So that's why I tried expensive.

I have a flash 2 and I'm not disappointed with the knife per se. I just thought at the price point I'd be getting something better than what I got.
For a leatherman, try the MUT. It's got a pocket clip, and while bulkier than a folder, it can be put in the front pocket like one. The main clip point blade is on the outside, so you don't have to open the whole tool to get at it. A bunch of other practical shit on it, including a spot to use as a hammer, a key ring clip and a bottle opener[smile]

i have a cold steel folding tanto that i carry for self defense only, it seems to be the sharpest knife i have, but could not verify as i never cut anything with it yet.
Out of the box its deadly sharp, the steel gets beat up with hard use but is very easy to get razor sharp again with minimal sharpening. I have the Tanto serrated and it's a badass defensive weapon, I really like it for a beater.
I went with a Gerber tanto because it was on clearance feels nice the locking mechanism doesn't suck and I bought a cheap s+w multi tool for now to see if I like them I ended up 5 bucks over the s.o.g so maybe I'll like this getup better
If I tried using all my tools for purposes they weren't intended for I'd probably think they all sucked. Instead of using your folding knife to unscrew things and cut ceiling tiles try using something that is designed for those tasks.

With that said the only SOG knife I have is a Twitch II. I'm not a spring assist fan or back lock fan in general, but it's okay. What I don't like is the amount of blade play it has. It's awful.
Sorry to take this out on you but jabbing a 1 in hole into a ceiling tile is not asking too much of my knife. Seriously what am I supposed to do with the thing only cut tape. What is the point of that I can just get a razor blade for that. Now as for the screw yeah I don't expect my knife to do that full time but it was a small torx head that I would have had to spend 20 min rummaging through my crap to find. I'm not mad the knife didn't get the screw out but cheaper knives I've owned I've done the same thing in a pinch and haven't dinged up my blade. I was just more shocked that a more expensive piece of equipment performed poorly in comparison.
But cutting crap and getting gunk into your knife happens nicks in the blade happen. I just didn't expect them to happen the first time I used it. I'm just shocked that something geared to be "battle tested" and "tough enough for navy seals" sucked that bad after I tried to undo one screw and put 7 small holes in ceiling tiles. Yes I know the screw isn't what the tool is meant for but linesmans aren't suppose to be a hammer. Scissors aren't supposed to be pliers. Flatheads aren't meant to be driven through the tops of metal studs. But s**t happens and once in a while you have to improvise. I've broken all kinds of tools and have no major gripes because for the most part I've beaten the piss out of them except for an 18v Milwaukee that crapped the bed when I was drilling a hole through plywood I have no godly image that I don't use tools hard. I just expected something that claims it's "rugged" to put up with a little more abuse than one day of half assed service. So please cool it with the "that's not how it's supposed to be used". I know I get that I'm not looking for a life lesson on how I should baby my knives to make them last. It was bought to be a beater that I just spent more money on because I thought it was a higher quality than the cheap ones I'm used to buying. And I wanted to see if spending more money on it meant I'd hold onto it longer than a few months because that's what I normally do.

Again not directed at you per se it's just been a long week and I know i used it for the not recommended use. It was just an observation that it wasn't very durable in comparison to cheaper ones that I put through the same abuse.
Folding knives are not built to withstand lateral or twisting force. All the pressure is being put on the locking mechanism. With enough abuse, it's only a matter of time before that locking mechanism fails. Get a fixed blade with a full tang. You can beat the crap out of it as much as you want. I carry a "three finger" knife, the ESEE Candiru with a kydex sheath. It fits in my pocket just as well as a folder. I've used it to pry, baton wood and turn screws. It looks like hell now but it's withstood a lot. Alternatively, stick to your beater knives and put them through the ringer.

SOG knives are known to be fine tuned. Dust and grime will foul up the locking mechanism. I had a SOG Aegis and I carried it for about a year before the blade started wobbling.
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