Run-in With A Stupid Person


Retired Zoomie
NES Life Member
NES Member
Apr 29, 2005
Western Mass
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A fellow member of another firearms forum posted this message recently:

Talking Stupid People : Front Line Report
I went to the Grocery Store. Excuse me sir, do you have four quarters for a dollar? My son wants to ride the carousel...

Handsome young man wanted to ride the horses. Sure I have change, saves the mom from having to go inside the grocery store. The young man even said "thank you mister".

So as he goes around he is playing "cowboy", pointing his finger " and shooting the BGs behind him...seems he was being chased.

Hey, I understand, I was Three once and them BGs do come up from behind.

"That is totally unacceptable! How dare you raise a child that way!" "Guns are bad don't you know anything?'

I put out my cigarette, I was just taking in the kid having fun, shooting BGs, and observing a mom and son moment.

Mom replied -" None of YOUR business how I raise my son - now is it?"

Then Busybody got in my face, what are you doing robbing the cradle so young and having a child by a Communist?"

Oh Goody! I am now officially involved.

'Ma'am I usually am respectful of folks, in the event I forget my manners, I don't plan on apologizing, you understand?

"I just met this lady a few moments ago, she asked for change for a dollar. It makes no nevermind to me what Race, Creed, or anything else she is. She is a human being and she has rights. Furthermore it seems she is raising her kid just fine, letting him be a kid. He has that right too."

Mom interjects- " I am an American by birth, and Air Force Brat whose parents are American [Scotch- Irish father] and German on Moms' side. I am a Medical Doctor, in attendence for a few days for a conference, I do Orthopedic Surgery".

Hey, I'm impressed! I stick another quarter in , let the kid be a kid...

BusyBody- "I'm going to call the Police".

I suggest she just go inside and get store security, then again this store's Security Guards do carry sidearms. I had to mention that twice just for good measure and all. The Dr. had to turn to hide laughter...

Seems Busybody was in such a hurry to meddle, when she pulled up , she left her car door open, keys in ignition, and purse on seat, that is where her cell- phone was.

'Ma'am, as a Medical Professional, perhaps I should call a family member".

"What for?, Nobody is home today..." Busybody replies.

"Then perhaps I should call the Police, it is obvious you are not stable and off your meds. Not stable enough to be operating a car. To leave a vehicle with door open, keys in ignition, and purse for anyone to steal, is not very responsible now is it?".

Busy body " Then why don't you fuss at him [me] for smoking?"

Dr. "None of my damn business, besides I smoke sometimes myself after a long surgery...not all the time, but I do".

Kid is going around and around, he has gotten the BGs off "his tail", now he has to ride up ahead to find more BGs...

Busybody storms to her car, slams the door, and almost backs into a car passing behind her. Leaves the premises.

The kid gets another turn...

Dr. and I visit. Seems it is no big deal for her husband and son to come along on these conferences. Soon enough - with him getting older, attending school and all it will be more difficult.
Being an Air Force brat , she really appreciates family time, and being together.

Come to find out she and her husband shoot, live in a nearby state. Implied was CCW and recipriocostiy of respective states.

"You know in TX we can shoot folks at night stealing property. Maybe I need to get the legislation ball rolling to shoot folks being stupid and meddling in broad daylight." She said. We were laughing about our joke and attitudes.

We figured though a good idea, gonna take a lot of ammo in the beginning stages to get things sorted out.

Busybody dropped her grocery list we noticed. Mostly Frozen TV dinners with coupons...
Now that might be worth doing a study on to see the effects of TV dinners and Stupidty in Society.

"Mom...that lady was sick wasn't she?"

Who says a three year old is not observant?.

Not to take away from this story. And I'm sure that it's posted somewhere else.

But I was in a Toy Store the other day. I asked if they carried those metal roll cap, cowboy cap guns.

I got this horrible look, she said, "You can't have those. They aren't nice to play with. Why in the world would you want something like that?"

I said, "So a kid can dress up as a cowboy. I didn't know that all of a sudden it was bad for a kid to dress up at halloween as a cowboy."

I didn't tell her that they were for me. Being that I can't really dress up and carry real guns.

But she was very upset, and started telling me about the No Tollerance rules in schools and the like.

I just walked out.

Good news after searching for a month or so...I found them in that Mall at Wapole, at the KB Toys there.
C-pher said:
But she was very upset, and started telling me about the No Tollerance rules in schools and the like.

I just walked out.

Being the troublemaker I am, I'd have complained to the manager that I didn't appreciate getting a lecture when all I wanted was to buy a toy. Bet that would have gotten his attention.

Sorry if I've told this one before but it's in the same vein:

Before the Sports Authority in Woburn stopped selling rifles and shotguns a few months back Patrick and I went in there. There was a shotgun he wanted to handle so the kid checked his "FID" (yeah we have FIDs didn't you know?) and handed Patrick the gun. Patrick turned to a safe direction, checked the sights and tried the action.

The kid looks at me, rolls his eyes apologetically at me, letting me know he feels my pain that I'm with a nutcase gun guy. My response was to say, "honey, I'd like to check it out too in case you buy it and I ever want to use it." I pulled out my LTC, tossed it at the kid and played with the gun even more enthusiastically than Patrick had been...

Stupid judgmental prick. I figured actions speak louder than words.
SiameseRat said:
The kid looks at me, rolls his eyes apologetically at me, letting me know he feels my pain that I'm with a nutcase gun guy. My response was to say, "honey, I'd like to check it out too in case you buy it and I ever want to use it." I pulled out my LTC, tossed it at the kid and played with the gun even more enthusiastically than Patrick had been...

When I meet Patrick Sunday, I really need to let him know what a lucky guy he is...
dwarven1 said:
SiameseRat said:
The kid looks at me, rolls his eyes apologetically at me, letting me know he feels my pain that I'm with a nutcase gun guy. My response was to say, "honey, I'd like to check it out too in case you buy it and I ever want to use it." I pulled out my LTC, tossed it at the kid and played with the gun even more enthusiastically than Patrick had been...

When I meet Patrick Sunday, I really need to let him know what a lucky guy he is...

Awww Ross you're making me blush [oops]
FPrice said:
Hey Ross! Nice pic.


It's from a convention badge I had made... OMG. Copyright date on Mr Braun's artwork is 1981... 24 years ago.

My, how time sneaks up and buggers you when you're not looking.
SiameseRat said:
Sorry if I've told this one before but it's in the same vein:

Before the Sports Authority in Woburn stopped selling rifles and shotguns a few months back Patrick and I went in there. There was a shotgun he wanted to handle so the kid checked his "FID" (yeah we have FIDs didn't you know?) and handed Patrick the gun. Patrick turned to a safe direction, checked the sights and tried the action.

The kid looks at me, rolls his eyes apologetically at me, letting me know he feels my pain that I'm with a nutcase gun guy. My response was to say, "honey, I'd like to check it out too in case you buy it and I ever want to use it." I pulled out my LTC, tossed it at the kid and played with the gun even more enthusiastically than Patrick had been...

Stupid judgmental prick. I figured actions speak louder than words.

You're a woman after my own heart, SR. I would have done the exact same thing.

There was one time when we were at a function for the org that Ed belongs to. One of the other members said something to Ed about "gun classes" and his wife looked horrified. She didn't say anything to him but looked at me with an expression of sympathy. I just smiled and let it pass. A couple minutes later, as they were still talking, she leaned over and asked me quietly if having guns inthe home bothered me. I smiled and said, "Oh goodness no. Infact, I'm a better shot than Ed is, and I'm an instructor too." I almost had to get her some smelling salts.
Lynne said:
There was one time when we were at a function for the org that Ed belongs to. One of the other members said something to Ed about "gun classes" and his wife looked horrified. She didn't say anything to him but looked at me with an expression of sympathy. I just smiled and let it pass. A couple minutes later, as they were still talking, she leaned over and asked me quietly if having guns inthe home bothered me. I smiled and said, "Oh goodness no. Infact, I'm a better shot than Ed is, and I'm an instructor too." I almost had to get her some smelling salts.

You could have said to her "No, Ed doesn't mind my guns at all!" [twisted] [twisted] [twisted]
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